В философии Августина Бог сотворил эту природу и мир в целом без зла,  перевод - В философии Августина Бог сотворил эту природу и мир в целом без зла,  английский как сказать

В философии Августина Бог сотворил

В философии Августина Бог сотворил эту природу и мир в целом без зла, которое позже появилось из-за порчи: « But even if the corruption is not arrested, it still does not cease having some good of which it can not be further deprived”.Это говорит о том, что Бог сотворил человека на этой Земле как часть природы для лучшей жизни, но все равно порча и зло существовали и будут существовать вместе с ним всегда. Этот закон регулирует не только Бог, но и общество и государство. Однако, сам Бог, наблюдая за каждым человеком, за обществом, в котором он живет и, одаряя их одинаковыми моральными правами, восстанавливает мир и справедливость. В философии Сократа, мы видим, что перед казнью он тоже говорит о зле и добре.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Augustine's philosophy God created this nature and the world at large without evil, which later appeared due to corruption: "But even if the corruption is not arrested, it still does not cease having some good of which it can not be further deprived." This suggests that God created man upon this earth as a part of nature for a better life, but still the corruption and evil existed and will exist together with him always. This Act regulates not only God, but also the society and the State. However, God himself, watching each person for the society in which he lives and graces their same moral rights, restores peace and justice. In the philosophy of Socrates, we see that he, too, before his execution, said about the evil and the good.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In the philosophy of St. Augustine, God created this nature and the world without evil, which later appeared because of damage: «But even if the corruption is not arrested, it still does not cease having some good of which it can not be further deprived". It says that God created man upon this earth as part of nature for a better life, but still spoiling and evil existed and will exist with him always. This law governs not only God, but also the society and the state. However, God himself, watching each person for the society in which he lives, and gave them the same moral rights, restores peace and justice. In the philosophy of Socrates, we see that before his execution, he also speaks about good and evil.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the philosophy of augustine, god created the nature and the world as a whole without evil, which later emerged from the disorder, "but even if the corruption is not arrested, it still does not although having some good of which it can not be further deprived" it showsgod created man on the earth as part of the nature to live better, but still curses and evil exist and will be with him always. this law regulates not only godbut the society and the state. however, god himself, watching every person for the society in which he lives, honour their equal moral rights, restores peace and justice. in the philosophy of socrates,we see that before his execution he talks about sin and righteousness.
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