Главная героиня Кейт Форстер (Сандра Буллок) — молодая одинокая женщина, которая зимой 2006 года, после расставания со своим молодым человеком (Дилан Уолш), решает оставить арендуемый на озере дом со стеклянными стенами и переехать в Чикаго, поближе к новой работе. В качестве приветствия следующему арендатору она оставляет в почтовом ящике письмо, в котором извиняется за отпечатки собачьих лап на мостике к дому и пыльную коробку на чердаке. Обнаруживает это письмо Алекс Уайлер (Киану Ривз), столь же одинокий архитектор; Алекс не понимает, о чём пишет незнакомка, ведь нет ни отпечатков лап на мосту, ни старого хлама на чердаке. Откуда ни возьмись появляется потрёпанный пёс, который тут же пачкает свои лапы в чёрной краске, которой Алекс красил перила моста, и оставляет следы на деревянных досках. Алекс оставляет письмо в том же почтовом ящике, и вскоре герои выясняют, что они разделены двумя годами времени, хотя и находятся в одном и том же месте. Письма — их единственное средство общения…
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The main character Kate Forster (Sandra Bullock) is a young single woman, which in winter 2006, after breaking up with her boyfriend (Dylan Walsh), decides to leave rented at Lake House with glass walls and move to Chicago, closer to the new work. As a greeting to the next tenant, she leaves a letter in a mailbox in which apologized for the prints of dog paws on the bridge to the House and dusty box in the attic. Discovers the letter Alex Wyler (Keanu Reeves), an equally lonely architect; Alex doesn't understand what a stranger says, because there are no prints of Paws on the bridge, nor the old junk in the attic. From nowhere appear tacky dog, who immediately spoils their paws in black paint, which Alex painted railings of a bridge and leaves traces on wooden boards. Alex leaves a letter in the same Inbox, and soon discover that heroes are separated by two years time, though they are in the same place. Letter — their only means of communication.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Home heroine Kate Forster (Sandra Bullock) - a young single woman, who in the winter of 2006 after breaking up with her boyfriend (Dylan Walsh), decides to leave the rented house on the lake with glass walls and move to Chicago, close to the new job. As a greeting the next tenant leaves it in the mailbox a letter that apologizes for the paw prints of a dog on the bridge to the house and a dusty box in the attic. Detects the letter Alex Wyler (Keanu Reeves), an equally lonely architect; Alex does not know what the stranger says, because no paw prints on the bridge, or old junk in the attic. From nowhere appears tacky dog, who immediately spoils their paws in black paint that Alex painted railing of the bridge and leave footprints on wooden planks. Alex leaves a letter in the same mailbox, and soon the characters discover that they are separated by two years time, although they are in the same place. Letters - their only means of communication ...
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the main character kate forster (sandra bullock) is a young, single woman, which in winter 2006, after breaking up with her boyfriend. (dylan walsh),decides to keep the leased at the lake house with glass walls and move to chicago, closer to the new job. as a welcome for the next tenant. she leaves a letter in the mailbox.sorry about the paw prints in which the dog on the bridge to the house and the dust box in the attic. discovers that the letter alex wyler (keanu reeves), as the lone architect; alex doesn't know what's stranger,and no prints of the bridge or the old junk in the attic. all of a sudden a raggedy dog, who immediately smear their hands in black paint, which alex painted rail bridgeand leaves traces on the wooden boards. alex leaves a letter in the mailbox, and soon, the heroes discover that they separated two years of time, even though they are in the same place.letters is the only means of communication.
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