Мы провели открытую встречу, на которой присутствовали представители Н перевод - Мы провели открытую встречу, на которой присутствовали представители Н английский как сказать

Мы провели открытую встречу, на кот

Мы провели открытую встречу, на которой присутствовали представители НАСА, ESA, представители госдепартамента и посол Чили. На встречу также были представители научного корпуса Австралии, поскольку проектированием будут заниматься специалисты космической отрасли из Австралии.
В связи с тем, что реализация такого проекта потребует колоссальных ресурсов, на встрече было принято решение о создании международного консорциума, который возглавит наш научный департамент номер три.
По договоренности, мы берем на себя обязательства по организации, проектированию и разработке проекта. Соединенные Штаты берут на себя большую часть финансовых обязательств. Чили предоставляет часть пустыни для реализации проекта. Также мы получаем серьезные финансовые преференции от правительства Чили. Взамен консорциум создаст в Чили более 10 000 рабочих мест, необходимых для строительства и обслуживания объекта.
Австралия и ESA предоставляет научных специалистов. Почетным председателем научной группы будет Стивен Хоукинг.
Предложение было разослано всем участникам консорциума. Мы уже получили предварительное согласие от Конгресса и НАСА, однако мы пока не получили ответ из Белого Дома.
Существует вероятность того, что Дональд Трамп откажется от поддержки проекта "Звездная пушка" из-за того, что рабочие места будут созданы в другой стране и сам объект будет находиться в Чили.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
We held an open meeting, which was attended by representatives of ESA, NASA, State Department representatives and the Ambassador of Chile. At the meeting were also representatives of the scientific Corps of Australia, because the design will address space industry professionals from Australia. Due to the fact that such a project would require enormous resources, the meeting decided on the establishment of an international consortium, which will be headed by our research department number three. On request, we commit ourselves to the Organization, designing and developing the project. The United States assume a large part of the financial obligations. Chile provides a subset of the desert for the realization of the project. Also we get serious financial preferences from the Government of Chile. In return, the Consortium will create in Chile more than 10000 jobs necessary for the construction and maintenance of the facility. Australia and ESA provides scientific professionals. Honorary President of the research group is Stephen Hawking. The proposal was circulated to all participants in the Consortium. We have already received preliminary approval from Congress and NASA, but we have not yet received a response from the White House. There is a possibility that Donald Trump would abandon support for the project "Star gun" due to the fact that jobs will be created in another country and the object itself will be in Chile.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
We had an open meeting, which was attended by representatives from NASA, ESA, representatives of the Department of State and the Ambassador of Chile. At the meeting were also representatives of the scientific body of Australia, as the design will be handled by experts of the space industry in Australia.
Due to the fact that the implementation of such a project would require enormous resources at the meeting, it was decided to establish an international consortium, which will be headed by our scientific department number three.
by agreement, we commit ourselves to the organization, planning and project development. The United States has taken over most of the financial liabilities. Chile provides a part of the desert for the project. Also we get serious financial preferences from the Government of Chile. In return, the consortium will create in Chile more than 10 000 jobs, necessary for the construction and maintenance of the object.
Australia and ESA provides scientific experts. Honorary chairman of the research group is Stephen Hawking.
The proposal was sent to all members of the consortium. We have already received preliminary approval from Congress and NASA, but we have not yet received a response from the White House.
There is a possibility that Donald Trump refuses to support the project "Stellar gun" due to the fact that the jobs will be created in a different country and himself the object will be in Chile.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
we had an open meeting, which was attended by representatives from nasa, esa, the representatives of the state department and the ambassador of chile. at the meeting were representatives of the scientific community in australia, because the design will be handled by the space industry in australia.in view of the fact that the implementation of this project would require enormous resources, at the meeting, it was decided to establish an international consortium, which will lead our science department number three.in agreement, we are committed to the design and development of the project. the united states take most of the financial obligations. chile provides a part of the project. we also have serious financial preferences from the government of chile. in return, the consortium will create in chile, more than 10000 jobs necessary for the construction and maintenance of the facility.australia and the esa provides scientific specialists. the honorary chairperson of the scientific group is stephen hawking.the proposal was sent to all the participants in the consortium. we have already received preliminary approval from the congress and nasa, however, we have not yet received a response from the white house.it is likely that donald trump abandoning support for the project "star gun" because jobs will be created in the other country and the object itself will be in chile.
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