А́лан Си́дни Па́трик Ри́кман- британский актёр театра и кино, актёр оз перевод - А́лан Си́дни Па́трик Ри́кман- британский актёр театра и кино, актёр оз английский как сказать

А́лан Си́дни Па́трик Ри́кман- брита

А́лан Си́дни Па́трик Ри́кман- британский актёр театра и кино, актёр озвучивания, режиссёр. Лауреат премий «Золотой глобус», «Эмми», BAFTA.
Алан Рикман родился 21 февраля 1946 года в Хаммерсмите (Лондон) в семье Маргарет Дорин Роуз , домохозяйки, и Бернарда Рикмана, рабочего фабрики.
У Рикмана есть старший брат Дэвид (р. 1944) — графический дизайнер, младший брат Майкл (р. 1947) — тренер по теннису, и младшая сестра Шейла (р. 1949)[6][7].

Когда Алану было восемь лет, его отец умер от рака легких, и мать осталась одна с четырьмя детьми. Вскоре она снова вышла замуж, но развелась после трёх лет брака.

Алан с детства осознавал, что в жизни можно рассчитывать только на себя, и старательно учился. За успехи в школе Рикман получил стипендию престижной лондонской школы Latymer. В этой же школе он впервые вышел на сцену в любительской постановке. После ухода из школы Latymer, Рикман учился в «Школе искусства и дизайна в Челси», а затем в «Королевском колледже искусств». Благодаря университетам Рикман начал работать в качестве дизайнера для газеты Notting Hill Herald[8].
Первая главная роль в театре — виконт де Вальмон («Опасные связи»). С 1985 по 1987 годы спектакль шёл в Англии, а затем был показан на Бродвее, и имел большой успех.

Эта роль предопределила карьеру Рикмана в кино. После премьеры спектакля в Нью-Йорке в гримёрку к Рикману пришли продюсеры Джоэль Сильвер и Чарльз Гордон. Впечатлённые созданным им на сцене образом, они предложили Рикману вторую роль в проекте «Крепкий орешек» вместе с Брюсом Уиллисом. Фильм вышел на экраны в 1988 году. Следующая роль в фильме «Робин Гуд: Принц воров» (1992) укрепила представление о том, что Рикман очень хорошо играет злодеев[10].

Первую «положительную» роль ему дали в мелодраме «Искренне, безумно, сильно» (1991). Самая романтическая роль Рикмана — полковник Брэндон в экранизации романа Джейн Остин «Разум и чувства» (1995). В 1996 году Рикман сыграл главную роль в фильме «Распутин», за которую получил премии «Золотой глобус» и «Эмми».

В 1997 году Алан попробовал себя в роли режиссёра. Он поставил спектакль, а затем снял фильм «Зимний гость» по пьесе Шарман МакДональд. Дебют оказался успешным, картина была отмечена двумя премиями во время премьеры на Венецианском кинофестивале.
Многие поклонники Алана Рикмана считают одной из самых важных составляющих его успеха голос. Помимо необычного тембра, актёр владел идеальным английским произношением и своеобразной манерой речи. Исследования по выявлению «идеального голоса» определили, что голос Рикмана является одним из лучших[11]. Среди зрителей и критиков неоднократно высказывалось мнение, что именно голос Рикмана придал его герою профессору Северусу Снеггу из экранизации романов Дж. К. Роулинг о Гарри Поттере особый шарм. Поттеромания привлекла повышенное внимание к нему со стороны фанатов Снегга. Многие считали, что эту роль нужно было отдать более молодому претенденту. Но при кастинге сама Роулинг одобрила приглашение актёра[12]. В интернет-опросе 2011 года, устроенном MTV, за Алана Рикмана в роли Снегга проголосовали 7,5 миллионов человек. В качестве награды актёру был вручён памятный кубок на премьере заключительной части фильма «Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти» в Лондоне[13].
С 1977 года Алан Рикман жил вместе с Римой Хортон, с которой он познакомился в 1965 году (ему было тогда 19, ей — 18). Двенадцать лет спустя, в 1977 году, Алан и Рима стали жить вместе.Спустя 47 лет знакомства пара узаконила свои отношения.[21] Они тайно поженились в 2012 году в Нью-Йорке. Об этом стало известно весной 2015 года, когда Алан Рикман рассказал об их свадьбе в интервью с немецкой газетой Bild
Актёр умер 14 января 2016 года после стремительно протекающего рака поджелудочной железы[22]. Диагноз был поставлен в августе 2015-го, после того, как актёр перенёс микроинсульт[23][24].

Поминальная служба по актёру прошла 3 февраля 2016 года в Церкви Святого Павла (Ковент-Гарден), которая также известна как церковь актёров. На службе присутствовали только близкие люди и семья.

Алан Рикман не дожил пять недель до своего 70-го дня рождения[25][26].

В честь 70-летнего юбилея Алана Рикмана планировалось издать письма и творческие работы его поклонников в виде книги и отправить в подарок актёру. После его смерти было принято решение, что книга будет всё равно издана. Она будет сделана в твёрдом переплёте, в единственном экземпляре. Её отправят жене Алана, Риме Хортон[27].

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Alan Patrick Sydne Rome Ríkman-British actor and voice actor, Director. Winner of the Golden Globe Awards, an Emmy, BAFTA.Alan Rickman was born February 21, 1946 year in Hammersmith (London) in the family of Margaret Doreen rose, housewives, and Bernard Rickman, working factory.At Rickman has an older brother, David (born 1944) is a graphic designer, his younger brother Michael (born 1947) is a tennis coach and a younger sister Sheila (b. 1949) [6] [7].When Alan was eight years old, his father died from lung cancer, and his mother was left alone with four children. She soon married again, but divorced after three years of marriage.Alan from childhood realized that in life you can count only on themselves, and diligently studied. For success in school Rickman received a scholarship to prestigious Latymer school, London. In this same school he first went on stage in an amateur setting. After leaving school, Latymer Rickman studied at the school of art and design in Chelsea, and then in the Royal College of art. Thanks to universities, Rickman began working as a designer for a newspaper Notting Hill Herald [8].The first major role in theatre — Valmont ("dangerous liaisons"). From 1985 to 1987 years performance went to England, and was then shown on Broadway and was a great success.This role of the predetermined career Rickman in the movie. After the premiere in New York in grimërku to Rikmanu came producers Joel Silver and Charles Gordon. Vpečatlënnye created them on stage, they offered Rikmanu the second role in the "die hard" with Bruce Willis. The film was released in theaters in 1988 year. Following her role in the film Robin Hood: Prince of thieves "(1992) reinforced the notion that Rickman very good playing villains [10].First the positive role he was given in the melodrama "truly, madly, strongly" (1991). The most romantic role Rickman as Colonel Brandon in the film adaptation of the novel by Jane Austen's "sense and sensibility" (1995). In 1996 year Rickman played a starring role in "Rasputin", for which he received Golden Globe Award and an Emmy.In 1997 year Alan tried himself as a Director. He staged, and then directed the winter guest by Sharman Macdonald. The debut was a success, the film was awarded two prizes during the premiere at the Venice Film Festival.Many fans of the Alan Rickman is considered one of the most important components of the success of the vote. In addition to the unusual timbre, actor owned a perfect English pronunciation and peculiar speech. Study on the "ideal voice determined that Rickman's voice is one of the best [11]. Among viewers and critics repeatedly expressed the view that it is the voice of Rickman gave his hero Severusu Sneggu Professor of the film adaptation of the novels of J. K. Rowling Harry Potter charm. Potteromaniâ attracted attention to him by fans Snegga. Many felt that this role should have been to give younger applicant. But when the casting itself Rowling approved the invitation of actor [12]. In an Internet poll of the year 2011, hosted by MTV, for Alan Rickman in the role of Snegga 7.5 million people voted. As a reward the actor was presented with a commemorative Cup at the premiere of the final part of the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in London [13].From 1977 onwards Alan Rickman lived with Rima Horton, whom he met in 1965 (he was then 19, she is 18). Twelve years later, in 1977, the year Alan and Rome began to live together after 47 years dating couple has legitimized their relationship. [21] they secretly married in 2012 in New York. This became known in spring 2015 year when Alan Rickman told about their wedding in an interview with the German newspaper BildActor died January 14, 2016 year after swiftly flowing pancreatic cancer [22]. Diagnosis was made in August 2015, after the actor had a microstroke [23] [24].A memorial service for the actor passed February 3, 2016 year in the Church of St. Paul (Covent Garden), which is also known as the Church of the actors. At the service attended only by close friends and family.Alan Rickman did not live five weeks before his 70th birthday [25] [26].In honor of the 70-th anniversary of Alan Rickman planned to publish letters and creative work of his fans in the form of books and send as a gift to the actor. After his death, it was decided that the book will still be published. It will be done in hardcover, in a single copy. It will send his wife Alana, Rome Horton [27].
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Alan Sidney Patrick Rikman- British film and theater actor, voice actor, director. Winner of the "Golden Globe", "Emmy," a BAFTA.
Alan Rickman was born on February 21, 1946 in Hammersmith (London), the son of Margaret Doreen Rose, housewives, and Bernard Rickman, factory worker.
We Rickman has an older brother, David (b. 1944 ) - a graphic designer, a younger brother Michael (born 1947) -... a tennis coach, and a younger sister Sheila (born 1949), [6] [7] When Alan was eight years old, his father died of lung cancer, and the mother was left one with four children. She soon married again, but divorced after three years of marriage. Alan childhood realized that in life you can count only on themselves, and carefully studied. For success in school Rickman received a scholarship from the prestigious London School Latymer. In the same school, he first appeared on stage in amateur production. After leaving school Latymer, Rickman studied at the "School of Art and Design at Chelsea," and then in "Royal College of Art." Due universities Rickman began working as a designer for the newspaper Notting Hill Herald [8]. The first major role in the theater - the Vicomte de Valmont ( "Dangerous Liaisons"). From 1985 to 1987, the show was going to England, and then was shown on Broadway and was a great success. This role is predetermined career Rickman in the movies. After the premiere in New York in the dressing room to come Rickman producers Joel Silver and Charles Gordon. Impressed by them to set up on the stage, they offered Rickman second role in the project "Die Hard," with Bruce Willis. The film was released in 1988. The next role in the film "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (1992) reinforced the notion that Rickman is very good at playing villains. [10] The first "positive" role he was given in the melodrama "Sincerely, madly deeply" (1991). The most romantic role Rickman - Colonel Brandon in adaptation of Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility" (1995). In 1996, Rickman starred in the movie "Rasputin", for which he received the prize "Golden Globe" and "Emmy". In 1997, Alan tried his hand as a director. He staged, and then made ​​the film "The Winter Guest" on the play by Sharman MacDonald. The debut was a success, the picture was awarded two prizes at the premiere at the Venice Film Festival. Many fans of Alan Rickman is considered one of the most important components of its success voice. In addition to the unusual tone, the actor possessed a perfect English pronunciation and peculiar manner of speech. To identify "ideal votes" Studies have found that Rickman's voice is one of the best [11]. Among the spectators and critics have repeatedly expressed the opinion that it was the voice of his hero gave Rickman Professor Severus Snape in the film adaptation of novels by John. K. Rowling's Harry Potter special charm. Pottermania drew attention to him by Snape fans. Many believed that this role had to give a younger applicant. But the casting itself is Rowling approved the invitation of the actor. [12] In the online survey of 2011, hosted by MTV, for Alan Rickman as Snape voted for 7.5 million people. As an actor award was awarded a commemorative trophy at the premiere of the final part of the movie "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" in London. [13] Since 1977, Alan Rickman lived with Rima Horton, whom he met in 1965 (he was then 19, s - 18). Twelve years later, in 1977, Alan and Rome began to live vmeste.Spustya 47 years of dating couple legalized their relationship. [21] They were married secretly in 2012 in New York. This was announced in the spring of 2015, when Alan Rickman talked about their wedding in an interview with the German newspaper Bild actor died January 14, 2016 after the rapidly flowing pancreatic cancer [22]. The diagnosis was made ​​in August 2015, after the actor suffered a minor stroke [23] [24]. A memorial service was held at the actor February 3, 2016 in St. Paul's Church (Covent Garden), which is also known as the Church of the actors. At the service attended by only close friends and family. Alan Rickman did not live five weeks before his 70th birthday [25] [26]. In honor of the 70th anniversary of Alan Rickman planned to publish letters and creative work of his fans in a book and send as a gift to the actor. After his death, it was decided that the book would be published anyway. It will be done in hard cover, in a single copy. She was sent to Alan's wife, Rome, Horton [27].

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
а́лан си́дни па́трик ри́кман british theatre and film actor, voice actor, and director. winner of the golden globe awards, the emmy BAFTA.alan rickman was born on 21 february 1946 in hammersmith, london) in the rose family, margaret doreen, housewives, and bernard rickman, working factory.from rickman"s older brother david (r. 1944) - graphic designer, younger brother michael (r. 1947) is a tennis coach, and younger sister sheila (r. 1949) [6] [7].when alan was eight years old, his father died of lung cancer, and the mother was left alone with four kids. she soon married again, but divorced after three years of marriage.alan with the children realize that in life you can only depend on yourself, and carefully studied. the school received a scholarship to the prestigious london school Latymer rickman. in this school, he first went on stage in an amateur production. after leaving school Latymer, rickman was educated in the school of art and design in chelsea, and then at the royal college of art. the universities rickman started working as a designer for the notting hill herald [8].the first main role in a theater - vicomte de valmont ("dangerous"). from 1985 to 1987, the play was in england, and was subsequently shown on broadway, and was a great success.this part paves the way for the career rickman in the movies. after the premiere of the play in new york in the dressing room to name came the producers joel silver and charles gordon. впечатлённые established them on the stage, they suggested the name the other part in the die hard together with bruce willis. the film got out, in 1988. the role in the film robin hood: the prince воров» (1992) reinforced the notion that rickman very good playing villains [10].the first "положительную» role gave him in the melodrama" truly, madly, сильно» (1991). the most romantic role rickman - colonel brandon in the movie novel of jane austen "mind and чувства» (1995). in 1996, rickman played a major role in the movie "распутин», which received the emmy award, golden globe and.in 1997, allen tried his hand at directing. he gave the play and then filmed "the winter guest to play, what did you think mcdonald. the debut was a success, the film was awarded two prizes during the premiere at the venice film festival.many fans of alan rickman is considered one of the most important component of the success of voice. in addition to unusual timbre, the actor had a perfect english pronunciation, and a way of speech. study on the identification of "ideal" determined that rickman"s voice is one of the best [11]. among viewers and critics have felt that it is the voice of rickman made him the hero of the movie северусу professor snape novels j. to. rowling harry potter special charm. поттеромания attracted attention to him by
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