Долго думая, я решила стать медицинской сестрой. Чем меня привлекла эт перевод - Долго думая, я решила стать медицинской сестрой. Чем меня привлекла эт английский как сказать

Долго думая, я решила стать медицин

Долго думая, я решила стать медицинской сестрой. Чем меня привлекла эта профессия?

Во-первых, я хочу помогать людям. Когда лежишь в больнице, всегда не хватает тепла, ласковых слов. Медсестра больше с больными, чем врач, и она может утешить больного.

Во-вторых, мне самой пригодится она в жизни. Когда у меня будет семья, дети, я смогу оказать им самую элементарную медицинскую помощь. Смогу квалифицированно ухаживать за своими престарелыми родителями. Да, пока они молодые и вполне здоровые, но хотим мы этого или нет, они в своё время состарятся и придут к ним болезни.

Я считаю: медицинская сестра – одна из самых благородных профессий. Она должна быть всегда доброй и милосердной, потому что дело, которым она занимается, облегчает страдания больного. К медицинским работникам люди всегда относятся особо, они их ценят и уважают.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hesitation, I decided to become a nurse. Than I was attracted by this profession?Firstly, I want to help people. When lying in the hospital, always lacking in warmth, gentle words. Nurse sick more than the doctor, and she can comfort a patient. Secondly, I will come in handy it in life. When I have a family, kids, I will be able to provide them with the most basic health care. Will I be able to competently care for their elderly parents. Yes, as long as they are young and quite healthy, but whether we like it or not, they get old and in due time will come to them of the disease.I believe: the nurse is one of the most noble professions. It should always be kind and compassionate, because the case in which it is involved, reduces suffering patient. To health professionals, always refer people they valued and respected.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
For a long time thinking, I decided to become a nurse. What attracted me to this profession? Firstly, I want to help people. When you lie in a hospital, there is never enough heat, tender words. Nurse with patients greater than the doctor, and she can comfort the patient. Secondly, it is useful to me the most in my life. When I have a family and children, I will be able to provide them with the most basic medical care. I am able to competently care for their elderly parents. Yes, as long as they are young and quite healthy, but whether we like it or not, they grow old at the time and to come to them of the disease. I believe: a nurse - one of the most noble professions. It should always be kind and merciful, because the case, which it is engaged, eases the suffering of the patient. For health care workers are always people especially, they are valued and respected.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
so, i decided to become a nurse. i got this job?first of all, i want to help people. when you"re in the hospital, always don"t have enough warm, sweet words. the more sick than a doctor, and she can comfort the patient.secondly, i need her in my life. when i have a family, children, i can give them the most basic medical assistance. be able to take care of their elderly parents. yes, as long as they are young and healthy, but whether we like it or not, they"re in your time come to the old and the sick.i think: the nurse is one of the most noble profession. she must be kind and merciful, because it"s who she is, the easier the suffering of the patient. health professionals are always are special, they appreciate and respect.
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