Через пять дней после окончания войны, в день Страстной пятницы, 14 ап перевод - Через пять дней после окончания войны, в день Страстной пятницы, 14 ап английский как сказать

Через пять дней после окончания вой

Через пять дней после окончания войны, в день Страстной пятницы, 14 апреля 1865 года, на спектакле «Наш американский кузен» (в театре Форда) сторонник южан актёр Джон Уилкс Бут проник в президентскую ложу и выстрелил Линкольну в голову. Бут не был занят в спектакле, шедшем в тот день, и вообще ранее играл в театре Форда всего два раза, однако часто там бывал у своих друзей-актёров и хорошо знал как здание, так и репертуар театра. Во время самой смешной сцены комедии он вошёл в ложу президента и выстрелил в него после одной из реплик с тем расчётом, чтобы звук выстрела был заглушён взрывом хохота. Считается, что Бут при этом воскликнул: лат. Sic semper tyrannis! («Такова участь тиранов», девиз одного из южных штатов, Виргинии). В возникшей суматохе Буту удалось скрыться. Тем временем смертельно раненного Линкольна перенесли из театра в дом, расположенный напротив. На следующее утро, в 7 часов 22 минуты 15 апреля 1865 года, Авраам Линкольн скончался.

26 апреля 1865 года Бут был настигнут полицией в штате Виргиния в амбаре. Амбар подожгли, Бут вышел, вооружённый револьвером, и в этот момент был смертельно ранен в шею Бостоном Корбетом. Последние слова, которые были сказаны Джоном Бутом: «Передайте моей матери, что я умер, сражаясь за свою страну».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Five days after the end of the war, on the day of good Friday, April 14, 1865 year the play "our American cousin" (Ford's Theatre), a supporter of southerners actor John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential box and shot Lincoln in the head. Booth was busy in the show, which ran on the day and, in General, had previously played in Ford's theatre just twice, but often visited friends there-actors and knew the building and the Repertoire of the theatre. While most funny comedy scene he entered the presidential box and shot him after one of the replicas with the calculation to the sound of the shots was muted explosion of laughter. Thought Bout it exclaimed. Sic semper tyrannis! ("Such is the fate of tyrants", the motto of one of the southern States, Virginia). In the turmoil of a Bout managed to escape. In the meantime, the mortally wounded Lincoln moved from the theatre to the House opposite. The next morning, 7:0 22 minutes April 15, 1865, Abraham Lincoln died.

April 26, 1865, booth was hit by the police in the State of Virginia in the barn. The barn was set on fire, bottles came out, armed with a revolver, and at that moment was mortally wounded in the neck by Boston Korbetom. The last words, which were spoken by John Booth: "Pass of my mother that I died fighting for their country.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Five days after the end of the war, on the day of Good Friday, April 14, 1865, at the play "Our American Cousin" (in Ford's Theatre) Confederate supporter actor John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential box and shot Lincoln in the head. Booth was not busy in the play, which went on that day, and all previously played at Ford's Theatre only twice, but often been there with my friends and well-known actors as building and repertoire. During the funniest comedy scene he entered the lodge president and shot him after one of the replicas with the expectation that the sound of the shot was muffled roars of laughter. It is believed that while Booth said: Lat. Sic semper tyrannis! ("This is the fate of tyrants," the motto of one of the southern states, Virginia). In the ensuing chaos, Booth escaped. Meanwhile mortally wounded Lincoln moved from the theater to a house across the street. The next morning, at 7 o'clock 22 minutes April 15, 1865, Abraham Lincoln died. April 26, 1865 Booth was caught by police in Virginia in the barn. Set fire to the barn, Booth came out, armed with a revolver, and at this point, was mortally wounded in the neck Boston Corbet. The last words that were said John Booth: "Tell my mother I died fighting for their country."

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Five days after the end of the war, the day Good Friday, April 14, 1865,The theater "Our american cousin" (in Ford's Theater) supporter southerners actor John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential foyer and shot Lincoln in the head. Bout was not busy at the opera, a docker in the day,And not at all previously played in Ford's Theater just two times, however, there is often visited by their friends, actors and well-known as a building, and it was the time of the theater.At the time of the first funny comedy scenes he is logged in the foyer of the President of the and fired at him after one of the replicas so that sound was fired was shut down by an explosion self- massage. It is considered that Bout with the clairvoyant: lats.SIC positions tyrаnnis! ( "This is the plight of tyrants", the motto one from the southern states, Virginia). In the resulting confusion Bout managed to escape. In the meantime, fatally injured Lincoln transferred from the theater in the house, located on the opposite side.The following morning, in 7 hours 22 minutes 15 April 1865, Abraham Lincoln died.lord on 26 April 1865, Bout was will reach out by police in the state of Virginia in the granary. Set fire to a barn, Bout out, armed -caliber revolvers,And at this moment was fatally wounded in the neck Boston Корбетом. The last words that have been spoken, John butt: "Tell my mother that I had died, fighting for their country".
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