Мою сестру зовут Наташа.Она овин. У неё 20 апреля день рождения.
Овин-внешне это дружелюбные люди с энергичными манерами и твердым рукопожатием. Они всегда борятся против любой несправедливости, не стесняясь при этом в выражениях, могут быть в таких ситуациях очень горячими и яростными. Овины высказывают свою точку зрения всегда прямо. Свои нужды ставят на первое место, думают в первую очередь о себе, как дети, не сознавая, что это может отразиться на других. Они не чувствуют, что могут доставить другим неудобства и неприятные моменты. Эта его невинность окружает Овна и смягчает его агрессивность, поэтому на него трудно даже обижаться, как на ребенка. Это объясняет также, почему они так бесстрашны.В этих людях нет порочности на протяжении всей жизни. Они верят всему всем сердцем, в этом знаке нет ничего скрытого и сложного. Они очень уязвимы и любят жаловаться. В своих поступках Овины никогда не вырабатывают стратегии, идут к цели прямо. Эти люди не могут плакать открыто. Как правило, добиваются успеха в карьере. В Овине вы не найдете тактичности и терпимости, а также терпения. Когда эти качества раздавались людям, Овины, видимо, были еще за дверями. Они, мягко говоря, прямы во всем. Основными их чертами можно назвать откровенность и честность, но не стоит делать на это ставку, т.к. им не хватает стабильности, что является проявлением отсутствия ответственности.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
My sister's name is Natasha she barn. In her April 20 birthday.The barn-externally this friendly people with energetic manners and a firm handshake. They always fight against any injustice, not hesitating when the expressions in these situations can be very hot and violent. Barns are voicing their views are always right. Their needs are put first, think first and foremost about themselves as children, not realizing that this might affect others. They don't feel that they can deliver another inconvenience and unpleasant moments. This innocence surrounds Aries and softens his aggressiveness, so it's hard to even take offense, as a child. This also explains why they are so fearless. These people there is no depravity throughout life. They believe everything with all my heart, in this sign, there is nothing hidden and complex. They are very vulnerable and love to complain. In their behaviour never Barns produce strategy go to goal. These people cannot weep openly. As a rule, achieve success in your career. In the Ovine you won't find tact and tolerance and patience. When these qualities are distributed Barns people apparently were still behind the doors. They are, to put it mildly, straight throughout. Their main characteristics can be called a frankness and honesty, but not worth doing on this bet, because they lack the stability that is a manifestation of lack of responsibility.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
My sister called Natasha.Ona barn. She April 20 birthday.
Ovin-appearance is friendly people with energetic manner and a firm handshake. They are always fighting against any injustice, do not hesitate while in expressions can be in these situations is very hot and fierce. CVID express their point of view is always right. His needs put in the first place, think first of themselves as children, not realizing that it can affect the other. They do not feel they can deliver another inconvenience and unpleasant moments. This surrounds his innocence of Aries and softens his aggressiveness, so it is difficult even to be offended as a child. It also explains why they are so besstrashny.V these people no depravity throughout life. They believe everything all your heart, in this sign there is nothing hidden and complex. They are very vulnerable, and love to complain. In their actions barn never develop strategies go directly to the goal. These people can not cry openly. As a rule, they are successful in their careers. In the barn you will find the tact and tolerance, and patience. When these qualities were distributed to people, barn, apparently, were still outside the door. They are, to put it mildly, are straight throughout. Their main features can be called frankness and honesty, but do not make this bet, because they lack stability, which is a manifestation of the lack of responsibility.
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