Rob and Neil discussed first stranded in space by Alexei Leonov. Rob s перевод - Rob and Neil discussed first stranded in space by Alexei Leonov. Rob s английский как сказать

Rob and Neil discussed first strand

Rob and Neil discussed first stranded in space by Alexei Leonov. Rob said that It would have felt like nothing on earth – and that’s to say, very strange indeed. He was the first person to experience the unknown territory what wasn't plain sailing . Далее Хелен Шерман рассказывает как Леонов had presence of mind with oxygen starvation. Neil подметил что он бы не справился с такой ситуацией и впал бы в панику.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Rob and Neil discussed first stranded in space by Alexei Leonov. Rob said that It would have felt like nothing on earth-and that's to say, very strange indeed. He was the first person to experience the unknown territory what wasn't plain sailing. Next Helen Sherman tells how Leonov had presence of mind with oxygen freedom from starvation. Neil noticed that he would not have coped with this situation and would have fallen into a panic.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Rob and Neil discussed first stranded in space by Alexei Leonov. Rob said that It would have felt like nothing on earth - and that's to say, very strange indeed. He was the first person to experience the unknown territory what was not plain sailing. Then Helen Sherman said Leon had presence of mind with oxygen starvation. Neil noticed that he could not cope with such a situation and would have panicked.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
rob and neil discussed first stranded in space by ben Leonov. rob said that it would have felt like nothing on earth - and that "s to say, very strange indeed. he was the first person to experience the unknown territory, but wasn"t plain sailing. further, helen sherman tells how leonov had presence of mind and starvation on struggles. neil said that he could not do it with this situation and is in a panic.
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