Дэвид ,я только пришла домой , не волнуйся . Я же тоже работаю . У нас перевод - Дэвид ,я только пришла домой , не волнуйся . Я же тоже работаю . У нас английский как сказать

Дэвид ,я только пришла домой , не в

Дэвид ,я только пришла домой , не волнуйся . Я же тоже работаю . У нас 4:27 время вечер . Когда у нас было 15:46 время вечер , я была в пути -домой , мне позвонил Денис и сказал , что документы готовы , проверены адвокатом . Сейчас он едет по Москве в фирму , на чей счёт ты будешь переводить деньги . Директор фирмы должен подписать договор , дать согласие взять у тебя займ , поставить печати и тогда он вернётся в свой офис и отправит документы тебе на электронную почту . Ты должен дать распоряжение банку своему , через менеджера отправить платёжное поручение , указав , что это займ , на основании договора- займа . Так как разница во времени , ты уже сегодня успеешь отправить деньги . Денис вместе с договором пришлёт банковские реквизиты , куда надо отправить деньги . Так , что всё норомально складывается. Не волнуйся , мой милый .Я тебе обещала , что всё будет в порядке , а ты нервичаешь , весь нервоз передаётся мне . Успокойся , я тебя люблю . И твои проблемы будут решены положительно.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
David, I just came home, don't worry. I too am working. We have a 4:27 evening time. When we had a 15:46 time of the evening, I was in home, Dennis called me and said that the documents are ready, checked by a lawyer. Now he rides around Moscow in a company on whose account you'll transfer the money. Director of the company must sign a contract agreeing to loan you put print and then he will return to his Office and send the documents to you by e-mail. You should instruct your Bank through the Manager send the payment order, stating that it is a loan, based on the loan contract. Because the time difference, you have today before you send money. Denis along with the Treaty sends you the bank details where to send money. So what everything noromal′no. Don't worry, my dear. I promised that everything would be fine, but you nervičaeš′, all peeling passed me. Calm down, I love you. And your problems will be solved positively.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
David, I've just come home, do not worry. I too work. We have a 4:27 time in the evening. When we had a 15:46 time in the evening, I was on the road -At home, I called Dennis and said that the documents are ready, checked lawyer. Now he travels to Moscow in the company on whose account you're transferring money. The director of the company must sign a contract to agree to take your loan, put the press and then he returns to his office and send the documents to you by e-mail. You have to instruct your bank, through the manager send a payment order, stating that it is a loan based on the loan dogovora-. Since the difference in time, you have time today to send money. Denis with the contract will send bank details of where to send the money. So that everything noromalno develops. Do not worry, my dear .I promise you that everything will be fine, and you nervichaesh whole nervosa passed me. Calm down, I love you. And your problem will be solved positively.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
David ,i only came home, don't worry. I am . We have 4:27 am time evening . When we have it was 3:46 PM, evening, I was on the road -home , i telephoned Denis and he said, that the documents are ready, checked by counsel .Now he is going to Moscow in firm , for whose account you'll transfer money. The Director firms must sign a treaty, to agree to take you loan ,To print, and then he returns to his own office and will send you the documents e-mail . You should give the bank your , through your manager to send payment order, stating that the loan ,On the basis of the treaty of the loan . As the difference in time, you're already today as many times as you can to send money. Denis, together with the treaty will send you an email for bank account details, where you want to send money. So ,That all норомально folds. Don't worry, my i'm .I promised, that all will be in order, and you're нервичаешь , the entire нервоз is transferred to me. Calm down, i love you . And your problems will be solved positively.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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