Так, значит, я подумал и пошел играть в футбол, перед тем, как делать  перевод - Так, значит, я подумал и пошел играть в футбол, перед тем, как делать  английский как сказать

Так, значит, я подумал и пошел игра

Так, значит, я подумал и пошел играть в футбол, перед тем, как делать уроки. Я решил играть не

больше, чем полтора часа, от силы — два, но, как только я попал на футбольное поле, у меня вс¸ из

головы вылетело, и я очнулся, когда уже совсем наступил вечер. Уроки я опять стал делать поздно,

когда голова уже плохо соображала, и дал сам себе обещание — на следующий день не буду так

долго играть. Но на следующий день повторилась та же история. И стал я думать, почему же у меня

так получается. Вот я думал, думал, и наконец мне стало ясно, что у меня совсем нет воли. То есть у

меня воля есть, только она не сильная. Если мне надо что-нибудь делать, то я никак не могу

заставить себя это делать, а если мне не надо чего-нибудь делать, то я никак не могу заставить себя

этого не делать. Вот, например, если я начну читать какую-нибудь интересную книжку, то читаю и

читаю и никак не могу оторваться. Мне, например, надо делать уроки, или пора уже ложиться спать,

а я вс¸ читаю. Мама говорит, чтоб я шел спать, а папа говорит, что пора уже спать, а я не слушаюсь,

пока нарочно не потушат свет, чтоб мне нельзя было больше читать. И вот то же самое с этим

футболом. Не хватает у меня силы воли кончить вовремя игру, да и только!

... Я решил, что мне надо развивать сильную волю ... Для этого я буду делать не то, что хочется, а

то, чего вовсе не хочется. Не хочется утром делать зарядку, — а я буду делать. Хочется идти играть в

футбол, — а я не пойду. Хочется почитать интересную книжку, — а я не стану. Начать решил сразу,

с этого же дня. В этот день мама испекла к чаю мое самое любимое пирожное, но я решил, что раз

мне хочется съесть это пирожное, то я не буду его есть.

Наутро я встал — мне очень не хотелось делать зарядку, но я вс¸-таки сделал, потом пошел под

кран обмываться холодной водой, потому что обмываться мне тоже не хотелось. Потом позавтракал

и пошел в школу, а пирожное так и осталось лежать на тарелочке, когда я пришел, оно лежало по-

прежнему. Я посмотрел на него. Мне очень захотелось тут же это прикончить, но я поборол в себе

это желание.

В этот день я решил в футбол не играть, а просто отдохнуть часика полтора и тогда уже взяться за

уроки. И вот после обеда я стал отдыхать. Но как отдыхать? Просто так отдыхать ведь не станешь.

Отдых — это игра или какое-нибудь интересное занятие. «Чем же заняться?» — думаю.— «Во что

поиграть?» Потом думаю: «Пойду-ка поиграю с ребятами в футбол». Не успел я это подумать, как

ноги сами вынесли меня на улицу, и пирожное так и осталось лежать на тарелке.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
So, then, I thought, and went to play football before you do lessons. I decided to not play more than an hour and a half, from the power of two, but as soon as I got on the football field, I have all of ... the head disappeared, and when I woke up, it was quite an evening. The lessons I do late, again When the head is bad, and finally gave himself a promise — the next day will not so long play. But the next day, repeated the same story. And I think, why do I have so it turns out. Here I thought, thought, and finally it dawned on me that I had no will. That is, the I would have, but she is not strong. If I need to do anything, I can't force yourself to do it, and if I do not have anything to do, then I can never bring myself to not to do so. For example, if I start to read some interesting little book, then read and I read and I can not break away. I, for example, to do lessons, or it's time to go to bed, as I sat, reading. MOM said that I was going to sleep, and my dad said that it is time to sleep, and I'm not Yes, While not purposely will extinguish the light so that I could not be more to read. And here's the same thing with this football. Not enough I have the willpower to cum in time game, and only! ... I decided that I need to develop a strong will ... To do this, I will do what I want, and What does not want to. I do not want to exercise in the morning, and I'm going to do. I want to go play football — and I do not go. Want to read an interesting book, and I'm not going to. Begin decided immediately, on the same day. The day MOM baked tea is my favorite cake, but I decided that times I want to eat this cake, I will not be eating it. The next morning I got up, I really didn't feel like exercise, but I still did ... Sun, then went under the faucet be washed with cold water, because I didn't want to be washed. Then I had breakfast and went to school and cake and left lying on the plate when I came, it was incontinue. I looked at it. I really wanted to kill it immediately, but I overcame the This desire. On that day, I decided to not play football, and just relax with časika and a half and then take the lessons. And that's after lunch, I started to relax. But as the rest? Just relax because you will not. Rest is a game or something interesting to do. "What to do?" — think. — "In that play? "Then I think" I will go to play with the guys up in football ". I didn't have time to think about how legs made me into the street, and a cake and left lying on the plate.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

So, then, I thought, and went to play football before homework. I decided to play no more than half an hour, maybe - two, but as soon as I got on the football field, I vs¸ of the head slipped, and I woke up when the evening came quite. Lessons I again began to do late, when the head is not thinking, and gave myself a promise - the next day will not be so long to play. But the next day, repeated the same story. And I began to think, why do I have so it turns out. So I thought and thought and finally became clear to me that I have no will. That is, I will have, but she is not strong. If I had to do something, then I can not bring myself to do it, and if I do not have anything to do, I can not bring myself to do it again. For example, if I start to read some interesting book, read and read and I can not tear myself away. For example, I have to do homework, or it's time to go to bed, and I read vs¸. Mom says that I went to bed, and my dad said that it was time to sleep, but I was not listening, yet purposely did not extinguish the light, so that I could no longer read. And the same with the football. I do not have enough willpower to finish the game on time, and only! ... I have decided that I need to develop a strong will ... For this, I will not do what you want, and what does not want to. Do not want to do exercises in the morning - and I'll do. I would like to go play football - and I will not go. I would like to read an interesting book - and I will not. Decided to start immediately, with the same day. On this day, my mother had baked for tea my favorite cake, but I decided that if I want to eat this cake, I will not eat it. The next morning I got up - I really did not want to do exercises, but I still did vs¸, then went under the faucet with cold water wash, wash because I did not want to. Then had breakfast and went to school, and a cake and left to lie on a platter when I came Therefore it lay still. I looked at him. I really wanted to finish it immediately, but I resisted a desire it. On that day I decided not to play football, and just relax hour and a half and then we take up the lessons. So after dinner I began to relax. But as the rest? Just relax so do not try. Recreation - it's a game or some interesting occupation. "What to do?" - Dumayu.- "What to play? "Then I think," I'll go play with the boys in football. " No sooner had I think, as the legs themselves carried me out into the street, and a cake and left to lie on a plate.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The Lord, then, I thought and went to play football, before, as well as to do the lessons. I have decided to play Lord is not more than one and a half hours, from force - two, but, as I am the only hit on the football field, I have bc' from the Lord's head went right out, and I awoke,When it is not yet due. The lessons i have once again become to do late, lord when the head is already poorly соображала, and gave itself a promise - the next day i will Lord so long to play.But the next day repeated the same story. And I think, why did i have this so lord. I thought, I thought, and finally it became clear to me that I have no faith. There is no lord i will is there, it is not strong.If I need to do anything, then I do not know lord to make yourself to do so, and if I do not have anything to do, I do not know the Lord to make yourself not to do so. That is, for example,If I start to read something interesting booklet, the Lord and I am reading and i cannot break away. I, for example, we may want to do the lessons, or it is time to sleep, Lord and i xb' reading. Mom said that, I was able to sleep, and Pope said,That the time has come for it to sleep, and I do not слушаюсь, Lord as long as Gracanica is not потушат light, but I could not be more to read. And that is the same with the Lord football. Not enough, I will be finished on time game, yes and only!

... I have decided,What I want to develop strong will ... For this I have to do is not what you want, and Lord, what does not want to do. Don't feel like it this morning to make the charge, and I have to do. You don't want to go to play football in the Lord, and I will not go through.I read an interesting book, and I am not going. Start decided immediately, Lord with the same agenda. On this day his mom before Saul to the tea my most favorite cake, but I have decided that once again lord i want to eat this cake, I will not have it.Silk Road : central asia : Lord i was - I do not like to do the charging, but i bc' -we have made, and then went under the lord cock be washed, cold water because the inshell walnuts should be such as I do not like. Then позавтракал lord and go to school,A cake and be based on the countries, when I came, it was prompted by the Lord continues to be. I looked at it. I very much wanted this same this throat, but I am поборол in itself lord this desire.

To this day, I decided, in football is not to play, and simply relax часика a year and a half and then have to face the lord lessons. And this is after lunch i was relax. But the rest? Just relax and do not suffice.

Rest - this is the game or any interesting lesson. "What's the address?" - I think.- "The Lord that play?" Then i think: "Go-ka поиграю with the guys in football". I don't think this is, as Lord legs themselves made me on the street,And a cake and is left on the plate.
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