1. Я бы предпочел присоединиться к вам и поехать за город, чем сидеть  перевод - 1. Я бы предпочел присоединиться к вам и поехать за город, чем сидеть  английский как сказать

1. Я бы предпочел присоединиться к

1. Я бы предпочел присоединиться к вам и поехать за город, чем сидеть в городе в такую погоду. 2. Ты бы лучше готовился к зачету по английскому (read up your English), а не смотрел телевизор с утра до вечера. 3. Он скорее расстанется с ней, чем позволит ей так обращаться с собой. 4. Я чувствую, что он хочет сказать мне что-то важное. 5. Ее соседи видят, что к ней часто приходит какой-то человек. 6. Почему бы не съездить в Париж на выставку? 7. Мне кажется, ничто не может заставить его бросить тебя. 8. Не могу не поспорить с тобой. 9. Его теща только и делает, что жалуется на него. Лучше бы она не вмешивалась в их жизнь. 10. Не надо звонить им сейчас. 11. Почему бы их не поздравить? 12. Он бы предпочел отдохнуть в Греции или навестить родителей. 13. Они, возможно, ожидают, что он приедет к ним. 14. Почему бы не купить карточку? 15. Ему ничего не оставалось, как довериться ей. 16. Ты только и делаешь, что ходишь на дискотеку. 17. Почему бы тебе не сходить в театр? 18. Он скорее умрет, чем откажется от своих принципов.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I would like to join you and go outside the city, than to sit in in this weather. 2. you would be better prepared for offset in English (read up your English), rather than watching tv from morning to evening. 3. He rather part with her, than let her treat with them. 4. I feel that he wants to tell me something important. 5. her neighbors see that it often comes a man. 6. Why not take a trip to Paris for an exhibition? 7. It seems to me, nothing can make him throw you. 8. Can't not argue with you. 9. his mother-in-law just makes that complains about it. It would be better not to intervene in their lives. 10. It is not necessary to call them now. 11. Why not congratulate? 12. He'd rather relax in Greece or visit their parents. 13. They may expect it to come to him. 14. Why not buy a card? 15. He had no choice but to trust her. 16. you're just doing that go to the disco. 17. Why don't you go to the theater? 18. He would rather die than abandon their principles.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I would prefer to join you and go out of the city than staying in town in this weather. 2. You would be better prepared for the tests in English (read up your English), rather than watching TV all day long. 3. He would rather part with it than allow it to treat a a. 4. I feel that he wants to tell me something important. 5. Her neighbors see that it often comes a man. 6. Why not take a trip to Paris for the exhibition? 7. It seems to me, nothing can make him throw you. 8. I can not argue with you. 9. His mother-in-law and only does that complains about it. It would be better if it did not interfere with their lives. 10. Do not call them today. 11. Why they do not congratulate? 12. He would prefer to relax in Greece and to visit his parents. 13. They may expect that he will come to them. 14. Why not buy a card? 15. He had no choice but to trust her. 16. You just do what you go to the disco. 17. Why do not you go to the theater? 18. He would rather die than give up its principles.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i'd like to join you and go to the country than being in the city in this weather. 2. you better be ready to accountable for english (read up your english and don't watch tv from morning to night. 3.he's gonna break up with her sooner than let her treat you. 4. i feel that he wants to tell me something important. 5. her neighbors to see that there often comes a man. 6.why don't you go to paris for the exhibition? 7. i think nothing can make him leave you. 8. i can't argue with you. 9. his mother-in-law does complaining about him. she better stay out of their lives.10. don't call them right now. 11. why don't you wish? 12. he would have preferred to rest in greece, or to visit her parents. 13. they may expect him to come to them. 14. why not buy a card? 15.he had no choice but to trust her. 16. all you do is go to the disco. 17. why don't you go to the theatre? 18. he would rather die than give their principles. "
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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