Yana Radkevich,group 9 November,2015 The Effect of Divorce on Children перевод - Yana Radkevich,group 9 November,2015 The Effect of Divorce on Children английский как сказать

Yana Radkevich,group 9 November,201

Yana Radkevich,group 9
The Effect of Divorce on Children
In today's world almost every fourth marriage ends in divorce. Most couples get divorced for reasons such as loss of feelings, lack of common interests, due to treason, etc. But they don't think about the broken life of their child. They don`t care about his interests, development and so on. More often it breaks correct understanding about family in children for life. Therefore in the future could disappear altogether correct notion of the family in all generations. This will lead not only to frequent divorces but even to the lack of families and children, and then eventually demographic decline.
Divorce is a very stressful situation for the whole family. Especially for children. According to doctors, every fifth patient neurosis child endured separation from his father in childhood. The consequences of divorce may negatively affect the rest of their child's life. "Battle" of parents leads to the fact that
37.7% of children decreased academic performance.
19.6% have bad discipline at home.
17.4% require special attention.
8.7% run away from home.
6.5% have conflicts with friends.
However, I believe that divorce can impact positively on the child. After all, it is better to live quietly with one of the parents than in permanent conflict with the two, but in most cases, the separation of the parents has on child traumatic impact. And the problem is not divorce, it`s the preceding situation in the family.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Yana Radkevich, group 9 November, 2015 The Effect of Divorce on ChildrenIn today's world almost every fourth marriage ends in divorce. Most couples get divorced for reasons such as loss of feelings, lack of common interests, due to treason, etc. But they don't think about the broken life of their child. They don't care about his interests, development and so on. More often it breaks correct understanding about family in children for life. Therefore in the future could disappear altogether correct notion of the family in all generations. This will lead not only to frequent divorces but even to the lack of families and children, and then eventually demographic decline.Divorce is a very stressful situation for the whole family. Especially for children. According to doctors, every fifth patient neurosis child endured separation from his father in childhood. The consequences of divorce may negatively affect the rest of their child's life. The "Battle" of parents leads to the fact that 37.7% of children decreased academic performance.19.6% have bad discipline at home.17.4% require special attention.8.7% run away from home.6.5% have conflicts with friends.However, I believe that divorce can impact positively on the child. After all, it is better to live quietly with one of the parents than in permanent conflict with the two, but in most cases, the separation of the parents has on child traumatic impact. And the problem is not divorce, it's the preceding situation in the family.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Yana Radkevich, group 9
November, 2015
The Effect of Divorce on Children
In today's world almost every fourth marriage ends in divorce. Most couples get divorced for reasons such as loss of feelings, lack of common interests, due to treason, etc. But they do not think about the broken life of their child. They don`t care about his interests, development and so on. More often it breaks correct understanding about family in children for life. Therefore in the future could disappear altogether correct notion of the family in all generations. Will not lead This only to frequent divorces but even to the lack of families and children, and then eventually demographic decline.
Divorce is a very stressful situation for the whole family. Especially for children. According to doctors, every fifth patient neurosis child endured separation from his father in childhood. The consequences of divorce may negatively affect the rest of their child's life. "Battle" of parents leads to the fact that
37.7% of children decreased academic performance.
19.6% have bad discipline at home.
17.4% require special attention.
8.7% run away from home.
6.5% have conflicts with friends.
However, I believe that divorce can impact positively on the child. After all, it is better to live quietly with one of the parents than in permanent conflict with the two, but in most cases, the separation of the parents has on child traumatic impact. And the problem is not divorce, it`s the preceding situation in the family.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Yana Radkevich, group 9
november 2015. the effect of Divorce on children. in today's world, almost every fourth marriage ends in divorce. most couples get divorced for reasons such as loss of feelings, the lack of common interests, due to treason, etc, but they don't think about the broken life of their child. they don ` t care about his interests, development and so on.more often it breaks correct understanding about family in children for life. therefore in the future could disappear altogether correct notion of the family in all generations. this will lead not only to more divorces but even to the lack of families and children, and then eventually demographic decline.
Divorce is a very stressful situation for the whole family. especially for children.according to doctors, every fifth patient neurosis child endured separation from his father in childhood. the consequences of divorce may that affect the rest of their child's life. " battle "of parents leads to the fact that
37.7% of children decreased academic performance.
19.6 per cent have bad discipline at home.
17.4% for special attention.
8.7%, run away from home.
6.5% have conflicts with friends. however, i believe that divorce can impact positively on the child. after all, it is better to live quietly with one of the parents was in permanent conflict with the two, but in most cases, the separation of the parents has on child traumatic impact. and the problem is not divorce, it ` s the preceding situation in the family.
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