Нам нужно, чтобы API работало корректно, то мы можем постараться проверить и отдать версию во вторник. Разработчик все еще занят, сейчас я не могу сказать, когда он сможет начать. Я буду обсуждать это во вторник с руководителем.
We need the API correctly, then we can try to verify and pay version Tuesday.The developer is still busy, I now can't say when it will start. I will discuss this in with the leader Tuesday.
We need to have the API to work properly, then we can try to check and give the version on Tuesday. The developer is still busy, now I can not say when he would be able to start. I will discuss it with the head on Tuesday.
we need to api works correctly, we can try to check and give the version on tuesday.the developer is still busy now, i can"t tell you when he can start. i"ll discuss this on tuesday with the head.