1. В каких условиях вы жили, когда были ребенком? 2. Я записала все его замечания по этому вопросу. 3. Если бы ты вчера приняла эти таблетки, ты сегодня чувствовала бы себя гораздо лучше. 4. У девочек был совсем несчастный вид, когда им сказали о болезни их матери. 5. Позволь детям побегать босиком, это не причинит им вреда. 6. Все больные одинаковы: нервничают по пустякам и ведут себя как дети. 7. На вашем месте я бы не записывала все эти данные, они не имеют большого значения. 8. Если ты не будешь спать, ты будешь отвратительно чувствовать себя завтра. 9. Мне нравится этот врач, потому что он не прописывает слишком много лекарств. 10. Он снова отсутствует? Это похоже на него: пропускать уроки, когда у вас письменная контрольная. П. Я бы не сказала, что между нами большое сходство. 12. Как будто собирается дождь. Думаю, нам лучше посидеть дома.
Мать сидела рядом с кроваткой ребенка, не сводя с него глаз. Ребенок бредил, у него был сильный жар, щеки пылали, а под глазами были темные круги. Зашла соседка, принесла термометр и какое-то лекарство. Она сказала, что это лекарство снизит температуру. Через два часа мать измерила ребенку температуру и увидела, что лекарство не помогло.
Пришел врач и сказал, что у ребенка воспаление легких, но серьезной опасности пока нет. Он спросил, когда мальчик заболел. Мать вспомнила, что еще со вторника он все время говорил, что у него болит голова и ломит все тело.
«Не волнуйтесь. Все будет хорошо, — сказал врач, — но вам бы следовало отвезти ребенка в больницу».
«Я лучше сама присмотрю за ним», — сказала мать.
«Что же, — сказал врач, — не буду настаивать. Не нужно расстраиваться. Если вы будете точно следовать моим указаниям, я уверен, что через несколько дней ему будет лучше».
Врач ушел, но подумал, что было бы все-таки лучше отправить ребенка в больницу.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. The conditions in which you lived when you were a kid? 2. I recorded all of his comments on this issue. 3. If you had yesterday took these pills, today you feel much better. 4. girls have been quite unhappy appearance when they were told of their mother's disease. 5. Let children run barefoot, it doesn't cause them harm. 6. All patients the same: nervous little things and behave like children. 7. In your place I would not write all these data, they don't have much value. 8. If you don't sleep, you're going to be disgusting to feel tomorrow. 9. I like this doctor because he doesn't put too much medicine. 10. He again missing? This is similar to it: skip lessons when you have written verification. P. I would not say that between us great similarities. 12. As if going to rain. I think we better sit at home.The mother sat next to the crib child, keeping with him. Child raved, he had fever, cheeks flamed, and under the eyes were dark circles. Talking neighbor brought a thermometer and some medicine. She said that this medication will reduce the temperature. Two hours later the mother measured child temperature and saw that the medication did not help.The doctor came and said that the child had pneumonia, but serious risk yet. He asked when the boy fell ill. His mother remembered that even Tuesday he said that he had a headache and are breaking the whole body."Don't worry. Everything will be fine, "said doctor — but you should take the child to the hospital."I better get herself looking for him," said his mother."Well," said doctor won't insist. No need to get upset. If you follow my instructions exactly, I'm sure after a few days it will be better. "The doctor gone, but thought it would be still better to send a child to the hospital.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. In what circumstances did you live when you were a kid? 2. I wrote down all his observations on the matter. 3. If you took those pills yesterday, today you would feel much better. 4. The girls were very unhappy when they were told about the illness of their mother. 5. Let the children run barefoot, it does not hurt them. 6. All patients are equal: nervous over nothing, and behave like children. 7. In your place I would not have recorded all of the data, they do not matter much. 8. If you do not sleep, you'll feel tomorrow disgusting. 9. I like this doctor because he does not prescribe too many drugs. 10. Again, he is not? This is similar to him skip classes when you have written the test. P. I would not say that the great similarity between us. 12. As if going to rain. I think we should sit at home. My mother was sitting next to the crib of the child, not staring at him. The child was delirious, he had a high fever, her cheeks flushed, and under the eyes dark circles. Went neighbor brought a thermometer and some medicine. She said that this medicine will lower the temperature. Two hours later, the child's mother has measured the temperature and found that the drug did not help. The doctor came and said that the child has pneumonia, but serious danger yet. He asked when the boy fell ill. Mother remembered that since Tuesday, he kept saying that he had a headache and body aches. "Do not worry. All will be well, - said the doctor - but you ought to take the child to the hospital. "" I'd better keep an eye on him herself, "- said the mother." What, - said the doctor - I will not insist. No need to get upset. If you'll just follow my instructions, I'm sure that after a few days it will be better. "The doctor was gone, but he thought that it would be still better to send the child to the hospital.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. when you live, when you were a child? 2. i wrote down all his comments thereon. 3. if yesterday you took these pills, you'd feel much better. 4.the girls have been very unhappy when they told their mother about the disease. 5. let the kids run around barefoot, it won't do them any harm. 6. all the patients are the same: nervous about and act like children. 7.if i were you, i would not write all of these data, they do not have much significance. 8. if you don't go to sleep, you'll be sick to feel tomorrow. 9. i like the doctorbecause he's not prescribing too many drugs. 10. he's missing? it looks like him, to miss class, when you have a written test. p. i wouldn't say that, between us is very similar. 12.as if it's going to rain. i think we'd better stay home.
mother sat next to the bed baby, not without him. the child was delirious, he had a high fever, her cheeks were blazing, and have dark circles under your eyes. in neighborthermometer and get some medicine. she said that this medicine will reduce the temperature. after two hours the child mother measured temperature and saw that the cure didn't work.
the paramedics came and said,that the child pneumonia, but danger yet. he asked when the boy fell ill. mother remembered that on tuesday he talked all the time, because he had a headache and pain all over the body.
"don't worry.everything will be all right, "said the doctor, but you should take the child to the hospital.
" i'd rather you keep an eye on him, "said mother." "what," said the doctor, i will not insist. no need to get upset.if you just follow my lead, i'm sure that in a few days he will be better. "the doctor left, but thought that it would be still better to send the child to the hospital.
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