Ничто не вечно. И наша Вселенная, конечно, тоже умрет. Поговаривают, ее ждет вечное расширение и, в конце концов, смерть от энтропии. Вселенная увеличивается, и энтропия растет и будет расти, пока все, что нам дорого, не умрет. Но это сантименты, а мы люди ученые, поэтому нам интересно, как будет выглядеть конец Вселенной? Чем он будет сопровождаться?
Через 150 миллиардов лет ночное небо на Земле будет выглядеть совсем иначе. Пока Вселенная стремится к своей тепловой смерти, пространство расширяется быстрее скорости света. Мы знаем, что скорость света является жестким ограничителем скорости всех объектов во Вселенной. Но это применяется только к объектам, которые находятся в пространстве, а не самой ткани пространства-времени. Это трудно понять на лету, но ткань пространства-времени уже расширяется быстрее скорости света. И в будущем это повлечет за собой странные последствия. Поскольку само пространство расширяется быстрее света, существует космологический горизонт. Как только объекты уходят за космологический горизонт, они становятся недоступными для нас.Пока лишь несколько объектов находятся за пределами нашего космологического горизонта. Но поскольку темная энергия ускоряет расширение, все в конечном итоге окажется за пределами досягаемости наших глаз.Представьте, что смотрите в ночное небо через 150 миллиардов лет. Единственное, что будет видно, это несколько звездочек, которые остались в пределах космологического горизонта. В конце концов, уйдут и они. Ночное небо будет полностью чистым, как табула раса. Астрономы будущего не смогут доказать, что во Вселенной есть какой-нибудь другой объект. Все звезды и галактики, которые мы видим сейчас, исчезнут. Для нас во всей Вселенной останется только Солнечная система. Правда, Земля вряд ли доживет до этого, но об этом ниже.
Всем известно, что звезды не вечны. Их срок жизни начинается вместе с их образованием, продолжается всю фазу главной последовательности (на которую приходится большая часть жизни звезды) и заканчивается со смертью звезды. В большинстве случаев звезды раздуваются в несколько сотен раз больше своего обычного размера, заканчивая фазу главной последовательности, а вместе с этим поглощают любые планеты, которые оказываются близко к ним. Примерно через 5,4 миллиарда лет наше Солнце выйдет из фазы главной последовательности. Исчерпав водородное топливо в ядре, пепел инертного гелия, который там соберется, станет нестабильным и коллапсирует под действием собственного же веса. Это приведет к тому, что ядро нагреется и станет плотнее, что, в свою очередь, приведет к увеличению Солнца в размерах — звезда войдет в фазу «ветви красных гигантов».Этот период начнется, когда наше Солнце станет субгигантом и будет медленно увеличиваться вдвое в течение около полутора миллиардов лет. Следующие полмиллиарда лет оно будет расширяться быстрее, пока не превысит свой текущий размер в 200 раз и не станет в несколько тысяч раз ярче. Потом оно официально станет красным гигантом и его диаметр составит приблизительно 2 а. е. — Солнце выйдет за пределы текущей орбиты Марса.
На данный момент наша Вселенная имеет много различных типов звезд. Красные карлики — холодные звезды, испускающие красный свет — являются одними из самых распространенных. Также во Вселенной много белых карликов. Это звездные останки мертвых звезд, состоящие из вырожденного вещества, удерживаемого вместе с помощью квантовых эффектов. В настоящее время астрономы считают, что белые карлики имеют практически бесконечную продолжительность жизни. Но по прошествии определенного времени даже они умрут и станут экзотическими звездами: черными карликами. Такая судьба ожидает и наше Солнце. В далеком будущем наше Солнце выбросит свои внешние слои и превратится в белую карликовую звезду, которой будет оставаться миллиарды лет. Но однажды даже белые карлики начнут остывать. Спустя 10100 лет они остынут до температуры, равной несколько градусов выше абсолютного нуля. Когда это произойдет, наше светило станет черным карликом. Поскольку этот тип звезды настолько холодный, человеческому глазу он будет невидим. Для любого, кто попытается найти Солнце, которое подарило нам жизнь, это будет невозможно сделать с помощью оптических систем. Ему придется искать его по гравитационным эффектам. Большинство звезд, которые мы видим в ночном небе, станут черными карликами (еще одна причина, почему ночное небо станет чистым). Но за наше теплое Солнце особенно обидно.
К тому времени, когда наше Солнце станет черным карликом, звездная эволюция уже завершится. Новые звезды рождаться не будут. Вместо этого Вселенную наводнят холодные останки звезд. И это позволит Вселенной начать создавать странные звезды, которые существенно отличаются от известного нам. Если заглянуть еще дальше в будущее, там будет еще более странная звезда. Примерно через 101500 лет в будущем энтропия возьмет свое, и Вселенная будет по сути мертвой. В эти холодные времена управлять Вселенной будут квантовые эффекты.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Nothing is forever. And our universe, of course, also die. They say it is waiting for the eternal expansion and, eventually, death by entropy. The universe entropy increases and growing and will grow until all that we hold dear, will not die. But this sentiment, and we the people scientists, so we wonder how will look like the end of the universe? Than it will be accompanied?Through 150 billion years the night sky on Earth will look very different. While the universe aspires to its thermal death, space is expanding faster than the speed of light. We know that the speed of light is a tough speed limiter all objects in the universe. But this only applies to objects that are in the space, rather than the very fabric of space-time. It is difficult to understand on the fly, but the fabric of space-time is already expanding faster than the speed of light. In the future this will entail strange consequences. Since the space is expanding faster than the speed of light, there is a cosmological horizon. As soon as objects go for cosmological horizon, they become unavailable to us. So far, only a few objects are beyond our cosmological horizon. But because dark energy accelerates the expansion, all will ultimately prove beyond the reach of our eye. Imagine that you can see in the night sky through 150 billion years. The only thing you will see is a few stars who remained within the cosmological horizon. In the end, and they leave. The night sky will be completely clean, as Tabula Rasa. Astronomers of the future will not be able to prove that in the universe there is any other object. All the stars and galaxies that we see now, will disappear. For us throughout the universe will remain only the solar system. True, the Earth is unlikely to live up to that, but more on that below.Everyone knows that the stars are not eternal. Their lifetime starts together with their education, continues throughout the main sequence phase (which accounts for a large part of the life of a star) and ends with the death of a star. In most cases, the star inflated several hundred times its normal size, ending the main sequence phase, and as a result consume any planets that are close to them. Approximately 5.4 billion years the Sun will come out of the main sequence phase. After exhausting the hydrogen fuel in the core, the ashes of inert helium, which would meet there, becomes unstable and collapses under its own weight. This will cause the kernel heats up and becomes denser, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the size of the Sun is a star enters the red giant branch phase. "this period will begin when our Sun becomes a subgiant with an apparent magnitude and will slowly increase by half over a period of about one and a half billion years. Following half a billion years it will grow faster until will not exceed its current size in 200 times and will not become several thousand times brighter. Then it becomes officially a red giant and its diameter is about 2 a. e.-Sun will go beyond the current orbit of Mars.At the moment our universe has many different types of stars. Red dwarfs — cold stars, emitting a red light — are among the most common. Also in the universe many white dwarfs. This star remains of dead stars, composed of degenerate substances held together using quantum effects. Astronomers now believe that white dwarfs have almost infinite lifespan. But after a certain amount of time even they die and become exotic stars: black dwarfs. Such a fate awaits our Sun. In the distant future of our own Sun will throw their outer layers and turn into a white dwarf star, which will remain for billions of years. But one day, even white dwarfs will begin to cool. 10100 years later they cooled to a temperature equal to a few degrees above absolute zero. When this happens, our star will become a black dwarf. Since this type of star is so cold, it will not be visible to the human eye. For anyone who tries to find the Sun which gave us life, it will be impossible to do using optical systems. He will have to look for it on gravitational effects. Most of the stars that we see in the night sky, become black dwarfs (another reason why the night sky will be clean). But for our warm sun especially offensively.By the time our Sun will become a black dwarf, stellar evolution is concluded. New stars will not be born. Instead, the universe of ravenous cold remains of stars. And it would allow the universe to start creating strange stars, which are substantially different from the known to us. If we look further into the future, there will be even more strange star. After about 101500 years into the future, and take the entropy of the Universe is in fact dead. In these cold times to manage the universe will be quantum effects.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Nothing is eternal. And our universe, of course, will die too. Rumor has it she will be eternal expansion and, ultimately, death by entropy. The universe is increasing, and the entropy is growing and will continue to grow until all that we hold dear, and not die. But that sentiment, and we the people, scientists, so we wonder how it will look like the end of the universe? What he will be followed?
After 150 billion years, the night sky in the world will look very different. So far, the universe tends to its heat death, the space expands faster than the speed of light. We know that the speed of light is a tough speed limiter all objects in the universe. However, this applies only to objects that are in the space, not the space-time fabric. It is difficult to understand on the fly, but the space-time fabric has expanded faster than light. And in the future this will lead to strange consequences. Since space itself is expanding faster than light, there is a cosmological horizon. As soon as the objects leave behind the cosmological horizon, they become inaccessible to nas.Poka only a few objects are beyond our cosmological horizon. But as the dark energy is accelerating the expansion, all eventually would be beyond the reach of our glaz.Predstavte that see in the night sky after 150 billion years. The only thing that is clear is more asterisks which have remained within the cosmological horizon. In the end, they will leave and. The night sky is completely clear as tabula rasa. Astronomers of the future will not be able to prove that in the universe there is any other object. All the stars and galaxies we see now will disappear. For us, in the whole universe will be only the solar system. However, Earth is unlikely to live to see it, but more on that below.
Everyone knows that the stars are not eternal. Their life span begins with their education continues throughout the main sequence phase (which accounts for most of the life of a star) and ends with the death of a star. In most cases, the stars swell up to several hundred times its normal size, and the last phase of the main sequence, and at the same time absorb any planets that are close to them. Approximately 5.4 billion years our sun will come out of the main sequence phase. Having exhausted the hydrogen fuel in the core, the inert helium ash, which will gather there, becomes unstable and collapses under its own weight well. This will lead to the fact that the core heats up and becomes denser, which in turn will lead to an increase in the size of the Sun - the star will enter the phase of "red giant branch" .This period will begin when our Sun becomes subgiants and will increase slowly in half for about one and a half billion years. The following half a billion years it will grow faster still does not exceed its current size of 200 times and will not be several thousand times brighter. Then it will officially become a red giant and its diameter is approximately 2 a. e -. The sun will go beyond the current orbit of Mars.
At the moment, our universe has many different types of stars. Red dwarfs - cold stars that emit red light - are among the most common. Also in the universe a lot of white dwarfs. This stellar remains of dead stars, composed of degenerate matter, held together with the help of quantum effects. Currently, astronomers believe that white dwarfs have almost infinite life span. But after a certain time, even they die and become exotic stars: black dwarfs. Such a fate awaits our sun. In the distant future of our own Sun will throw off its outer layers and become a white dwarf star, which will remain for billions of years. But one day, even white dwarfs will cool. After 10,100 years, they have cooled to a temperature of a few degrees above absolute zero. When this happens, our star will become a black dwarf. Since this type of stars is so cold, it will be invisible to the human eye. For anyone who tries to find the sun, which gave us life, it would be impossible to make with the help of optical systems. He will have to search for it by gravitational effects. Most of the stars that we see in the night sky will become black dwarfs (another reason why the night sky will be clear). But for our warm sun is especially insulting.
By the time when our Sun becomes a black dwarf, stellar evolution is already completed. New stars will not be born. Instead, the universe will flood the cold remains of stars. And it will begin to create the universe strange stars, which differ significantly from the known to us. If you look even further into the future, there will be even more strange star. Approximately 101,500 years in the future will take its entropy, and the universe is in fact dead. In these cold times to control the universe are quantum effects.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
nothing lasts forever. and our universe, of course, will die too. they say it is an expansion and, eventually, death of the entropy. the universe is increased, and the entropy increases and will increase until all that we love, never dies. but this sentiment, we are scientists, however, we wonder what will be the end of the universe? he will be accompanied by?150 billion years the night sky on earth will look very different. as the universe is its thermal death space is expanding faster than the speed of light. we know that the speed of light is the rigid speed of all objects in the universe. but this applies only to the objects that are in the space, and not to the fabric of space and time. it"s hard to understand on the fly, but the fabric of space-time is expanding faster than the speed of light. in the future this would entail a strange effect. since the space itself is expanding faster than light, there is a cosmological horizon. once the objects are for the cosmological horizon, they become inaccessible to the нас.пока only a few objects are outside of our космологического horizon. but because the dark energy accelerates the expansion, it will eventually prove to be beyond the reach of our глаз.представьте, look at the night sky through 150 billion years. the only thing that will see a few stars, who remained within the космологического horizon. in the end, and they leave. the night sky will be completely clean, like a tabula rasa. in the future will not be able to prove, that the universe is there any other object. all the stars and galaxies that we see now will disappear. for us in the universe, only the solar system. true, the earth did not see before, but on this below.we all know that the stars are forever. their life begins with education, is the phase of main sequence (which accounts for a big part of the lives of the stars) and ends with the death star. in most cases, the experts in several hundred times their normal size, to the phase of the main sequence, and along with this absorbing any planets that are close to them. about 5.4 billion years the sun leaves the main sequence phase. with hydrogen fuel in the core, the ashes of inert helium, which it will become unstable and collapse under its own weight is. this would mean that the core is hot and becomes denser, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the sun, the star will enter a phase of "branch of the red гигантов».этот period begins when the sun is субгигантом and will slowly увеличиватьс
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