Пожалуйста не игнорируй меня и говори правду.Эту неделю ты очень холодный , я думаю ты меня не любишь. Прости меня если обидела тебя.Всего хорошего.это шутка но
Please don't ignoriruj me and tell the truth. "this week, you're pretty cool, I think you do not love me. Forgive me if this has offended you. well. it's a joke but
Please do not ignore me and say pravdu.Etu week you are very cool, I think you do not love me. I'm sorry if offended tebya.Vsego horoshego.eto joke but
Please do not игнорируи me and tell the truth.This week I am very cold, I think you do not love me. Forgive me if peculiarly thee.All the good.This is a joke but