1американцам доступен более широкий ассортимент продуктов,чем потребит перевод - 1американцам доступен более широкий ассортимент продуктов,чем потребит английский как сказать

1американцам доступен более широкий

1американцам доступен более широкий ассортимент продуктов,чем потребителям из другой любой страны.
2потребитель может выбирать свежие,замороженные,консервированные продукты и полуфабрикаты.
3мясо,рыба,фрукты,овощи и другие продукты не всегда доступны некоторым российским семьям.
4сейчас в магазинах большой выбор продукции предназначенной для приготовления или разогрева в микроволновой печи.
5микроволновая печь - это революция в процессе приготовления еды.
6Большинство американских семей посещает супермаркеты один раз в неделю и покупают продукты на целую неделю.
7компьютерный магазин позволяет делать покупки находясь дома.
с 1950 года наблюдается феноменальное увеличение числа ресторанов быстрого обслуживания.пообедать в таких ресторанах значительно дешевле чем приготовить такую же еду своими руками. поэтому американские семьи часто посещают быстроешки так как это удобно и экономично.
8американская пищевая промышленность предлагает большой выбор молочных и мясных продуктов с низким содержанием жиров.
9кормление животных осуществляется на научной основе с целью получения постного мяса.
10также существует требование к выращиванию овощей не содержащих избыточное колличество удобрений пестицидов и гербицидов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1amerikancam is available over a wide range of products than consumers of any other country.2potrebitel' can choose fresh, frozen, canned products and semi-finished products.3mjaso, fish, fruits, vegetables and other products are not always available to some Russian families.4sejchas in stores a large selection of products designed for cooking or heating in a microwave oven.5mikrovolnovaja oven-a revolution in the process of cooking.6Bol'shinstvo American families visiting supermarkets once a week and buy products for the whole week.7komp'juternyj shop allows you to make purchases from home.Since 1950, there has been a phenomenal increase in the number of quick-service restaurants. dine at such restaurants are much cheaper than to cook the same food with their hands. so American families often visit bystroeshki because it is convenient and economical.8amerikanskaja food industry offers a large selection of meat and dairy products that are low in fat.9kormlenie animals are carried out on a scientific basis, with a view to getting lean.10takzhe there is a requirement for growing vegetables does not contain an excessive number of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1amerikantsam available a wider range of products than other consumers of any country.
2potrebitel can choose fresh, frozen, canned goods and intermediates.
3myaso, fish, fruit, vegetables and other foods are not always available to some Russian families.
4seychas stores large variety of products destined for cooking or heating in a microwave oven.
5mikrovolnovaya oven - a revolution in the process of cooking.
6Bolshinstvo American families visit supermarkets once a week and buy food for an entire week.
7kompyuterny store allows you to buy from home.
a phenomenal increase in the number of fast food restaurants there since 1950. dine at these restaurants, much cheaper than cook the same food with their hands. so American families often visit bystroeshki as it is convenient and economical.
8amerikanskaya food industry offers a variety of meat and dairy products low in fat.
9kormlenie animals is carried out on a scientific basis in order to get lean.
10takzhe there is a requirement for growing vegetables do not contain an excess of fertilizer Number of pesticides and herbicides. 9kormlenie animals is carried out on a scientific basis in order to get lean. 10takzhe there is a requirement for growing vegetables do not contain an excess of fertilizer Number of pesticides and herbicides. 9kormlenie animals is carried out on a scientific basis in order to get lean. 10takzhe there is a requirement for growing vegetables do not contain an excess of fertilizer Number of pesticides and herbicides.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1американцам available a wider range of products than consumers in any other country.2потребитель can choose fresh, frozen, canned products and semi-finished products.3мясо, fish, fruit, vegetables and other products are not always available to some russian families.4сейчас stores a selection of products intended for cooking or heating in a microwave oven.5микроволновая oven is a revolution in the process of cooking.6большинство american families attend the supermarket once a week and buy food for the whole week.7компьютерный store allows you to shop from home.since 1950 there has been a phenomenal increase in the number of restaurants, fast обслуживания.пообедать in such restaurants are significantly cheaper than to make the food with their hands. so american families often visit быстроешки because it is convenient and economical.8американская food industry offers a wide choice of dairy and meat products with a low content of fat.9кормление animals is the scientific basis to obtain lean meat.there is a requirement to 10также vegetable not containing excessive amount of fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides.
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