Причина финансовой безграмотности и выход из этой ситуации.Финансовая  перевод - Причина финансовой безграмотности и выход из этой ситуации.Финансовая  английский как сказать

Причина финансовой безграмотности и

Причина финансовой безграмотности и выход из этой ситуации.
Финансовая грамотность - достаточный уровень знаний и навыков в области финансов, который позволяет правильно оценивать ситуацию на рынке и принимать разумные решения.
К большому сожалению, финансовая грамотность большинства населения нашей страны продолжают оставаться на очень низком уровне. Причины этому, на мой взгляд, достаточно банальны: ни одно учебное заведение не включает в свои учебные программы хотя бы элементарные основы финансовой грамотности.
Это все является одной из важнейших причин низкого уровня жизни и бедности населения, что в свою очередь , выгодно тем, кто стоит у власти. Таким образом, основы финансовой грамотности вряд ли в ближайшее время будут включены в учебные программы, поэтому повысить свою финансовую грамотность сейчас можно только самостоятельно.
Финансовая грамотность сейчас начинает очень медленно расти, что не может не радовать. С другой стороны, многие люди продолжают относиться к управлению личными финансами довольно скептически. На мой взгляд, это большое заблуждение, потому что нельзя научить человека чему либо , если он сам этого не хочет. Такие люди ищут подвох, и думают только о том, в каком месте их разводят.
Хотелось бы перечислить, что на сегодняшний момент, по моему мнению, должно входить в те основы финансовой грамотности, которые обязан знать каждый.
1. Правильный подход к деньгам.
2. Планирование и учет личных финансов.
3. Взаимоотношение человека с банком.
4. Разъяснения, что возможен не только активный заработок, но и пассивный доход.
5. Инвестиции.
Если бы наши учебные заведения включали в свои программы обучения эти несложные 5 тем, финансовая грамотность населения была бы на более высоком уровне.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The reason is financial illiteracy and a way out of this situation.Financial literacy-a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in the area of finance, which allows you to correctly evaluate the situation on the market and make wise decisions. Unfortunately, financial literacy for the majority of the population of our country remain at a very low level. The reasons for this, in my opinion, quite commonplace: any institution does not include in its training curricula at least rudimentary basics of financial competence. All this is one of the major reasons for low living standards and poverty, which in turn is beneficial to those who are in power. Thus, the basics of financial literacy is unlikely in the near future will be included in the curriculum, therefore, improve their financial literacy now can only be yourself.Financial literacy now begins to grow very slowly, which is good. On the other hand, many people continue to refer to the management of personal finances are pretty skeptical. In my opinion, this is a big misconception because you cannot teach a man anything or, if he doesn't want to. Such people are looking for the catch, and think only about how where they are bred.I would like to mention, that at the moment, in my opinion, should be included in the Foundation financial literacy, which is obliged to know each.1. The correct approach to money.2. planning and personal finance.3. the human Relationship with the Bank.4. Explain what is possible not only active but also earn passive income.5. Investment.If our educational institutions should include in their training programmes 5, however, these simple financial literacy of the population would be at a higher level.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Cause financial illiteracy and out of this situation.
Financial literacy - a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in the areas of finance, which allows you to correctly assess the market situation and make sensible decisions.
Unfortunately, the financial literacy of the majority of our population continue to remain at very low levels. The reasons for this, in my opinion, quite simple: any educational institution does not include in their curricula at least the elementary principles of financial literacy.
It is one of the major causes of poor living conditions and poverty, which in turn is beneficial to those who is in power. Thus, the basics of financial literacy is unlikely in the near future will be included in the curriculum, so to improve their financial literacy is now only themselves.
Financial literacy is now beginning to grow very slowly, it can not but rejoice. On the other hand, many people continue to refer to the management of personal finances rather skeptical. In my opinion, this is very misleading, because you can not teach a man anything, or if he does not want it. These people are looking for the catch, and only think about, where they are bred.
I would like to mention, that at the moment, in my opinion, should be part of the foundations of financial literacy, which everyone should know.
1. The correct approach to money.
2. Planning and personal finance.
3. The relationship of man with the bank.
4. It explained that it is possible not only to active income, but passive income.
5. Investments.
If our educational institutions to include in their training programs, these 5 simple fact, the financial literacy of the population would be at a higher level.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the reason of financial illiteracy and the way out of this situation.
financial literacy - an adequate level of knowledge and skills in the field of finance.which allows a correct assessment of the situation on the market, and make reasonable decisions.
unfortunately, financial literacy, the majority of the population of our country continues to remain at a very low level.the reasons for this, in my view, is trivial: no educational institution is not included in the curricula for basic framework of financial literacy.
it is one of the major causes of poor quality of life and poverty, which in turn benefits to those in power. thus, thethe basics of financial literacy is unlikely in the near future will be included in the curriculum, therefore, increase their financial literacy can now only myself. "financial literacy is now beginning to grow very slowly, so that's a positive. on the other hand, many people continue to refer to the management of personal finances very skeptical. in my opinion,it is a big error, because you can't teach a man anything, if he don't want to. people looking for trouble, and only think about where they farmed.
wish list.at the moment, in my opinion, should be the basis of financial literacy that must know every.
1. the right attitude to money.
2. planning and inventory of personal finance.
3.the relationship of man with the bank. "4. explain that it is possible to not only the money, but also passive income.
5. investment.
if our educational institutions include in their curricula, these simple 5,the financial literacy of the population would be at a higher level.

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