мне никогда не нравилось жить в России. я не могу объяснить почему, зд перевод - мне никогда не нравилось жить в России. я не могу объяснить почему, зд английский как сказать

мне никогда не нравилось жить в Рос

мне никогда не нравилось жить в России. я не могу объяснить почему, здесь слишком много плохого. в первую очередь люди, они злые. но с другой стороны нигде нет так не веселяться, как в России. сейчас я учусь на Мальте, но я не скучала по России. дома я обычно отдыхаю и забываю обо всех делах, а это очень плохо. я так считаю. раздражает что машины загрязняют воздух! сейчас есть электромобили но никто этим не занимается. когда я долго дома, я начинаю ругаться с моими родителями, они во многом меня не понимают, поэтому я избегаю их.я думаю у всех есть такие привычки, иногда мне бывает плевать на чужие проблемы. это очень не нравится моим друзьям. сейчас моя жизнь отличается от их жизни. я живу в другой стране без родителей и сама о себе забочусь. поэтому иногда нет дела до их проблем, потому что для меня они уже глупые. в этом нет ничего страшно, мне нет дела до них. у меня тоже есть парень и я не ищу места для поцелуев ахаха, это глупо. да это раздражает, обычно я начинаю возмущаться, потому что ценю свое время. я люблю переписываться с друзьями,когда нет возможности увидится, люблю искать интересные вещи в интернете. да на это иногда уходит много времени,интернет затягивает. у моего лучшего друга есть плохая привычка часто менять свои решения, но сейчас я просто не обращаю на это внимание. раньше очень раздражало. я не курю. но все мои друзья курят, я очень ругаюсь когда они курят рядом со мной. я не хочу дышать дымом, почему я должна это делать? не люблю невежливых людей, я просто не общаюсь с ними, видимо я очень сильно себя люблю. терпеть не могу когда меня с кем то сравнивают и когда кто-то лезет в мою личную жизнь без моего разрешения. как понять партнер? я могу сказать что бесит в моем парне. он очень любит кричать на меня и умничать.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I never liked to live in Russia. I can not explain why there are too many bad things. people first, they are evil. but on the other side of nowhere so not laughing, as in Russia. Now I am studying in Maltabut I did not miss Russia. I usually rest at home and forget about all things, and that's too bad. I think so. annoying that cars pollute the air! Now there is no electric but does not do so.when I'm at home for a long time, I start to argue with my parents, they largely do not understand me, so I avoid ih.ya think all have such habits, sometimes I happen to spit on other people's problems.it's not like my friends. Now my life is different from their lives. I live in another country without their parents and take care of herself. so sometimes you do not care about their problems, because for me they're stupid.There is nothing scary, I do not care about them. I also have a boyfriend and I'm not looking for a place to kiss ahaha, it's stupid. yes it is annoying, usually I start complaining, because I appreciate your time.I love to correspond with friends, when you can not meet again, I love looking for interesting things on the Internet. yes it sometimes takes a long time, the Internet is addictive.my best friend has a bad habit often change their decision, but now I just do not pay attention to it. earlier very annoyed. I do not smoke. but all my friends smoke,I really swear when they smoke around me. I do not want to breathe smoke, why should I do it? I do not like impolite people, I just do not communicate with them, apparently I'm very much like myself.I hate when I'm with someone and when compared to someone climbs into my personal life without my permission. how to understand a partner? I can say that infuriates my guy. he loves to yell at me and try to be clever.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I never liked to live in Russia. I can't explain why, here too much wrong. people first of all, they are evil. but on the other hand is not veselât′sâ, as in Russia. now I am studying in Malta but I have not missed in Russia. at home I usually have a rest and forget about all the cases, and this is very bad. I believe so. annoying that cars pollute the air! now there are electric cars but none of this does not. When I was home, I start to argue with my parents, they are in many ways I do not understand, so I avoid them. I think all have such habits, sometimes I have to spit on somebody else's problem. It's not like my friends. now my life is different from their life. I live in another country without parents and the care itself. so sometimes there is no case before them, because for me they are stupid. There's nothing scary, I don't care about them. I also have a boyfriend and I'm not looking for places for kissing ahaha, that's stupid. Yes it is annoying, I'm starting to resent because I value my time. I love to correspond with friends, when there is no possibility of dating, love to look for interesting things on the Internet. Yes, it sometimes takes a long time, the Internet addictive. my best friend has a bad habit of often change their decision, but right now I just don't pay much attention to it. used to be very irritated. I do not smoke. but all my friends smoke, I'm really being abusive when they smoke near me. I don't want to breathe the smoke, why should I do it? don't like impolite people, I just don't talk to them, I'm very much a like. I hate when I'm with someone compare and when someone digs into my personal life without my permission. How to understand a partner? I can say that infuriates my guy. He likes to yell at me and show off one.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I have never liked to live in Russia. I can't explain why, here too many bad. In the first place, they are evil. But on the other hand there is no so not веселяться, as in Russia. Now i'm in Malta,But I am not missed. at home, I usually just resting and i forget about all the cases, and that is a very poorly. i believe that. annoyed that machine contaminate air! Now there is a electric vehicles but no one that is not.When I am at home for a long time, i start talking trash with my parents, they are in many ways i do not understand, that is why I avoid them.i think we all have such habits, sometimes i can spit at the wrong problem.This is a very don't like my friends. It is now my life is different from their life. I live in another country without parents, and is itself of itself is motivation. It is therefore sometimes there is no cases prior to their problems, because for me, they are already stupid.In this there is nothing scary, I have no case to them. I have a boyfriend and I am not looking for a place for happy ахаха, this is stupid. Yes this is annoying, i usually begin finale, because that I appreciate their time.I love correspond with friends,when there is no possible anything else, i love > interesting things on the internet. yes on this sometimes takes a long time,internet delays.My best friend has a bad habit is often to change their decision, but I simply do not draw attention to this. very feigning. i do not smoking. but all my friends smoke,I walk with God.great thanks for all when they smoke next to me. I do not want to breathe smoke, why i should do it? I don't like невежливых people, I simply do not still talk with them, but I am very much a love.I can't tolerate when I am with whom the compare and when someone strained in my personal life without my permission. as to understand a partner? I can say that in my Ildar Khafizov who became how infuriating. he is very loves shouting at me and doctors.
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