Как у всех, мой рабочий день начинается утром.Я встаю в 5 45 утра, чут перевод - Как у всех, мой рабочий день начинается утром.Я встаю в 5 45 утра, чут английский как сказать

Как у всех, мой рабочий день начина

Как у всех, мой рабочий день начинается утром.
Я встаю в 5 45 утра, чуть раньше встает мама, чуть позже встает брат.
Все вместе мы встречаемся на кухне и завтракаем. Почему так рано? Просто электричка отправляется в 6 40. Мы с мамой идем на неё. Мне хватает 15 минут на то что бы собраться- одеться, умыться, привести себя в порядок, после чего поесть и уже пойти. Брат едет позже, ему нужно больше времени. Поэтому я встаю по времени между ними (братом и мамой)
Дорога до места учебы занимает в среднем полтора часа. В электричке я обычно дремлю и слушаю музыку, как и остаток пути (метро, наземный транспорт).
В учебном заведении я оказываюсь около 8 часов утра и просто сижу там, или же иду в Макдональдс и сижу там, попивая чай или же кофе, в ожидании начала занятий.
Учебный день длится в промежуток времени с 8 40 до 15 50 в среднем каждый день. Каждый день предметы разные и перечислять, чем я занимаюсь на них можно уже на отдельное сочинение.
В перерывах, я общаюсь с друзьями, выхожу с ними на улицу.
После учебы я обычно пытаюсь успеть на электричку, если нет других планов. Будь то прогулка с кем-либо из знакомых куда-либо или же какие-то иные дела.
Обычно, без учета того, что я гулял или прочее, дома я оказываюсь в половину шестого.
В период с этого времени и примерно до 9, я нахожусь в гордом одиночестве. Ем, отдыхаю, занимаюсь морской свинкой, выполняю задания по учебу (если есть).
После 9 приезжает мама, брат после 11 вечера. Но именно после 9, как таковых определенных действий нет. Я могу побыть вместе с мамой, поговорить, потом пойти с друзьями поиграть на компьютере и пообщаться чз скайп. К ночи могу начать смотреть фильм или просто слушать музыку и сидеть, как говорится в интернете. Ложусь я обычно поздно , 2 или 3 ночи, не знаю как так получается.
Вот такой день, схематично описанный, и довольно длинный, с учетом сна в пару часов, так что думаю интересного можно описать ещё много, но пока что так.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Like everyone else, my work day starts in the morning.I get up at 5 am, 45 earlier rises, rises a little later mom brother.All together we meet in the kitchen and eat breakfast. Why so early? Just train departs at 6 40. My mother and I go to it. Am I missing 15 minutes what would meet-get dressed, wash, bring herself up, then eat and already to go. Brother rides later, he needed more time. So I get up on time between them (brother and mom)The road to the place of study takes about an hour and a half. In the train I usually dremlû and listening to music, like the rest of the way (subway, ground transportation).At school I find myself about 8:00 am and just sit there, or go to McDonald's and sit there, sipping tea or coffee, waiting for the start of classes.School day lasts for a period of time from 8 to 40 15 50 on average every day. Every day items are different and list what I do may be already on a separate essay.In between, I talk with friends, go out with them on the street.After studying I'm usually trying to catch a train, unless you have other plans. Whether it's a walk with friends somewhere or some other cause.Usually, without taking account of the fact that I walked or stuff at home I find myself in half of the sixth.In the period since that time and until around 9, I'm alone. Eat, rest, do Guinea pig, perform tasks on the study (if any).After 9 comes mom, brother after 11 pm. But it was after 9, as such a specific action no. I can be together with mom, talk, then go with friends to play on the computer and communicate h w Skype. To night I start watching a movie or just listening to music and sit, as they say on the Internet. I usually go late, 2 or 3 nights, I do not know how it turns out. Here's a day and described the schematic is quite long, taking into account sleep a couple of hours, so I guess you can describe a lot of interesting things, but so far so.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Like all my working day begins in the morning.
I get up at 5 am 45, my mother gets up a little earlier, a little later he rises brother.
Together, we meet in the kitchen and breakfast. Why so early? Just train leaves at 6 40. My mother and I go at it. I have enough 15 minutes for what would sobratsya- dress, wash, freshen up, and then have to go and eat. Brother rides later, he needs more time. So I get up in time between them (brother and mother)
road to the place of study takes an average of half an hour. In the train I usually nap and listen to music, as well as the rest of the way (underground, ground transportation).
In school I find myself about 8 o'clock in the morning and just sit there, or go to McDonald's and sit there, sipping tea or coffee in Waiting for the start of classes.
The school day lasts for the period from 8 to 40 and 15 to 50 on average each day. Every day different items and list what I do to them, you can have on a separate essay.
During the breaks, I talk with my friends, I go out with them on the street.
After graduation, I usually try to catch a train, if there are no other plans. Whether it's a walk with anyone of your friends anywhere, or some other cause.
Normally, excluding the fact that I was walking or other home I find myself in half of the sixth.
In the period from now to about 9, I I was in splendid isolation. I Eat, relax, do a guinea pig, a mission to study (if any).
After 9 arrives mother, brother after 11 pm. But it was after 9, as such action is not certain. I can stay with my mother, to talk, then go with your friends to play on the computer and to communicate h h Skype. By night I start to watch a movie or just sit and listen to the music, as they say on the Internet. I usually go to bed late, 2 or 3 nights, I do not know how is it.
This is a day schematically described, and quite long, taking into account in a couple of hours of sleep, so think of interesting things can be described much more, but it is so.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
as with all my work day starts in the morning. i get up at 5 45 morning earlier gets up mom, later gets a brother. together, we meet in the kitchen and eating breakfast. why so early? just train leaves at six forty.my mom and i come to her. i need 15 minutes to pack - dress, wash, clean up after lunch and go. my brother is coming later, he needs more time.so i get up on time between them (brother and mother)
all the way to the place of study is an average of one and a half hours. in a train i usually nap, listening to music, like the rest of the way (metro rail).
in school i'm around 8 o'clock in the morning and just sit there, or go to mcdonald's and sitting there, drinking tea or coffee, waiting for the commencement of the course.the school day lasts in the interval from 8 to 40 to 15 50 on average every day. every day items and different to what i do, they can be in a separate paper.
in the intermission, i hang out with friends.go out with them on the street. after school i usually try to catch the bus, if no other plans. whether a walk with someone i know anywhere or any other business. normally, without taking into account the fact that i was walking or otherat home, i am in the half of the sixth. from this time until about 9, i am the only one. eating, resting on a guinea pig, do homework in school (if any).
after 9 coming mombrother after 11 pm. but after 9, as such an action. i can stay with my mother, talk to you, then go out with friends to play on the computer and get the h with skype.the night can start watching a movie or just sit and listen to the music, as they say on the internet. i am usually up late, 2 or 3 in the morning, i don't know what you are doing.
this day, graphically described, and quite long.the dream in a few hours, so i think the interesting can be described more, but before that. "
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