1. На этом перекрестке всегда очень оживленное движение. 2. С одного п перевод - 1. На этом перекрестке всегда очень оживленное движение. 2. С одного п английский как сказать

1. На этом перекрестке всегда очень

1. На этом перекрестке всегда очень оживленное движение.
2. С одного порта в другой можно добраться на пароме.
3. В вашем городе есть исторический музей?
4. С мороженым входить в автобус нельзя.
5. Не подскажите где пункт обмена валюты?
6. На автобусной остановке много людей.
7. Если припаркуешься в неположенном месте, заплатишь штраф.
8. В Англии можно купить конверты в автомате, которые обычно обычно располагаются возле здания почтампа.
9. В Лондонсокм метро дети до 14 лет путешествуют по льготному тарифу.
10. Переходи дорогу только по пешеходному или управляемому переходу.
11. Мы сойдем на берег, как только корабль зайдет в порт.
12. А что мне делать,если я заблужусб в метро?
13. Кондуктор собирает плату за проезд.
14. Простите, здесь ходят автобусы в сторону рынка?
15. Сохраняйте билеты до конца поездки!
16. К сожалению, состояние дорог в нашем городе оставляет желать лучшего.
17. В центре Лондона парковка ограничена, машина может быть припаркована у счетчика не более, чем на 4ч.
18. Я предлагаю отправиться на чаосвую экскурсию вокруг города.
19. С берега было хорошо видно моряков, сходящих на берег и радостно машущих руками.
20. У нас не отсталосб времени для осмотра музеев.
21. Наш офис расположен на оживленной улице.
22. В городе много узких и извилистых дорог.
23. Вы идете в противоположном направлении.
24. -Как Вы думаете, с какой скоростью Вы ехали, когда я Вас остановил? - 60км/ч. - А вы видели дорожный знак - ограничение скорости? -Не заметил. -Мне придется Вас оштрафовать. Ваши права, пожалуйста.
25. Ограничение скорости помогает сохранить жизнь многим людям.
26. Давайте осмотрим достопримечательности! (2 варианта)
27. Москва слишком большой город, чтобы осмотреть ее з день, но чтобы получить некоторое представление о городе 3-4 дней будет достаточно.
28. В этом музее вы сможете увидеть великолепное собрание произведений изобразительного и прикладного искусства.
29. С этого моста открывается красивая панорама города.
30. Говорят, Лондон грязный и на улицах полно мусора.
31. В Британии левостороннее движение и все должны носить ремни безопасности.
32. Переходя улицу, смотрите сначала налево, потом направо.
33. Дойдите до светофора и поверните налево.
34. Пройдите мимо банка, перейдите мост, затем поверните направо у пешеходного перехода.
35. -Извините, как добраться до кинотеатра? - Пойдете прямо и сверните в первый поворот налево.
36. Чтобы получить визу, надо пройти собеседование в посольстве.
37. -Парк отсюда далеко? - Достаточно, вам придется ехать на метро, а потом несколько остановок на автобусе, так что лучше возьмите такси.
38. - Заправка отсюда далеко? - Нет, в 5 минутах хотьбы, напротив супермаркета, идите прямо, мимо не пройдете.
39. -Как мне лучше осмотреть город? -Если у Вас много времени, пройдитесь пешком.
40. Можно доехать от моего дома до вашего без пересадок?
41. Я видел, как он уезжал с побережья.
42. Сколько длится поездка?
43. Я на остановке. Как дойти до твоего дома? -Иди вдоль рельсов по ходу движения трамвая 5 до перекрестка, поверни направо, магазин должен быть слева и иди приблизительно 2 квартала только прямо, я тебя буду ждать возле дома.
44. По-моему, мы заблудились, давай спросим у кого-нибудь дорогу до гостиницы?
45. Вам билет в один конец или туда и обратно?
46. Маршрут автобуса вы сможжете увидеть внизу лобового стекла и сбоку.
47. Вы должны быть в аэропорту за 40 минут до взлета, чтобы успеть пройти регистрацию билетов и багажа.
48. Когда вы прилетаете за границу, вы проходите таможню, где вам задают ряд вопросов.
49. На борту самолета курить запрещено.
50. Во время взлета и посадки нельзя вствать с мест и пользоваться мобильными телефонами.
51. Во время беспосадочного перелета пассажиры могут смотреть фильмы, играть в игры, читать или спать.
52. В Москве вам придтся пересесть с поезда на самолет.
53. Поезд прибывает по расписанию в 6 утра. Неудобно.
54. Во время путешествия на юг на машине, они сделали 2
остановки на ночь.
55. Вас не пустят на борт самолета без посадочного талона.
56. Если вам повезет с попутчиками, вы не плохо проведете время в поезде.
57. Полки в наших поездах слишо узкие и короткие, чтобы хорошо выспаться.
58. При посадке у многих болят уши и их тошнит.
59. Моя морская болезнь испортила все путешествие.
60. В различных путевках предлагаются путешествия по суше и морю.
61. Ваш поезд только что прибыл на вторую платформу, поторопитесь!
62. Если вы заказываете билет заранее, вы платите немного больше.
63. Во время путешествия студентам предоставляются скидки.
64. Если у вас багажа больше, чем положено, вас могут заставить заплатить за перевес.
65. Вы знаете что запрещено ввозить и вывозить из страны?
66. Летом многие любят выезжать загород.
67. -Можно заказать билет до Нью-Йорка? -На какое число? -23 августа. -Есть 3 рейса разных авиакомпаний, Вам какой? -А какой первый? -6.30 утра. "Люфт Ганза". - Устраивает. Пожалуйста. 2 экономом в оба конца. -Дата обратного вылета фиксированная? -Открытая. -Ваша фамилия, пожалуйста?
68. -Какой курс обмена валюта на сегодня? -Смотрите на табло.
69. Вы когда-нибудь были на экскурсии, сопровождаемой экскурсоводом?
70. Вам есть что задекларировать?
71. Сохраняйте Ваш посадочный талон вместе с билетом на поезд, без первого второй недействителен.
72. Спальные места надо заказывать заранее, по крайней мере, за два дня.
73. Ночуя где попало, ты напрашиваешься на неприятности.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. at this crossroads is always very busy traffic. 2. From one port to another can be reached by ferry. 3. In your town has a historical Museum? 4. With ice cream, you cannot enter the bus. 5. don't tell me where currency exchange? 6. a lot of people at a bus stop. 7. If priparkueš′sâ in the wrong place, will pay the fine. 8. In England you can buy envelopes from the vending machines, which typically are near the building of the počtampa. 9. Metro Londonsokm children under 14 years old may travel at a reduced rate. 10. Cross the road only by a pedestrian or a managed transition. 11. We come ashore as soon as the ship comes into port. 12. What should I do if I zablužusb in the subway? 13. Jig collects tolls. 14. Sorry, buses run here in the direction of the market? 15. keep the ticket until the end of the trip! 16. Unfortunately, the condition of the roads in our city leaves much to be desired. 17. In the heart of London's parking is limited, the vehicle can be parked at the counter is not more than 4:00 18. I propose to go on čaosvuû tour around the city. 19. it was well visible from shore, the sailors, descends to the coast and happily waving at hands. 20. we have not otstalosb time for exploring museums. 21. Our Office is located on a busy street.22. In many narrow and winding roads. 23. you go in the opposite direction. 24.-What do you think, how fast you were driving when I stopped you? -60 km/h-have you seen the road sign-the speed limit? -Not noticed. -I'll have you fine. Your rights, please. 25. Speed limits helps save the lives of many people. 26. Let's take a look at the sights! (2) 27. Moscow too big city to see her w day, but to get a glimpse of the city 3-4 days should be sufficient. 28. In this museum you can see a magnificent collection of works of fine and applied arts. 29. With the beautiful panorama of the city. 30. Say London is dirty and the streets full of rubbish. 31. In Britain drive on the left and everyone should wear seat belts. 32. Turning the street, look first to the left, then right. 33. Reach the traffic lights and turn left. 34. Go past Bank, cross the bridge, then turn right at the crosswalk. 35.-excuse me, how do I get to the cinema? -Go straight and take the first left turn. 36. in order to obtain a visa, you must pass an interview at the Embassy. 37. Park far from here? -Enough, you'll have to ride the subway, and then several stops on the bus, so it's best to take a taxi. 38.-Refuelling away far? -No, in 5-minute walking distance, opposite the supermarket, go straight, pass by pass. 39.-How can I explore the city better? -If you have a lot of time, walk. 40. It is possible to reach from my house to your direct? 41. I've seen, as he was leaving from the coast. 42. how long is the trip? 43. I have to stop. How to get to your home? -Go along the Rails in the tram 5 to the intersection, turn right, the shop should be on the left and go approximately 2 quarters just right, I'll be waiting for you near the House. 44. In my opinion, we have lost the way, let's ask someone for directions to the hotel? 45. you one-way or roundtrip? 46. Bus route you smožžete see bottom of the windshield and the side. 47. you must be at the airport for 40 minutes before takeoff to check tickets and luggage. 48. When you arrive overseas you pass customs, where you are asked a series of questions. 49. no smoking on board the aircraft. 50. During takeoff and landing, you cannot vstvat′ and the use of mobile phones. 51. During the non-stop flight, passengers can watch movies, play games, read or sleep. 52. In Moscow you pridtsâ change from train to plane. 53. The train arrives on schedule at 6 am. Uncomfortable. 54. While traveling South on the car, they did 2stop at night. 55. you will not be allowed to board the plane without a boarding pass. 56. If you're lucky you with fellow travelers not bad time on the train. 57. The shelves in our trains slišo narrow and short, to a good night's sleep. 58. When planting many aching ears and their sick. 59. My motion sickness spoiled the whole trip. 60. various permits are offered travel by land and sea. 61. your train has just arrived on the second platform, hurry up! 62. If you book a ticket in advance, you pay a little more. 63. During the journey there are discounts for students. 64. If you have luggage more than usual, you may be forced to pay for the excess. 65. you know that it is forbidden to import and export from the country? 66. During the summer, many people like to go to the countryside. 67.-you can book a ticket to New York? -What is the number? -23 August. -There are 3 flights of different airlines, you what? -And what's first? -6.30 am. "Luft Hansa". -Satisfied. You are welcome. 2 steward. -Return date fixed? -Open. -Your name, please? 68.-What is the currency exchange rate today? -Look at the scoreboard. 69. Have you ever been on tours, accompanied by a guide? 70. you have something to declare? 71. keep your boarding pass along with the ticket on the train, without the first second is invalid. 72. the beds should be reserved in advance, at least two days. 73. Sleeping where horrible, you are inviting trouble.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. At this intersection is always very busy traffic.
2. With one port to another can be reached by ferry.
3. In your city has a historical museum?
4. With ice cream can not enter the bus.
5. Do not tell me where the currency exchange?
6. At the bus stop a lot of people.
7. If priparkueshsya in the wrong place, to pay a fine.
8. In England you can buy envelopes into the machine, which usually are usually located near the building pochtampa.
9. In Londonsokm metro children under 14 traveling at a reduced rate.
10. Cross the road only at a pedestrian or controlled crossing.
11. We will go on shore as soon as the ship will go to the port.
12. What do I do if I zabluzhusb in the subway?
13. The conductor collects fares.
14. Sorry, there buses in the direction of the market?
15. Keep the ticket until the end of the trip!
16. Unfortunately, the state of the roads in our city is poor.
17. In central London, parking is limited, the car can be parked at the counter no more than 4h.
18. I propose to go on a tour around the city chaosvuyu.
19. From the shore the sailors were clearly seen coming down to the shore and happily waving his hands.
20. We do not have time to explore otstalosb museums.
21. Our office is located on a busy street.
22. The city has many narrow and winding roads.
23. You go in the opposite direction.
24. -How Do you think, how fast you were going when I stopped you? - 60 km / h. - Did you see the road sign - speed limit? -Do Not noticed. -I Have to fine you. Your right, please.
25. The speed limit helps save many lives.
26. Let's sightseeing! (2 variants)
27. Moscow too great city to explore its s day, but to get a glimpse of the city 3-4 days will be enough.
28. In this museum you can see a magnificent collection of works of fine and applied art.
29. From this bridge offers a beautiful panorama of the city.
30. They say London is dirty and full of garbage in the streets.
31. In Britain drive on the left, and everyone should wear seat belts.
32. Going outside, look, first left, then right.
33. Reach the traffic light and turn left.
34. Walk past the bank, cross the bridge, then turn right at the crossing.
35. -Excuse Me how to get to the theater? - Go straight and take the first left.
36. To obtain a visa, you have to pass an interview.
37. -Park Far away? - Enough, you have to go on the subway, and then a few stops on the bus, so it's better to take a taxi.
38. - Filling out of here far? - No, a 5-minute walk, opposite the supermarket, go straight, you pass by.
39. -How Should I explore the city? -If You have a long walk on foot.
40. You can drive from my house to your direct?
41. I saw how he went from the coast.
42. How long is the trip?
43. I'm at the bus stop. How to get to your house? -Go Along the rail while moving tram 5 to the intersection, turn right, the store should be on the left and go approximately 2 blocks just right, I'll wait for you outside the house.
44. I think we're lost, let's ask someone the way to the hotel?
45. You a one way ticket or round trip?
46. Bus Route smozhzhete you see at the bottom of the windshield and side.
47. You have to be at the airport 40 minutes before take-off in time to register tickets and baggage.
48. When you arrive abroad, you are going through customs, where you are asked a series of questions.
49. On board Smoking is prohibited.
50. During takeoff and landing can not vstvat from their seats and the use of mobile telephones.
51. During non-stop flight, passengers can watch movies, play games, read or sleep.
52. In Moscow, you will come to change from train to plane.
53. The train arrives on schedule at 6 am. Uncomfortable.
54. When traveling by car to the south, they made ​​2
overnight stops.
55. You will not be allowed to board the plane without a boarding pass.
56. If you are lucky with fellow travelers, you will not spend a bad time on the train.
57. Shelves in our trains slishom narrow and short, to have a good night's sleep.
58. When planting in many ears hurt and sick.
59. My motion sickness ruined the whole trip.
60. Various ticket discount travel by land and sea.
61. Your train has just arrived on the second platform, hurry up!
62. If you order a ticket in advance, you pay a little more.
63. During the trip, students are provided with discounts.
64. If you have luggage bigger than it should be, you can get to pay for the advantage.
65. You know that it is forbidden to import and export from the country?
66. In summer, many people like to go to the countryside.
67. -You Can book a ticket to New York? -On What number? -August 23. -There Are 3 flights of different airlines, you what? -And A first? -6.30 Am. "Luft Hansa." - Arranges. You are welcome. 2 Savings both ends. -Date Fixed return flight? -Opening. -Your Name, please?
68. -What Exchange rate on the day? -See The scoreboard.
69. Have you ever been on an excursion accompanied by a guide?
70. Do you have something to declare?
71. Keep your boarding pass with your ticket on the train, the second without the first is invalid.
72. Berths must be ordered in advance, at least two days.
73. Sleeping anywhere, you're asking for trouble.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. this intersection is always very busy traffic.
2. from one port to another can be reached by ferry.
3. your city is the history museum?
4. ice cream in the bus can be.
5.where a currency exchange?
6. at the bus station a lot of people.
7. if the park there in a restricted area, pay a fine.
8. in england you can buy an envelope machineusually, usually located near the почтампа.
9. in лондонсокм metro children under 14 years of age are at a reduced rate.
10. cross only a pedestrian or a domain transition.
11.we get off at the bank as soon as the ship comes into port.
12. what do i do if i заблужусб subway?
13. the conductor collects fees for travel.
14. sorry, there are buses to the market?
15.keep your tickets until the end of the trip!
16. unfortunately, the state of the roads in the town leaves much to be desired.
17. in central london parking is limited, the car can be parked in front of the meter is not more than 4ч.
6.i suggest you go to the чаосвую tour around the city.
19. the beach is visible. the sailors, glued on shore and happy машущих hands.
20. we don't have time for the inspection отсталосб museums.
21.our office is located in the bustling street.
22. in the city many narrow and winding roads.
23. you're going in the opposite direction.
24. - what do you think, what speed you were when i stopped you? - 40 miles an hour.- and did you see the road sign - speed limit? i didn't notice. - i have to fine you. your license, please.
25. the speed limit is helping save the lives of many people.
26.let's look at the attractions. (2.)
27. moscow is a city, to see her the day, but to get a glimpse of the city of 3 - 4 days would be enough.
28.in this museum, you can see the magnificent works of art and applied art.
29. this bridge has a beautiful view of the city.
30. they saylondon's streets are full of debris.
31. in britain the left-wing movement, and all must wear seat belts.
32. crossing the street, look left first, then right.
33.go to the traffic lights and turn left.
34. go past the bank, visit the bridge, then turn right at the pedestrian crossing.
35. excuse me, how to get to the cinema?- go straight and take the first turn on the left.
36. to get a visa, you need to take the interview at the embassy.
37. park here so far? - that's enough, you'll have to go on the subway.and then a couple of stops on the bus, so you'd better take a taxi.
38. is the station from here how far? - no, 5 minute walk, in front of the supermarket, go straight, you can't miss it.
39. - i better check it?if you have a lot of time to travel on foot.
40. you can get there from my house to your direct?
41. i saw he was away from the coast.
42. how long is the journey?
43. i'm at the bus stop. how to get to your house?go along the rails along the traffic line 5 to the intersection, turn right, the shop should be on your left and walk about two blocks straight ahead, i wait for you at the house.
44. i think we're lost.let's ask someone the way to the hotel?
45. you a one-way ticket or round-trip?
46. route bus you сможжете see below the windshield and side.
47. you must be at the airport in 40 minutes before take-off.time to check-in.
48. when you arrive at the border, you pass the customs where you ask a number of questions.
49. smoking is prohibited on board aircraft.
50.during take-off and landing can be вствать seats and use mobile phones.
51. during the: flight passengers can watch movies, play games, read or sleep.
52.in moscow you придтся go on the train to the plane.
53. the train arrived on schedule at 6 in the morning. uncomfortable.
54. during the trip to the south by car, they did 2
stops for the night.
55.you're not allowed to board the plane without a boarding pass.
56. if you get lucky with the fellow, you are not bad spending time on the train.
57. the shelves of our trains слишо narrow and short, to get a good night's sleep.
58.when many earaches and sick.
59. my seasick ruined the whole trip.
60. in various путевках offers travel by land and sea.
61. the train has just arrived on the second platform.hurry up!
62. if you order the ticket in advance, you pay a little more.
63. during the trip, students receive discounts.
64. if you have luggage more than good.you may have to pay over the odds.
65. you know that it is illegal to import and export of the country?
66. in summer many people like to travel in the country.
67. can i book a ticket to new york? - what's the number? on 23 august.- there are 3 different airlines flight, you what? - well, what's the first? -6.30 morning. " backlash hansa ". - fine. please. 2 coach at both ends. at a fixed date departure? - open. - your name, please?
68.- what's the exchange rate today? - look at the scoreboard.
69. have you ever been to the tour, accompanied by a tour guide?
70. do you have anything to declare?
71.keep your boarding pass with the ticket on the train, the first second is invalid.
72. sleeping places need to book in advance, at least for two days.
73. sleeping around,you're asking for trouble.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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