Эта идея гораздо хуже, чем мой план. Твоя история интереснее, чем эта статья. Твоя история гораздо интереснее, чем эта статья. Дни зимой гораздо короче, чем летом. Торговые центры в нашем городе хуже, чем в Лондоне.
This idea is much worse than my plan.Your story more interesting than the article.Your story is much more interesting than this article.The days in winter are much shorter than in the summer.Shopping malls in our city is worse than London.
This idea is much worse than my plan. Your story is more interesting than this article. Your story is much more interesting than this article. The days are much shorter in winter than in summer. Shopping centers in our city is worse than in London.
this idea is much worse than my plan.your story is more interesting than this article.your story is much more interesting than this article.days in winter is much shorter than in summer.shopping centers in our city than in london.