Есть много опубликованных и широко различные мнения относительно целей перевод - Есть много опубликованных и широко различные мнения относительно целей английский как сказать

Есть много опубликованных и широко

Есть много опубликованных и широко различные мнения относительно целей, ценностей, andideologiesthatcan, делать, orshouldserveasthebasisforfacultyteach- ING. Например, Боуэн (1980), признавая немного карикатурно, описал шесть основных философий, которые в некоторой комбинации лежащих в основе большинства организационного поведения учение (OB). Во-первых, OB, как либерального образования, который является "академический" в перспективе преподавание теории полей и исследования. Во-вторых, OB можно научить, как мешок трюков, в которых навыки и методы, которые будут акцентированы небольшими ссылками на теории, исследования, или внутрен- консистенции. В-третьих, OB может сосредоточиться на личностного роста, подчеркивая самосознание, самоисследования, подлинное общение, счастье и удовлетворенностью. Четвертый подход OB в качестве подготовки по выживанию, с целью обучения студентов, как выжить и процветать в сложной и безразличного экономической и корпоративной среде. В-пятых, OB можно подходить как к зуемая окончания школы, пытаясь обострить и управленче- ских навыков у студентов и дать им достаточные знания, чтобы произвести впечатление на тех, кому они нужны, чтобы произвести впечатление. В-шестых, учение OB может подходить как подстрекатель, обвиняя многих мировых проблем на элиты питания и самоподдерживающейся иерархической структуры. Дополнительная философия, которая была подчеркнута в последнее время является то, что OB, как стимулятор пожизненного обучения, в котором учение подчеркивает необходимость продолжения обучения, с учетом быстро меняющейся окружающей среде (например, Грегерсен, Oddou, и Ritchie, 1993; Ramsey & Couch, 1994).
Мы не обнаружили, однако, не опубликовал никакого мнения относительно целей, ценностей и идеологий, которые могут, делать, или должны служить основой для написания учебника. Поскольку большинство курсов по управлению в большинстве бизнес-школ проводятся с использованием учебников, мы считаем, что некоторое представление о перспективах авторов текстов будет информативным для профессорско-преподавательского состава, текущих и проспективных авторов учебника тивных, издателей и других лиц, заинтересованных в формировании и направление управления образованием.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
There are many published and widely divergent views on the goals, values, andideologiesthatcan do, orshouldserveasthebasisforfacultyteach-ING. For example, Bowen (1980), recognizing a little caricatured, described six major philosophies, which in some combination of underlying most organizational behavior (OB) teachings. Firstly, OB, as liberal education, which is "academic" in the perspective of theory teaching and research fields. Secondly, OB can be taught as a bag of tricks, in which the skills and techniques that will be accentuated with little reference to theory, research, or internal consistency. Thirdly, OB can focus on personal growth, stressing the self-consciousness, self-enquiry, genuine companionship, happiness and satisfaction. The fourth approach OB as survival training, with the goal of teaching students how to survive and prosper in a complex and peculiar economic and corporate Wednesday. Fifthly, OB can be approached as to technical graduation trying to exacerbate the sensitivity and human skills of students and provide them with sufficient knowledge to make an impression on those who need them, to impress. Sixthly, the teachings of OB can be approached as the instigator, accusing many of the world's problems on the elite power and self-sustaining organization. Additional philosophy which has been stressed lately is that OB as stimulator of lifelong learning, in which the doctrine stresses the need to continue learning, given the rapidly changing environment (for example, Wednesday Gregersen, Oddou, and Ritchie, 1993; Ramsey & Couch, 1994).We did not find, however, has not published any views on the objectives, values and ideologies that can do, or should serve as the basis for writing the textbook. Since most of the courses in management in most business schools using textbooks, we believe that some insight into the perspectives of the authors of the texts will be informative for faculty, current and prospective authors of the textbook Advisory, publishers and other stakeholders in the development and direction of management education.method
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
There are many published and widely differing views on the objectives, values, andideologiesthatcan, do, orshouldserveasthebasisforfacultyteach- ING. For example, Bowen (1980), recognizing a bit caricatured, he described six basic philosophies that in some combination of the underlying majority of the teaching of organizational behavior (OB). Firstly, OB, a liberal education, which is the "academic" in the perspective of the theory of teaching and research fields. Secondly, the OB can be taught as a bag of tricks, in which the skills and techniques that will be punctuated with small references to theory, research, and internal consistency. Thirdly, the OB may focus on personal growth, emphasizing self-awareness, self-exploration, authentic communication, happiness and satisfaction. The fourth approach OB as survival training, with the aim of teaching students how to survive and thrive in a complex and indifferent economic and corporate environment. Fifth, the OB can be approached as a Globalized graduation, trying to aggravate and managerial skills of the students and give them sufficient knowledge to make an impression on those who need to impress. Sixth, the teachings of OB can be approached as the instigator, charging many of the world's problems on elite power and self-sustaining hierarchical structure. General philosophy, which has been highlighted in recent years is that the OB, as a stimulant of lifelong learning in which the teaching stresses the need for continuing education, taking into account the fast changing environment (eg, Gregersen, Oddou, and Ritchie, 1993; Ramsey & Couch, 1994).
We found, however, no published opinions on the goals, values ​​and ideologies that can, do, or have to serve as the basis for writing a textbook. Since the majority of courses in most business schools management are conducted using textbooks, we believe that some idea about the prospects for authors of texts to be informative for the teaching staff, current and prospective authors of the textbook tive, publishers and others interested in the formation and direction education management.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
there are many published and widely varying views on the goals, values, andideologiesthatcan, do orshouldserveasthebasisforfacultyteach - ing. for example, bowen (1980), recognizing that some карикатурно, described the six fundamental philosophies, which in some combination of underlying most organizational behaviour (ob) message. first, the ob as a liberal education, which is the "academic" in the perspective of teaching theory and research fields. secondly, the ob can be taught as a bag of tricks, in which the skills and methods that are to be by small references to theory, research, or internal consistency. thirdly, the ob can focus on personal growth, emphasizing the consciousness, самоисследования, genuine communication, happiness and satisfaction. the fourth approach the ob in the quality of survival, with the aim of teaching students how to survive and thrive in a complex and безразличного economic and corporate environment. fifthly, the ob can be treated as зуемая graduation trying to aggravate and управленче awareness skills of students and give them the knowledge to make an impression on those who they want to impress. sixthly, the ob can be treated as an abettor, accusing the many global problems of nutrition and self-sustaining hierarchical structure. the philosophy, which was highlighted in recent times is that the ob as a stimulant of life education, in which teaching stresses the need to continue learning, given the rapidly changing environment (for example, грегерсен, Oddou and ritchie, 1993; Ramsey & couch, 1994).we found, however, has not published any views on the goals, values and ideologies that may do or should serve as a basis for writing the book. since the majority of courses management in most business schools are carried out with the use of textbooks, we believe that some idea of the prospects for authors of texts will be informative for faculty members, current and проспективных operating textbook authors, publishers and other stakeholders in the management and direction of education.method
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