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КСтихи о любви: stihiolubvi.ru
Любимые стихи Поэты Рубрики

Асадов Эдуард
Не уходи из сна моего
Не уходи из сна моего.
Сейчас ты так хорошо улыбаешься,
Как будто бы мне подарить стараешься
Кусочек солнышка самого.
Не уходи из сна моего!

Не уходи из сна моего!
Ведь руки, что так нежно обняли,
Как будто бы радугу в небо подняли,
И лучше их нет уже ничего.
Не уходи из сна моего!

В былом у нас - вечные расстояния,
За встречами - новых разлук терзания,
Сплошной необжитости торжество.
Не уходи из сна моего!

Не уходи из сна моего!
Теперь, когда ты наконец-то рядом,
Улыбкой и сердцем, теплом и взглядом,
Мне мало, мне мало уже всего!
Не уходи из сна моего!

Не уходи из сна моего!
И пусть все упущенные удачи
Вернуться к нам снова, смеясь и плача,
Ведь это сегодня важней всего.
Не уходи из сна моего!

Не уходи из сна моего!
Во всех сновиденьях ко мне являйся!
И днём, даже в шутку не расставайся
И лучше не сделаешь ничего.
Не уходи из сна моего!

Версия для печати

Комментариев: 55
55. Светлана | 22 февраля 2014 - 00:03
У Асадова все стихи хорошие : тонкие, чувственные, проникновенные,душевные. Любой в них найдёт что-то своё,близкое.Зачитываюсь каждой строчкой,так у него все умело,осмысленно и увязано получается и так ладно из под пера выходит.Настоящий мастер своего литературного дела!
54. Виктория | 25 сентября 2013 - 00:29
Очень нравятся его стихи,по некоторым фанатею,каждый стих это целая история,которую хочется еще и еще раз перичитывать
53. елена | 24 июня 2013 - 13:36
прекрасные стихи!представляете и у меня эта тетрадь есть!там не только Асадов,но его стихи наизусть знаю и дети мои тоже!как раз потому ,что в своё время я эту тетрадь дала им прочитать....
52. Екатерина | 22 апреля 2013 - 16:13
полностью согласна с комментарием по поводу школьной литературы! уроки по Э.Асадову стали бы одними из самых запоминающихся
51. Ольга | 7 марта 2013 - 09:34
это так необычно... сегодня... это лучшее)))
50. Ирина | 30 октября 2012 - 18:10
Очень трогательные, замечательные стихи. С юношеских лет помню многие. Девчонки, читайте, растворяйтесь в этих стихах. Это так здорово!
49. оля | 10 сентября 2012 - 21:09
Очень нежное стихотворение
48. Энн | 14 мая 2012 - 19:58
у него очень красивые стихи. Не понимаю, почему мы не изучаем его творчество в школе
1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 >

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©stihiolubvi.ru - 2004-2014 starat@rambler.ru RSS

ак много тех, с кем можно лечь в постель,
Как мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться,
И утром расставаясь улыбнуться,
И помахать рукой и улыбнуться,
И целый день волнуясь ждать вестей.
Как много тех, с кем можно просто жить,
Пить кофе утром, говорить и спорить,
С кем можно ездить отдыхать на море,
И как положено, и в радости и в горе,
Быть рядом, но при этом не любить.
Как мало тех, с кем хочется мечтать,
Смотреть, как облака роятся в небе,
Писать слова любви на первом снеге,
И думать лишь об этом человеке,
И счастья большего не знать и не желать.
Как мало тех, с кем можно помолчать,
Кто понимает с полуслова, с полувзгляда,
Кому не жалко год за годом отдавать,
И за кого ты, сможешь, как награду,
Любую боль, любую казнь принять.
Вот так и вьется эта канитель,
Легко встречаются, без боли расстаются,
Все почему? Все потому, что много тех,
С кем можно лечь в постель,
И мало тех, с кем хочется проснуться.
Мы мечемся, работа, быт, дела,
Кто хочет слышать, все же должен слушать,
А на бегу увидишь лишь тела,
Остановитесь, что бы видеть душу.
Мы выбираем сердцем, по уму,
Боимся на улыбку улыбнуться,
Но душу открываем лишь тому,
С которым и захочется проснуться.
Как много тех, с кем можно говорить,
Как мало тех, с кем трепетно молчанье,
Когда надежды тоненькая нить,
Меж нами, как простое пониманье.
Как много тех, с кем можно горевать,
Вопросами подогревать сомненья,
Как мало тех, с кем можно узнавать,
Себя, как своей жизни отраженье.
Как много тех, с кем лучше бы молчать,
Кому не проболтаться бы в печали,
Как мало тех, кому мы доверять
Могли бы то, что от себя скрывали.
С кем силы мы душевные найдем,
Кому душой и сердцем слепо верим,
Кого мы непременно позовем,
Когда беда откроет наши двери.
Как много их, с кем можно не мудря,
С кем мы печаль и радость пригубили,
Наверно только им благодаря,
Мы этот мир изменчивый любили.
Эдуард Асадов
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
KStihi on love: stihiolubvi.ruFavorite poems Poets Uncategorized Eduard AsadovDon't go out of my sleepDon't go out of my sleep. Now you're so good when you smile, Like I give a try A piece of the sun itself. Don't go out of my sleep! Don't go out of my sleep! Indeed, arm, so tenderly embraced, Like a Rainbow in the sky rose, And there is nothing better. Don't go out of my sleep! In the past we have eternal distances For meetings-new partings laceration Solid neobžitosti celebration. Don't go out of my sleep! Don't go out of my sleep! Now, when you finally close, Smile and heart, warmth and look, I little me little already! Don't go out of my sleep! Don't go out of my sleep! And let all missed good luck Come back to us again, laughing and crying, It's just more important today. Don't go out of my sleep! Don't go out of my sleep! In all snoviden′âh to me âvlâjsâ! And during the day, even as a joke, don't leave it And it is better not to do anything. Don't go out of my sleep!SharePrint versionComments: 5555. Svetlana | February 22, 2014-12:03Asadov had all the verses are good: subtle, sensuous, soulful, emotional. Any they find something close. Začityvaûs′ each line, so he skillfully and intelligently linked is so okay from the pen comes out. this master of his literary Affairs!54. Victoria | September 25, 2013-12:29Very like his poems, on some crazy about, each verse is a story that feels like again and again peričityvat′53. Elena | June 24, 2013-13:36wonderful poems! can you imagine and I have this notebook are! not only there, but his verses Asadov memorized know and my children too! just because at one time I had this book gave them read. ...52. Catherine | April 22, 2013-16:13completely agree with the comment about the school's literature! lessons on e. Asadov would become one of the most memorable51. Olga | March 7, 2013-9:34It is so unusual. today ... This is the best)))50. Irina | October 30, 2012-18:10Very touching, wonderful poems. Youth remember many. Girls, read rastvorâjtes′ in these verses. This is so cool!49. Olya | September 10, 2012-21:09Very tender poem48. Anne | May 14, 2012-19:58It has a very beautiful poem. I don't understand why we don't learn his creativity in school1 2 3 ... 5 6 7 > Add commentWhen copying verses please indicate the author.© stihiolubvi.ru-2004-2014 starat@rambler.ru RSS How many of those with whom you can go to bed,How little those who want to wake upAnd in the morning leaving smileAnd wave his hand and smile,And the whole day worrying wait for news.How many of those with whom you can just liveDrink coffee in the morning, talk and argue,With whom you can ride rest on the sea,And as expected, and in joy and in sorrow,Be near, but not love.How little those who want to dream,Watch as clouds swarming in the sky,Write the word love on the first snow,And only think about this man,And happiness more do not know and do not wish for.How few are those who keep silent,Who understands perfectly, with a glance,Who do not mind to give year after year,And for whom you can as a reward Any pain, any penalty to take.And so it goes this rigmarole,Easy to meet, without the pain part,All why? That's because a lot of those Who can I go to bed,And few of those with whom I want to wake up.We mečemsâ, work, life, business,Who wants to hear, still have to listen toWhile on the run will see only the bodyStay, that would see the soul.We choose the heart, mind,Afraid to smile smileBut the soul open onlyWith that and want to wake up.How many of those with whom you can talkHow little those vibrantly molčan′e,When hope is thin threadBetween us, as a simple beautiful moments.How many of those with whom you can grieve,Questions to warm up doubts,How few are those with whom you can learnHimself as his life reflection.How many of those with whom it is better to remain silentWho would spill the beans in sadness,How little those we trustCould that have been hiding from yourself.With whom we find spiritual forcesHeart and soul who blindly believeWhom we will call,When the trouble to open our doors.How many of them with whom you can not mudrea,With whom we sorrow and joy, prigubiliProbably only thanksWe have this world of changeable loved.Eduard Asadov
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
KStihi love: stihiolubvi.ru
favorite poems Poets Categories Asadov Eduard Do not go out of my dream Do not go out of my dream. Now you're so good smile, as if to try to give me piece of the sun itself. Do not go out of my sleep! Do not go out of sleep my! After all the hand that so tenderly embraced, As if a rainbow in the sky lifted, and the best they do not have anything. Do not go out of my dream! In bygone us - eternal distance for the meeting - the new separations laceration, solid outback celebration. Do not go out of my dream! Do not go out of my dream! Now that you're finally there, smile and heart, warmth and look, I'm a little, not enough for me already all! Do not go out of my dream! Do not go out of my dream! And let all missed good luck back to us again, laughing and crying, After all, it is today the most important thing. Do not go out of my dream! Do not go out of my dream! All the dreams to me is! And during the day, even as a joke not to leave and better to do Nothing. Do not go out of my dream! Share Print Comments: 55 55. Svetlana | February 22, 2014 - 00:03 At Asadov all good poetry: delicate, sensual, soulful, spiritual. Either they will find something of their own, blizkoe.Zachityvayus every line, so he still skillfully and intelligently linked turns out all right, and so from the pen of a master of his literary vyhodit.Nastoyaschy things! 54. Victoria | September 25, 2013 - 00:29 Very much like his poetry, for some fans, each verse is a whole story that I want to again and again perichityvat 53. Elena | June 24, 2013 - 13:36 beautiful poetry! And I imagine this book is! There is not only Assad, but his poems by heart, and I know my children too! Just because at the time I gave them this book to read ... . 52. Catherine | April 22, 2013 - 16:13 totally agree with the comment about school literature! E.Asadovu lessons would become one of the most memorable 51. Olga | March 7, 2013 - 9:34 it's so unusual ... today ... this is the best))) 50. Irina | October 30, 2012 - 18:10 Very touching, wonderful poetry. From his youth, I remember a lot. Girls read, dissolved in these verses. This is so cool! 49. Olya | September 10, 2012 - 21:09 Very gentle verse 48. Anne | May 14, 2012 - 19:58 he had a very beautiful poetry. I do not understand why we do not study his work in the school 1 2 3 ... 5 6 7> Add comment Copying poems always include the author. © stihiolubvi.ru - 2004-2014 starat@rambler.ru RSS ak many of those with whom You can go to bed, how little those who want to wake up, And in the morning parting smile, and waved and smiled, And the whole day worrying wait for news. How many of those with whom you can just live, drink coffee in the morning, talking and arguing, Who can go to rest at sea, and as expected, in joy and in sorrow, be near, but not love. How little those who want to dream, to look like clouds swarming in the sky, to write the word love on the ground snow, and think only about the man, and happiness more not knowing and not wanting. How few of those with whom you can be silent, who understands perfectly, poluvzglyada, who do not mind year after year, to give, and whom you can, as a reward, any pain, any penalty to take. That's how it weaves gimp, easy to meet, break up without pain, why? This is because many of those Who do I go to bed, and a few of those with whom you want to wake up. We rush, work, life, business, who wants to hear, still have to listen to, And on the run you will see only the body, Stay, in to see the soul. We choose the heart, the mind, are afraid to smile to smile, but the soul open only to those with whom want to wake up. How many of those with whom you can talk, how little those who cherished the silence, when all hope is slim thread Between us, as a simple understanding. How many of those with whom you can grieve, Questions of warm doubt how little those with whom you can learn himself how his life reflection. How many of those with whom it would be better to remain silent, Who does not spill the beans would be in sorrow, how little those whom we trust Could that from him to hide. Who forces us spiritual find, To the heart and soul blindly believe, whom we certainly will invite, when trouble will open our doors. How many of them, with whom you can not wiser, anyone we have sorrow and joy sip, I guess it is only thanks We loved this world choppy. Eduard Asadov

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
кстихи about love: stihiolubvi.ru
favourite poems poets with

don't go of eduard asadov sleep my
don't go away from my dream. now you're smiling

as if giving me try
a piece of sunshine.
don't go out of my sleep.

don't go out of my sleep.
's hands, so gently hug,
like the rainbow in the sky up,
and you have nothing.
don't leave my dream!

in the past we have eternal distance.for meetings - new separation uncertainty,
a необжитости celebration.
don't leave my dream!

don't go out of my sleep. "now that you're finally here,
smile and heart, warmth and the eye,
i don't, i don't have anything!
don't go out of my sleep.

don't go out of my sleep.
and let everyone missed good luck
back to us again, laughing and crying,
it is today the most important.
don't leave my dream!

don't go out of my sleep.
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