Мы начали наше путешествие в исторической части города Волгограда с вд перевод - Мы начали наше путешествие в исторической части города Волгограда с вд английский как сказать

Мы начали наше путешествие в истори

Мы начали наше путешествие в исторической части города Волгограда с вдохновляющей поездки в Мамаев курган, чтобы увидеть огромную статую, «Родина-мать зовет». Затем мы направились обратно в центр и прогулялись по набережной на берегу реки перед посадкой в наше судно.В течение следующих нескольких дней теплоход останавливался около небольших деревень, и мы проплыли мимо Саратова, Самары и Симбирска.На третий день нашей поездки мы были в Казани, где Волга встречается с рекой Казанкой. Казань является наполовину русской, наполовину татарской и полностью очаровательна. В верхней части города, мы посетили Казанский Кремль, где мы видели удивительный Благовещенский собор и таинственное обеднение смеси в Башне Сююмбике.Поскольку река везла нас дальше, Нижний Новгород вошел в представление, стоя на высоком холме, где Волга впадает в Оку. Красные кирпичные башни Большого Кремля доминируют над горизонтом и Архангельский собор лежит в пределах своих исторических стен. Оттуда мы посетили многие знаменитые монастыри города.Мы плыли вперед в Кострому - город, который почти так же стар, как Москва. Улицы веером от центральной площади, и мы поразились средневековым крестьянским домам и золотым куполам Ипатьевского монастыря.Наконец, наш рейс принес нас в Ярославль. Красные кирпичные церкви 17 века были восхитительны с их ярко плиточным экстерьером и фантастическими фресками.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
We started our journey in the historical part of the city of Volgograd with an inspirational trip to the Mamayev Kurgan, to see the enormous statue "mother motherland is calling." Then we headed back to the Center and have walked along the promenade on the banks of the River before boarding our vessel. during the next few days, the ship stopped near small villages, and we sailed past the Saratov, Samara and Simbirsk. On the third day of our trip, we were in Kazan, where the Volga meets the river Kazankoj. Kazan is half Russian, half Tatar and completely charming. In the upper part of the city, we visited the Kazan Kremlin, where we saw the wonderful Cathedral of the Annunciation and the mysterious depletion Söyembikä Tower mixture. as the river carried us further, Nizhny Novgorod entered into view, standing on a hill, where the Volga River flows into the Cmos. Red brick towers of the big Kremlin dominate the skyline and the Archangel lies within its historic walls. From there we visited many famous monasteries of the city we floated forward to Kostroma, a city that is almost as old as Moscow. Streets fan out from the central square, and we are amazed at the medieval peasant homes and Golden domes of the Ipatiev's monastery. Finally, our flight brought us in Yaroslavl. Red brick Church 17 centuries were delicious with their brightly tiled exterior and fantastic frescoes.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
We started our tour in the historic city of Volgograd with inspiring travel to the Mamayev Hill to see the huge statue "The Motherland Calls". Then we headed back to the center and stroll along the promenade on the banks of the river before boarding our sudno.V over the next few days, the ship stopped near the small villages, and we sailed past the Saratov, Samara and Simbirska.Na the third day of our trip we were in Kazan, where the Volga meets the river Kazanka. Kazan is a half-Russian, half Tatar and completely charming. In the upper part of the city, we visited the Kazan Kremlin, where we saw an amazing Cathedral of the Annunciation and the mysterious depletion of the mixture in the Tower Syuyumbike.Poskolku river was taking us further, Nizhny Novgorod came into view, standing high on a hill, where the Volga flows into the Oka. Red brick tower of the Grand Kremlin dominate the skyline and the Archangel Cathedral lies within its historic walls. From there we visited many famous monasteries goroda.My floated forward to Kostroma - a city that is almost as old as Moscow. The streets are a fan from the central square, and we marveled at the medieval peasant homes and the golden Dome of the Ipatiev monastyrya.Nakonets, our flight brought us to Yaroslavl. Red brick church of the 17th century were delicious with their brightly tiled exterior and fantastic frescoes.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
we started our journey in the historical part of the city of volgograd with an inspirational trip on mamayev kurgan, to see a huge statue of "mother cails." then we headed back to the center and took a walk along the river bank before planting in our судно.в over the next couple of days you stayed near the small villages, and we sailed past the saratov, samara and симбирска.на third day of our trip, we were in russia, where the volga river meets the river казанкой. kazan was half russian, half tatar and completely adorable. in the upper part of the town, we visited the kazan kremlin, where we saw the cathedral of the annunciation and the mysterious обеднение mixture in the tower сююмбике.поскольку river was driving us forward, nizhny novgorod entered the picture, standing on a high hill, where the volga river empties into the eye. the red brick tower of the kremlin and the cathedral of the archangel dominates the horizon lies within their historical walls. from there we visited many famous monasteries города.мы sail forward in кострому - the city that is almost as old as moscow. the fan from the central square, and we marveled at the medieval peasant houses and golden куполам ипатьевского монастыря.наконец, our flight brought us in yaroslavl. the red brick church in the 17th century were great with their bright tile экстерьером and fantastic murals.
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