Фильму «Фокус-покус» уже более двадцати лет. Сюжет этого фильма доволь перевод - Фильму «Фокус-покус» уже более двадцати лет. Сюжет этого фильма доволь английский как сказать

Фильму «Фокус-покус» уже более двад

Фильму «Фокус-покус» уже более двадцати лет. Сюжет этого фильма довольно прост, однако от этого он не становится менее интересным. А для 1993 года фильм очень хорош: и сценарий, и работа актеров, и саундтреки, и даже спецэффекты!
Хэллоуин – праздник не нашей страны, но мы с радостью берем атрибутику этого праздника и веселимся в своё удовольствие. Тыквы, свечи и огни, мётлы, остроконечные шляпы, привидения и зомби, вампиры и ведьмы, чёрные кошки, гробы и могилы, пауки и летучие мыши – в общем всё, что в обычный день вызывает дрожь, в этот день мы воспринимаем с восторгом и забавой.
В фильме отлично показано как было принято праздновать Хэллоуин: люди наряжаются в костюмы и ходят от дома к дому, выпрашивая сладости, говоря фразу «сладость или гадость». Одна из главных героинь, рассказывает немного об истории праздника: «Halloween is based on the ancient feast called All Hallows’ Eve. It’s the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to Earth». И пусть сейчас, спустя 23 года, традиции и атрибутика стали более современными, появилось больше разнообразия в костюмах и украшениях для дома, тем не менее, при просмотре этого фильма очень хочется побывать в англоязычной стране 31 октября, в канун Дня всех святых.
События в данном фильме происходят в городке Салем в канун дня всех святых. Именно в этом городе 300 лет назад были повешены три ведьмы – сестры Сандерсон. Их казнили за то, что они крали детей и высасывали из них души. Их жилище превратили в музей салемских ведьм.
Поверье, гласившее что свеча, зажжённая девственником в канун дня всех святых, вернёт ведьм к жизни на одну ночь, сбывается, когда «свечу с чёрным пламенем» зажигает Макс, который считал, что это - «всего лишь дешёвый фокус-покус». Ведьмы воскрешаются на одну ночь, у них есть время до рассвета, чтобы высосать жизнь из всех детишек в городе, но для этого им нужно вернуть книгу, которую у них украла Дэни - младшая сестра Макса. Ведьмы привыкают к современной жизни, электроприборам, телефонам и прочему, и творят всякие пакости, забывая о своей главной задаче. И вот, Макс, его подружка Эллисон и сестра, сжигают ведьм в печи. Но ведьмы возвращаются по трубе обратно, и приступают к делу. Три сестры-ведьмы крадут книгу и сестру Макса, но Эллисон и Макс спасают Дэни, а сестры с рассветом обращаются в прах.
В общем, фильм семейный, добрый, смешной, при этом мистический, но не пугающий. Можно приятно провести время за просмотром этого фильма как взрослым, так и детям.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The film "hocus pocus" for over twenty years. The plot of this film is quite simple, but it becomes less interesting. And for the 1993 film very good: and the script and the actors and soundtracks, and even special effects!Halloween is a celebration not of our country, but we will happily take attributes this holiday and play for fun. Pumpkins, candles and lamps, brooms, pointed hats, ghosts and zombies, vampires and witches, black cats, coffins and graves, spiders and bats are in general everything that a normal day causes a shiver, that day we perceive with delight and fun.In the film perfectly demonstrates how celebrate Halloween was made: people dress up in costumes and go from House to House, begging for sweets, saying the phrase "sweetness or muck. One of the main heroines, tells a little about the history of the holiday: "Halloween is based on the ancient feast called All Hallows ' Eve. It's the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to Earth. And let them now, after 23 years, tradition and attributes become more modern, more diversity in the costumes and decorations for the home, however, while watching this movie I'd like to visit an English-speaking country on October 31, the eve of all Saints Day.The events of this movie take place in the town of Salem on the eve of all Saints Day. It was in this city 300 years ago were hanged three witches Sanderson sisters. They were executed for what they stole children and suck out ones soul. Their home was turned into a Museum of salemskih witches. Legend stated that candle, kindled a Virgin in the eve of all Saints Day, return of the witch back to life for one night, comes true when "black flame candle lights Max, who believed that it is" just a cheap hocus pocus. " Witches are re-animated for one night, they have time till dawn to suck the life out of all the kids in town, but for this they need to return the book, which they stole Dany-younger sister of Max. Witches get used to modern life, appliances, telephones and so on, and do all sorts of dirty tricks, forgetting about its primary task. And here, Max, his girlfriend Allison and sister witches burnt in a furnace. But witches return pipe back, and start business. Three sisters witches steal a book and sister of Max, but Max and Allison save Dani and sisters dawn turn to dust.In General, family movie, kind, funny, with a mystical, but not frightening. You can spend your time watching this movie for both adults and children.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The film "Hocus Pocus," for more than twenty years. The plot of this movie is quite simple, but from this it does not become less interesting. And in 1993 the film is very good: and the script, and the work of the actors, and soundtracks, and even special effects!
Halloween - the holiday is not our country, but we are happy to take the attributes of this holiday and have fun at your pleasure. Pumpkins, candles and lights, brooms, pointed hats, ghosts and zombies, vampires and witches, black cats, tombs and graves, spiders and bats - in short everything that causes trembling in a typical day, the day we perceive with delight and fun.
The film shows how great it was decided to celebrate Halloween, people dress up in costumes and go from house to house begging for candy, saying the phrase "sweet or nasty." One of the main characters, tells a bit about the history of the holiday: «Halloween is based on the ancient feast called All Hallows' Eve. It's the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to Earth ». And even now, 23 years later, the tradition and attributes have become more advanced, there was more variety in the costumes and decorations for the home, however, when viewing this film really want to go to an English speaking country on October 31 on the eve of All Saints' Day.
Events in this film is set in the town of Salem on the eve of all saints. It is in this city 300 years ago were hanged three witches - Sanderson sisters. They were executed because they steal children and sucked the soul out of them. Their home was turned into a Salem Witch Museum.
Believe me, cases holding that candle, lit a virgin on the eve of All Saints, returns witches to life for one night, it comes true when the "candle with a black flame" lights Max, who believed it - "all only cheap hocus-pocus. " Witch resurrected for one night, they have until dawn to suck the life out of all the kids in town, but for this they need to return the book, which they stole Dany - younger sister of Max. Witches are getting used to modern life, electrical appliances, phones and other things, and they do all sorts of nasty things, forgetting about its main task. So, Max, his girlfriend and sister Allison, burning of witches in the oven. But witches are returned through the pipe back, and get down to business. Three sisters witches steal the book, and the sister of Max, but Allison and Max save Danny, and sister dawn turning into dust.
In general, the film family, kind, funny, and the mystical, but not frightening. You can spend your time watching this movie for both adults and children.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the movie "focus покус» for over 20 years. the plot of this film is quite simple, but it becomes less interesting. in 1993, the film is very good, and the script, the actors, and soundtracks, and even special effects!halloween is a holiday in our country, but we"d be happy to take. this holiday season and having some fun. pumpkins, candles and lamps"s broom, pointed hat, ghosts and zombies, vampires and witches, black cats, coffins and graves, spiders and bats, so everything in the ordinary day is shivering, on this day we perceive with enthusiasm and fun.in the film, shown as was the custom to celebrate halloween, people dress up in costumes and go from house to house, asking for treats, saying the phrase "trick or treating. one of the main characters, tells a little about the history of halloween celebration, "is based on the ancient feast called all hallows" eve. it"s the one night of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to Earth». and so now, after 23 years, traditions and symbols have become more modern, greater diversity in costumes and decorations for the home, however, while watching this film i want to go to english speaking country on 31 october, on the eve of all saints" day.the events in this film are in the town of salem on the eve of all saints" day. it is in this city, 300 years ago, the three witches were hanged, sister sanderson. they were executed because they steal children and fed on their souls. their house had been turned into a museum салемских witches.according to legend, that candle, зажжённая virgin on the eve of all saints" day, the witch back to life for one night, that is, when the candle on black пламенем» "max, who believed that it was the "only a cheap trick - покус». the воскрешаются in one night, they have till dawn to suck the life out of all the kids in town, but they need to return the book which they stole danny - younger sister of max. the witches are able to adapt to modern life, электроприборам, phones and stuff, and do all kinds of tricks, mindful of its primary task. so, max, his girlfriend allison and sister, the witch burning in the furnace. but the witch returned back, and proceed to business. three sisters - the witch"s book and the sister of max, but allison and max and danny, and the sisters" turn to dust.in general, the film family, kind, funny, the mystical, but not disturbing. you can enjoy your time watching this movie as adults and children.
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