1. Дождь все еще идет. Я вижу дождевые капли на стекле. 2. Эти люди та перевод - 1. Дождь все еще идет. Я вижу дождевые капли на стекле. 2. Эти люди та английский как сказать

1. Дождь все еще идет. Я вижу дожде

1. Дождь все еще идет. Я вижу дождевые капли на стекле. 2. Эти люди так пристально смотрят на вас. Вы знаете их? 3. Как называется журнал, который вы просматриваете? 4. Что вы стоите в дверях? Проходите, мы как раз пьем чай. 5. Мы приближаемся к морю. 6. Что ты слушаешь? – Я слушаю концерт из Колонного зала. 7. Этот человек очень хорошо говорит по-английски, но мне трудно понимать его, так как он говорит очень быстро, а я знаю язык недостаточно хорошо. 8. Молодой рабочий, с которым разговаривает журналист, работает на 12 станках. Сейчас он, очевидно, рассказывает о своих методах. 9. Я не люблю таких людей, как он. Он всегда мечтает, но ничего не делает, чтобы осуществить свои мечты. 10. Позвони на вокзал и узнай, когда приходит поезд из Москвы. 11. Достаньте билет. Контролер проверяет билеты. 12. Не шевелись, фотограф уже тебя снимает. 13. Вы ошиблись. Вы передаете мне горчицу, а не перец. 14. Она всегда жалуется на своего сына, когда бы я ее не встретил. 15. Не входите в комнату. Он проявляет пленки.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. rain is still going. I see raindrops on glass. 2. These people so intently stare at you. Do you know them? 3. What is the name of the magazine you are browsing? 4. That you stand in the doorway? Come in, we just drink tea. 5. We get closer to the sea. 6. What are you listening to? -I listen to the concert of the Columned Hall. 7. This man very good speak English, but I find it hard to understand him because he speaks very quickly, and I know the language well enough. 8. Young worker, which is talking to a journalist, working for 12 machines. Now he is obviously talking about her methods. 9. I do not like people like it. He's always dreaming, but does nothing to fulfill your dreams. 10. call to the station and find out when the train comes from Moscow. 11. remove the ticket. The controller checks the tickets. 12. do not budge, the photographer already you're on. 13. you made a mistake. You pass me the mustard rather than pepper. 14. She always complains about his son when I met her. 15. Do not enter the room. He has shown the film.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The rain was still coming. I see raindrops on glass. 2. These people do stare at you. Do you know them? 3. How is the magazine that you're viewing? 4. What do you stand in the doorway? Come on, we just drink tea. 5. We are approaching the sea. 6. What do you listen to? - I listen to a concert of the Hall of Columns. 7. This man is very fluent in English, but I can understand it, because he speaks very quickly, and I know the language well enough. 8. Young worker with whom talks journalist working for 12 machines. Now he clearly talks about his methods. 9. I do not like people like it. He always dreamed of, but it does nothing to achieve their dreams. 10. Call the station and find out when the train comes from Moscow. 11. Take the ticket. The controller checks the tickets. 12. Do not move, you have the photographer shoots. 13. You made a mistake. You pass me the mustard instead of pepper. 14. She always complains about his son, when I met her not. 15. Do not enter the room. He shows the film.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. it's still raining. i see the rain on the window. 2. these people are staring at you. do you know them? 3. what's the name of the magazine, who you are? 4. what are you standing in the doorway? come on, we just drink tea. 5.we're getting closer to the sea. 6. what are you listening to? - i'm listening to the concert hall of the колонного. 7. this man speaks good english, but i find it difficult to understand him, the way he talks very fasti know the language is not good enough. 8. the young worker, who is a journalist working for the 12 projects. now, obviously, he tells of his methods. 9. i don't like people like him. he always dreamsbut doing nothing to achieve their dreams. 10. call to the station and find out when the train coming from moscow. 11. get a ticket. the controller checks the tickets. 12. don't move, the photographer already does this. 13. you made a mistake.you pass me the mustard and pepper. 14. she always complains about his son, if i hadn't met. 15. do not enter the room. he shows the film.
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