5. Не успела мисс »Бетси узнать, что у миссис Копперфильд родился сын, как она уехала из дому. 6. Когда я ее видел в последний раз, она казалась очень счастливой. Она только, что получила письмо от брата, который вернулся с Севера, где он пробыл долгое время. 7. Я не пробыл и пяти минут в комнате, как дверь отворилась и она вошла. 8. Оливер пробыл в стенах работного дома не более четверти часа и едва успел покончить со вторым ломтем хлеба, как мистер Бамбль вернулся и объявил, что мальчик должен немедленно предстать перед советом. 9. Когда мы приехали в санаторий, мы прежде всего пошли к морю.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
5. No sooner had Miss Betsy "know that Mrs Copperfield was born a son, as she left the House. 6. When I saw it the last time, she seemed very happy. It's just that received a letter from his brother, who returned from the North, where he stayed for a long time. 7. I don't spent five minutes in the room as the door opened and she walked. 8. Oliver stayed in the rabotnogo home no more than a quarter of an hour and barely had time to do away with the second slice of bread, as Mr Bambl′ came back and announced that the boy must immediately be brought before the Council. 9. When we arrived at the hotel, we went to the sea.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
5. Do not have time to miss "Betsy learn that Mrs. Copperfield son was born, she left the house. 6. When I saw her for the last time, she seemed very happy. She just had a letter from his brother, who had returned from the North, where he stayed for a long time. 7. I spent five minutes in the room, the door opened and she came. 8. Oliver stayed in the walls of the workhouse a quarter of an hour and barely had time to do away with the second slice of bread, as Mr. Bumble returned and announced that the boy should immediately appear before the council. 9. When we arrived at the resort, we first went to sea.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
5. Don't miss the "Betsy learn that Mrs autobiography born son, as she had left the home. 6. When I saw in the last time, it seemed very happy. It was only that, had received a letter from his brother,Who has returned from the North, where he spent a long time. 7. I am not staying and five minutes in the room, as the door lying and she joined. 8.Oliver he stayed in the walls o at home not more than one-quarter hour and had hardly put an end to the second ломтем bread, such as mister Бамбль returned and announced that the boy should immediately be brought to the Council. 9.When we arrived in the sanatorium, we first of all went to the sea.
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