Я забронировал номер в гостинице по Интернету, и это оказалось немного перевод - Я забронировал номер в гостинице по Интернету, и это оказалось немного английский как сказать

Я забронировал номер в гостинице по

Я забронировал номер в гостинице по Интернету, и это оказалось немного дешевле по сравнению с обычным бронированием через туристическое агентство. Для меня путешествие самолетом предпотительнее, чем на поезде или на машине, а во многих случаях это единственный способ попасть в пункт назначения. Обслуживание в гостинице было отличным, и я оставил свои комплименты в книге отзывов, хотя раньше я останавливался в более дорогих отелях. У моего брата осталось столько прекрасных впечатлений о путешествии в Непал, что он решил поместить целый альбом фотографий на своем сайте в интернете. Я с нетерпением ждал поездки на автобусе через всю западную Европу в ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЮ и особенно возможности пересечь Ла-Манш на пароме. Прежде чем выписаться из гостиницы, я убедился, что мне не придется делать никаких дополнительных платежей, кроме оплаты за ночлег и завтрак. В гостинице мне особенно понравился шведский стол, который был недешевым , но стоил этих денег. Рейс задерживался, и вся наша группа вынуждена была провести ночь, сидя в креслах зала ожидания аэропорта, ожидая объявления о посадке. Мои родители были в восторге от месной пакистанской кухни, хотя все блюда были достаточно острыми , включая те, что были отмечены в меню как неострые. Все члены нашей фирмы постоянно в пути, поскольку без деловых командировок невозможно вести междунаодную торговлю. На побережье было ветрено, но мы все равно пошли на прогулку , потому что нет ничего лучше свежего морского воздуха , шума волн и прекрасного вида моря до горизонта.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I booked a hotel room on the Internet, and it turned out to be a bit cheaper compared to ordinary booking through a travel agency. For me the journey by plane predpotitel′nee than by train or by car, and in many cases it is the only way to get to your destination. Service in the hotel was excellent, and I left their compliments in the visitors ' book, though I stayed at more expensive hotels. My brother left so many wonderful impressions about traveling in Nepal, he decided to put a whole album of photos on its Web site. I was looking forward to traveling on a bus through the whole Western Europe to Great Britain and especially the possibility to cross the English channel by ferry. Before you leave the hotel, I made sure that I didn't have to make any additional payments, in addition to payment for bed and breakfast. I particularly liked the hotel buffet, which was expensive, but worth the money. Flight delayed, and our entire group was forced to spend the night, sitting in the airport waiting room chairs, waiting for the announcement of the landing. My parents were thrilled with still a local Pakistani cuisine, although all the dishes were pretty sharp, including those that have been noted in the menu as rennet. All members of our firm is constantly on the road, because no business meždunaodnuû it is impossible to trade. On the coast it was windy, but we still went for a walk, because there's nothing better than fresh sea air, noise waves and a nice view of the sea to the horizon.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I booked a hotel room on the internet, and it was a bit cheaper compared to a conventional book through a travel agency. For me, the journey predpotitelnee plane than by train or by car, and in many cases this is the only way to get to your destination. Service at the hotel was excellent, and I left my compliments in the guest book, although in the past I stayed in more expensive hotels. My brother has left so many wonderful memories of traveling to Nepal, he decided to put a photo album on his website on the Internet. I was looking forward to the bus ride across western Europe to the UK, and especially the possibility to cross the English Channel by ferry. Before you check out of the hotel, I was convinced that I will not have to make any additional payments, except for payments for accommodation and breakfast. The hotel I particularly liked the buffet, which was not cheap, but worth the money. The flight was delayed, and our whole group was forced to spend the night sitting in the waiting room of the airport chairs, waiting for the announcement of the landing. My parents were delighted by impurity Pakistani cuisine, although all the meals were quite sharp, including those that were marked on the menu as a non-sharp. All members of our company is constantly on the road, because no business trips mezhdunaodnuyu impossible to trade. On the coast, it was windy, but we still went for a walk, because there is nothing better than fresh sea air, the waves of noise and beautiful views of the sea to the horizon.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i booked a hotel room on the internet, and it turned out to be a little cheaper, compared with the ordinary booking with a travel agency. for me, traveling by plane предпотительнее than by train or car, but in many cases it is the only way to get to the destination. the service at the hotel was excellent, and i left my compliments to the guestbook, while i stayed in more expensive hotels. my brother had left a lot of wonderful impressions on the journey to nepal, he decided to put the whole album photos on its website. i was waiting for the bus ride across western europe in britain and especially from crossing the channel by ferry. before you leave the hotel, i found that i didn't have to do any additional charges, except charges for bed and breakfast. in the hotel, i especially like the buffet, which was недешевым, but worth the money. the flight was delayed, and the whole group was forced to spend the night, sitting in chairs waiting room of airport, waiting for the landing. my parents were excited about месной pakistani cuisine, although all the dishes were quite sharp, including those that have been identified in the menu as неострые. all members of our company constantly in the way, because without it is impossible to междунаодную business travel trade. on the coast, it was windy, but we still go for a walk, because there is nothing better than fresh sea air, noise waves and the beauty of the sea to the horizon.
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