Dear Bakhidzhan,Thank you for your thoughts. I highly appreciate them. перевод - Dear Bakhidzhan,Thank you for your thoughts. I highly appreciate them. английский как сказать

Dear Bakhidzhan,Thank you for your

Dear Bakhidzhan,

Thank you for your thoughts. I highly appreciate them.

At the same time following our recent conversation on the subject let me stress it in writing that the case Ref. No. 7003156 is completely under control of Mr. Veller, Head of International Legal Affairs
Royal Group Companies Management LLC and we are not supposed to interfere once the decision to work with Denton is done by HO.

The amount on stake is huge and so the reaction should be adequate. Here I fully agree with Mr. Veller. We cannot risk solving this case on the local level as the result can be VERY unpredictable if you know what I mean.

I am not prepared to agree with your statement “the issue which could be solved by local legal counselor as far as I know with 500 K tenge” as it is an assumption: it could…but also IF it could not, What’s then?

With more than 1 million USD claim on the table we cannot risk making assumptions so the case should be handled by top class professionals – exactly the lawyers of Denton.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dear Bakhidzhan,Thank you for your thoughts. I highly appreciate them.At the same time following our recent conversation on the subject let me stress it in writing that the case REF. No. 7003156 is completely under the control of Mr. Veller, Head of International Legal AffairsRoyal Group Companies Management LLC and we are not supposed to interfere once the decision to work with Denton is done by HO.The amount on the stake is huge and so the reaction should be adequate. Here I fully agree with Mr Veller. We cannot risk solving this case on the local level as the result can be VERY unpredictable if you know what I mean.I am not prepared to agree with your statement "the issue which could be is solved by local legal counselor as far as I know with 500 K tenge" as it is an assumptions: it could.. .but also IF it could not, What then? With more than 1 million USD on the table the claim we cannot risk making assumptions so the case should be handled by top class professionals is exactly the lawyers of Denton.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dear Bakhidzhan,

Thank you for your thoughts. I highly appreciate them.

At the same time following our recent conversation on the subject let me stress it in writing that the case Ref. No. 7003156 is completely under control of Mr. Veller, Head of International Legal Affairs
Royal Group Companies Management LLC and we are not supposed to interfere once the decision to work with Denton is done by HO.

The amount on stake is huge and so the reaction should be adequate. Here I fully agree with Mr. Veller. We cannot risk solving this case on the local level as the result can be VERY unpredictable if you know what I mean.

I am not prepared to agree with your statement “the issue which could be solved by local legal counselor as far as I know with 500 K tenge” as it is an assumption: it could…but also IF it could not, What’s then?

With more than 1 million USD claim on the table we cannot risk making assumptions so the case should be handled by top class professionals – exactly the lawyers of Denton.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
An information guide for Bаkhidzhаn,lord Thank you for your thoughts. I highly аppreсiаte them.Lord at the same time following our recent conversation on the subject let me stress it in writing that the case Ref. No. 7003156 Is соmpletely under control of sampling Veller, Head of International Legal Affairs
Royal Group Companies Management LLC and we are not suppоsed to interfere once the decision to work with Denton is done by HO.Lord the dollar amount on stake for reporting is huge and so the reaction should be adequate. Here I fully agree with Mr. Veller. We cannot risk sоlving this case on the local level as the result can be very unprediсtаble if you know what I mean.

I am not prepared to agree with your statement "the issue which could be sоlved by local legal соunselоr as far as I know with 500 K tenge" as it is an аssumptiоn: it could ... but also subsection if it could not, what's then? Lord with more than 1 million USD claim on the table we cannot risk making аssumptiоns so the case should be handled by top class professionals - exасtly the Maydannik of Denton.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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