Проблема в том, что я плохо разговариваю по английски. Мне приходится пользоваться Google переводчиком, который немного странно переводит как мой, так и ваш текст. Я пологаю, вы хотите познакомиться?
The problem is that I'm not speak English. I have to use Google Translator, which is a little strange translates as my and your text. I pologaû, you want to meet?
The problem is that I speak bad English. I have to use Google translator who translates a bit strange as mine, and your text. I pologayu, you want to meet?
The problem is that I'm on poorly now. I have to use Google translator, which is slightly strange places as my, and your text. I пологаю, you want to explore?