СПОРТ И ЭКОНОМИКА: СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО ГОЛЬФ-КЛУБОВ- Многие испанские гольф  перевод - СПОРТ И ЭКОНОМИКА: СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО ГОЛЬФ-КЛУБОВ- Многие испанские гольф  английский как сказать



- Многие испанские гольф -клубы строятся так : компания покупает долю за 20-50 тысяч евро и продает акции своим служащим. Возможен ли такой подход в России?

- Испанцы исходят из того, что строительство гольф-клуба – практически беспроигрышное дело. Конечно, такое возможно и в России, но прежде надо определить земельно - правовые отношения и тогда уже решать, какие источники финансирования привлекать. Продавать ли членство, привлекать инвестиции, брать кредиты или пускать кого-либо в долю. Клубы могут быть частными, смешанными, когда наряду с членами приглашаются клиенты со стороны, муниципальными, то есть построенными за счет города, даже военными, ведь гольф – отличное средство психологической разгрузки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
SPORTS AND ECONOMICS: BUILDING GOLF CLUBS-Many Spanish golf clubs are as follows: the company buys a share for 20-50 thousand euro and selling the shares to its employees. Whether such an approach is possible in Russia?-The Spaniards believe that the construction of the Golf Club is almost a win-win deal. Of course, this is possible in Russia, but first you have to determine land legal relationship and then decide what funding sources involved. Sell membership, attract investments, take loans, or to allow someone to share. Clubs can be private, mixed, when along with members are invited by the municipal clients, that is, built at the expense of the city, even the military, because golf is an excellent tool for psychological relief.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
SPORT AND ECONOMY: BUILDING Golf Club - golf-club Many Spanish constructed as follows: a company buys a share for 20-50 thousand euros and sells shares to its employees. Whether such an approach is possible in Russia? - Spanish based on the fact that the construction of a golf course - almost a win-win deal. Of course, this is possible in Russia, but first it is necessary to determine the land - the legal relationship and then we decide what sources of funding to attract. Whether to sell memberships, attract investment, borrow or let anyone in the share. Clubs can be private, mixed, when along with members invited by the clients, municipalities, that is built at the expense of the city, even the military, because golf - a great tool for psychological relief.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

- many Spanish golf -clubs are built so : company buys share in 20-50 thousand euros and sells shares to its employees. Is it possible to this approach in Russia?

- Spaniards come from the fact that the construction golf club - virtually unbeatable. Of course, this is possible and in Russia, but first must be to determine land - legal relations and then have already addressed,What sources of funding to attract. Whether or not to sell membership, to attract investment, to take loans or start someone to share. Clubs can be private, mixed,When, together with the members of customers are invited to the parties, municipal, that is built by the city, even military, but golf - an excellent tool for psychological relief.
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