Спасибо. Я не боюсь делать ошибки, понимая, что это единственный способ научиться. Не бывает так, чтобы плотник хоть раз не ударил себя по пальцу. Просто эти ошибки заставляют меня грустить. Я имела ввиду то, что сложно изменить себя изнутри, заставив не обращать на всё это внимания. Впрочем, ладно, мне не хотелось бы надоедать тебе с этой темой. В конце концов это даже не проблема, а что-то, с чем только я сама справится могу. Ещё раз спасибо, ты очень человек.
Здорово, я видела пару раз как работает кузнец. Это действительно здорово, видеть как раскаляясь поддаётся метал. Незабываемо!
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Thank you. I'm not afraid to make mistakes, realizing that this is the only way to learn. There is no way that Carpenter has not hit myself on a finger. Just these errors make me sad. I was given the what hard to change yourself from the inside out, forcing not to pay this attention. However, okay, I do not wish to annoy you with this theme. In the end, it's not even a problem, and that is what I myself can handle only. Thanks again, you're very human.Cool, I've seen a couple of times as a blacksmith works. It's really cool to see how raskalââs′ to metal. Unforgettable!
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Thanks. I'm not afraid to make mistakes, knowing that this is the only way to learn. There is no way that a carpenter once did not hit his finger. Just these mistakes make me sad. I mean that is difficult to change yourself from the inside, causing not pay all this attention. But, okay, I do not want to bore you with this topic. In the end, it's not even a problem, but something with which only I can handle myself. Once again, thank you very much man. Wow, I've seen a couple of times as a working blacksmith. It is really cool to see how red-hot metal amenable. Unforgettably!
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Thank you very much. I'm not afraid to make mistakes, knowing that this is the only way to learn. There is no so that carpenter at any time will not hit the finger. Simply these errors make me love songs. I have had in view the,That is it difficult to change itself from inside, forcing does not have to pay for all of this attention. However, okay, I would not like to bombard you with you with this topic. In the end, this is not even a problem, and that'S the way with than I am the only itself can handle it i can.
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