УраааааааааааааааааааааMAY 31, 2016: POLL RESULTS: POLAND HAD THE BEST перевод - УраааааааааааааааааааааMAY 31, 2016: POLL RESULTS: POLAND HAD THE BEST английский как сказать

УраааааааааааааааааааааMAY 31, 2016



Move over, Måns! There is a new balloon boy in town, courtesy of Michal Szpak. Our readers have chosen Poland‘s postcard as the best of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016.

Ten days ago, we invited you to vote for your favourite postcard(s) of the year. Michal Szpak’s fans rallied and the “Thor version of Prince” slayed the pack.

Back in April SVT shot the Polish postcard in different locations around Warsaw, including Gdanski bridge and the parks around Lazienki Palace. It features the singer in a number of contemplative situations, before fans surround him with red and white balloons, obvs referring to the Polish flag. On one of them, Michal writes the Eurovision 2016 slogan “Come Together”. And his fans did exactly that, voting his postcard the best of this year’s contest, with 1,222 votes — or around 15% of the ballot.

Michał Szpak
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
UraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMAY 31, 2016: POLL RESULTS: POLAND HAD THE BEST POSTCARD AT EUROVISION 2016 11 Move over, Måns! There is a new balloon boy in town, courtesy of Michal Szpak. Our readers have chosen Poland's postcard as the best of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016. Ten days ago, we invited you to vote for your favourite postcard (s) of the year. Michal Szpak's fans rallied and the Thor version of Prince "slayed the pack. Back in April the SVT shot the Polish postcard in different locations around Warsaw, including Gdanski bridge and the parks around Lazienki Palace. It features the singer in a number of situations, contemplative before fans surround him with red and white balloons, obvs referring to the Polish flag. On one of them, Mike writes the Eurovision 2016 slogan "Come Together". And his fans did exactly that, voting his postcard the best of this year's contest, with 1.222 votes — or around 15% of the ballot.Michał Szpak
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Uraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MAY 31, 2016: POLL RESULTS: POLAND HAD THE BEST POSTCARD AT EUROVISION 2016 11 Move over, Måns! There is a new balloon boy in town , courtesy of Michal Szpak. Readers have Chosen Our company Poland's postcard as with the: best of the Song Contest of Eurovision the 2016. Ten days ago The, we Invited you to vote for your Favourite postcard (s) of the year's. Szpak's FANS Michal rallied and the "Prince of Thor version of" slayed the pack. The Back in April the SVT-shot in the Polish postcard Different locations around Warsaw, Including Gdanski bridge and parks around the Lazienki Palace is. It features the singer in a number of contemplative situations, before fans surround him with red and white balloons, obvs referring to the Polish flag. On one of them, Michal writes the Eurovision 2016 slogan "Come Together". And his fans did exactly that, voting his postcard the best of this year's contest, with 1,222 votes - or around 15 of the the ballot%. Of Michał Szpak

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
ураааааааааааааааааааааMAY 31, 2016: POLL RESULTS: POLAND had the best POSTCARD at EUROVISION 2016 11move over, Måns! there is a new balloon boy in town, courtesy of michal Szpak. our readers have chosen poland "s postcard as the best of the Eurovision song contest 2016.ten days ago, we invited you to vote for your favourite postcard (s) of the year. michal Szpak"s fans rallied and the "thor version of prince"s" slayed the pack.back in april SVT shot the polish postcard in different locations around warsaw, including Gdanski bridge and the parks around Lazienki palace. it features the singer in a number of contemplative situations, before fans surround him with red and white balloons, obvs referring to the polish flag. on one of them, michal writes the Eurovision 2016 slogan "come together". and his fans did exactly that, voting, postcard the best of this year"s contest, with 1222 votes, or around 15% of the ballot.Michał Szpak
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