Привет, спасибо, что добавила меня в друзья. Мне очень приятно с тобой познакомиться. Я не очень хорошо говорю по английски, но надеюсь, что общение с друзьями мне поможет лучше изучить английский
Hi, thanks for that added me as a friend. I am very pleased to meet with you. I don't speak very well English, but I hope that communication with friends will help me better learn English
Hi, thanks for adding me as a friend. I am very pleased to meet you. I do not really speak English, but I hope that with my friends help me to better understand English
hello, thank you for adding me as a friend. i am very pleased to meet you. i don"t really speak english, but i hope that communication with friends will help me better study english