5) это случилось, когда я работал хаускипером. Я убирал номера, моя см перевод - 5) это случилось, когда я работал хаускипером. Я убирал номера, моя см английский как сказать

5) это случилось, когда я работал х

5) это случилось, когда я работал хаускипером. Я убирал номера, моя смена уже кончалась и я уже думал о том, как проведу этот вечер. Девушка с рецепции позвонила мне и сказала, чтоб я вернулся в номер, в котором только что убирал, потому что гости были очень злыми. Я вернулся, гости начали кричать на меня. Я подумал, что плохо убрал их комнату, но нет. Они обвинили меня в краже их денег, которые лежали в полке. Но денег я не крал. Я начал отрицать свою вину. Они заставили вывернуть мои карманы, но я начал сопротивляться. У мен был шок! Потом они начали мне угрожать, что они позвонят владельцу гостиницы и меня уволят. Я понял, что не виноват, что их денег у меня нет и предложил им успокоиться и начать поиски. Деньги мы не нашли. Но через некоторое время пришла их дочь и как оказалось, она взяла эти деньги ещё до того, как я убрал их номер. Гости долго извинялись за этот инцидент. Хорошо, что я вовремя понял ситуацию, осознал что клиент всегда прав и предложил постояльцам разобраться во всём и решать эту проблему вместе, а не топтаться на месте. Таким образом я сохранил своё рабочее место.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
5) it happened when I worked hauskiperom. I cleaned rooms, my shift had already ended and I was already thinking about how to spend this evening. The girl with the reception desk called me and said that I returned to the room, which has just cleaned, because the guests were very angry. I came back, the guests started yelling at me. I thought bad cleaned their room, but no. They accused me of stealing their money, which lay in the shelf. But I did not steal money. I began to deny his guilt. They were forced to remove my wallet, but I began to resist. From Maine was a shock! Then they started to threaten me that they will call the owner of hotels and I get fired. I realized that not guilty, that I don't have their money and asked them to calm down and start looking. We did not find the money. But after a while came their daughter and as it turned out, she took the money before I removed their number. Guests long have apologised for the incident. Good thing I realized in time situation, realized that the customer is always right and invited guests to understand everything and solve the problem together, rather than stagnate. Thus I saved your place of work.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
5) it happened, when I worked hauskiperom. I cleaned the room, my shift has ended, and I was already thinking about how to spend the evening. Girl with a reception called me and told me to go back to the room, which had just cleaned, because the guests were very angry. I returned, guests began to shout at me. I thought it was poorly cleaned their room, but no. They accused me of stealing their money, which lay in a shelf. But I did not steal the money. I started to deny his guilt. They are forced to turn out my pockets, but I started to resist. We changed was a shock! Then they began to threaten me that they will call the owner of the hotel and I was dismissed. I realized that was not my fault that they have no money and asked them to calm down and start looking. The money we have found. But after a while came to their daughter, and as it turned out, she took the money even before I removed their number. Guests for a long time apologized for the incident. Well, I just understood the situation, realized that the customer is always right and offered guests sort things out and solve the problem together and not stagnate. So I saved his job.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
5) it happened when i was хаускипером. i cleaned the rooms, my shift's end, and i've been thinking about how to spend the night. the girl with the reception called me and told me to come back in the room, which was just removed, because the guests were very angry. i came back, you started to shout at me. i thought the bad took their room, but no. they accused me of stealing their money, which lay in the shelf. but i didn't steal the money. i started to deny his guilt. they were forced to turn out my pockets, but i started to resist. i was in shock. then they started to threaten me, what they call the owner of the hotel, and i'll get fired. i realized that it wasn't my fault, that i have no money, and invited them to calm down and start looking. the money we found. but after a while, came to their daughter, and as it turns out, she took the money before i take them to the room. guests have apologized for the incident. well, i understand the situation in time, realized that the customer is always right, and invited guests to work things out and solve the problem together, and move forward. so i kept my place of work.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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