Есть много интересных и полезных профессий. Я выбрала быть учителем. Я перевод - Есть много интересных и полезных профессий. Я выбрала быть учителем. Я английский как сказать

Есть много интересных и полезных пр

Есть много интересных и полезных профессий. Я выбрала быть учителем. Я предполагаю, что моя будущая профессия будет одним из самых важных в настоящее время.
Моя будущая специальность – начальное образование. Я люблю детей очень, и становиться учителем была моя мечта начиная с моего раннего детства.
Учить и воспитывать детей - самая важная и благородная вещь, по моему мнению. Я буду помогать им становиться хорошими и умными людьми
Дети - наше будущее, и я хочу, чтобы они были действительно хорошими и образованными людьми. Конечно, профессия преподавателя не легка. Это требует больших знаний, много нежности, чувств и иногда большое терпение. Но я надеюсь, что я буду хорошим преподавателем и что мои ученики будут достойными.
Я твердо убеждена в том, что каждая профессия от учителя до механика, от садовника до космонавта, от художника к бизнесмену требует определенных личностных качеств. Это означает, что при выборе будущей карьеры вы должны быть реалистичными в своих интересах и способностях.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
There are many interesting and useful occupations. I chose to be a teacher. I guess my future profession will be one of the most important at the present time.My future profession is primary education. I love children very much, and become a teacher was my dream since my early childhood.Teach and educate the children is the most important and noble thing, in my opinion. I'll help them become good and smart peopleChildren are our future, and I want them to be really good and educated. Of course, the teaching profession is not easy. This requires a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness, senses, and sometimes a great deal of patience. But I hope that I will be a good teacher and that my students will be worthy.I firmly believe that every profession from teacher to mechanics, from gardener to astronaut, from artist to businessman requires certain personal qualities. This means that when choosing a future career you have to be realistic in their interests and abilities.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
There are a lot of interesting and useful professions. I chose to be a teacher. I suppose my future profession will be one of the most important at the moment.
My future specialty - primary education. I love children very much, and to become a teacher was my dream since my childhood.
To teach and educate children - the most important and noble thing, in my opinion. I will help them to become good and intelligent people
Children - our future, and I want them to be really good and educated people. Of course, the teaching profession is not easy. It requires a lot of knowledge, a lot of tenderness, feelings, and sometimes a lot of patience. But I hope that I'll be a good teacher, and that my disciples will be worthy.
I am firmly convinced that every profession from teacher to mechanics, from the gardener to the astronaut, from the artist to the business requires certain personal qualities. This means that when choosing a future career, you should be realistic in their interests and abilities.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
there are a lot of interesting and useful skills. i chose to be a teacher. i think my future profession is one of the most important currently.my future major is primary education. i love children very much, and to be a teacher is my dream since my childhood.to teach and educate the children is the most important and noble thing, in my opinion. i will help them become good and smart people.children are our future, and i want to be really good and educated people. of course, the profession of a teacher is not easy. it requires more knowledge, a lot of tenderness, feeling, and sometimes great patience. but i hope that i can be a good teacher and my students will be good.i am firmly convinced that each profession of the teacher to the mechanics of the gardener to the astronauts, from the artist to the businessman requires certain personal qualities. this means that when choosing future career you must be realistic in their interests and abilities.
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