1) This fatal policy must be reversed if we are to regain our freedom. перевод - 1) This fatal policy must be reversed if we are to regain our freedom. английский как сказать

1) This fatal policy must be revers

1) This fatal policy must be reversed if we are to regain our freedom. 2) If she wanted to keep things from him, she must, he could not spy on her. 3) There is a painting by Surikov. In this picture we can see Suvorov crossing the Alps. 4) The exact and immediate cause of this letter cannot, of course, be told, though it is not improbable that Bosinney may have been moved by some sudden revolt against his position towards Soames. 5) At nineteen he was a limber, freckled youth with a wide mouth, light eyes, long dark lashes, a rather charming smile, considerable knowledge of what he should not know, and no experience of what he ought to know. 6) I’m afraid, I’ll have to leave earlier today. 7) Come, now, that’s good, sir, – that’s very good. Your uncle will have his joke. 8) One has only to read the business journals of Wall Street – to see the real origin of the arms race. 9) Under the pressure of the US ambassador in Paris the President of France abandoned his intention of seeing Charlie Chaplin’s picture. We cannot say how he felt about the matter, but I have yet to meet a single Frenchman who did not see in this an insult to his own national dignity.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) This fatal policy must be reversed if we are to regain our freedom. 2) If she wanted to keep things from him, she must, he could not spy on her. 3) There is a painting by Surikov. In this picture we can see Suvorov crossing the Alps. 4) The exact and immediate cause of this letter cannot, of course, be told, though it is not improbable that Bosinney may have been moved by some sudden revolt against his position towards Soames. 5) At nineteen he was a limber, freckled youth with a wide mouth, light eyes, long dark lashes, a rather charming smile, considerable knowledge of what he should not know, and no experience of what he ought to know. 6) I’m afraid, I’ll have to leave earlier today. 7) Come, now, that’s good, sir, – that’s very good. Your uncle will have his joke. 8) One has only to read the business journals of Wall Street – to see the real origin of the arms race. 9) Under the pressure of the US ambassador in Paris the President of France abandoned his intention of seeing Charlie Chaplin’s picture. We cannot say how he felt about the matter, but I have yet to meet a single Frenchman who did not see in this an insult to his own national dignity.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) This fatal policy must be reversed if we are to regain our freedom. 2) If she wanted to keep things from him, she must, he could not spy on her. 3) There is a painting by Surikov. In this picture we can see Suvorov crossing the Alps. 4) The exact and immediate cause of this letter can not, of course, be told, though it is not improbable that Bosinney may have been moved by some sudden revolt against his position towards Soames. 5) At nineteen he was a limber, freckled youth with a wide mouth, light eyes, long dark lashes, a rather charming smile, considerable knowledge of what he should not know, and no experience of what he ought to know. 6) I'm afraid, I'll have to leave earlier today. 7) Come, now, that's good, sir, - that's very good. Your uncle will have his joke. 8) One has only to read the business journals of Wall Street - to see the real origin of the arms race. 9) Under the pressure of the US ambassador in Paris the President of France abandoned his intention of seeing Charlie Chaplin's picture. We can not say how he felt about the matter, but I have yet to meet a single Frenchman who did not see in this an insult to his own national dignity.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1) this fatal policy must be used if we are to regain our freedom. 2) if she wanted to keep things from him, she must, he could not spy on her. 3) there is a painting by Surikov. in this picture we can see Suvorov crossing the alps. 4) the exact and the immediate cause of this letter cannot, of course, be told,though it is not improbable that Bosinney may have been moved by some sudden out against his position towards soames bath products. 5) at nineteen he was a limber, freckled youth with a wide mouth, light eyes, long dark lashes, a rather charming smile, no knowledge of what he did not know, and no experience of what he ought to know. 6) i 'm afraid i' ll have to leave earlier today. 7) come.now, that's good, sir, that's very good. your uncle will have his joke. 8), one has only to read the business of over of wall street, to see the real origin of the arms race. 9) under the pressure of the us victory in paris, the president of france bore his intention of seeing charlie chaplin 's picture. we cannot say how he felt about the matter.but i have yet to meet a single Frenchman who did not see in this an insult to his own national dignity. "
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