28) Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.Mr.  перевод - 28) Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.Mr.  английский как сказать

28) Put the verbs in brackets into

28) Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.
Mr. Briggs is away on business and he is phoning his wife to see how she is
Mr. Briggs: Hello, darling. How are you? Is everything okay?
Mrs. Briggs: I’m fine. I … …… (be) very busy since you ………… (leave).
Mr. Briggs: What …………………… (you/do) so far?
Mrs. Briggs: I ……………… (do) the painting, I ……………..(mend) the bookshelf and I …………… (build) a cupboard. I …………… (have) my hair cut and I …………………… (go) to the dentist’s. Oh, and yesterday I ……………… (speak) to a builder about the garage.
12. Mr. Briggs: A builder? The garage? What ……………… (happen) to the garage?
Mrs. Briggs: Well, the garage wall ……………… (fall down) two days ago.
Mr. Briggs: WHAT?????
Mrs. Briggs: I …………………… (not/finish) yet. We, well, the neighbor ….(have) a little accident. He ……………… (drive) into the garage wall.
Mr. Briggs: OH no! He …………………… (not/crash) into my new car, did he?
Mrs. Briggs: No! Your car ……………… (be) fine. Don’t worry!
29) Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect.
Last night I … … (see) “The Bodyguard” at the cinema.
Oh, I ……… (already/ see) it twice.
Do you know that Mrs Jones ………………… (work) here for sixteen years?
I thought she ………………………. (start) working here ten years ago.
……………….. (you/ever/meet) anyone famous?
Well, I ……………………… (see) Jane Fonda. ~
Really? I …………………….. (meet) her father, Henry Fonda, once. But he is dead now.

4. Yesterday I …………… (leave) the house and ………… (catch) the train. Then I ……….. (realize) that my keys ………… (be) in the house. ~
Oh no! That …………………….. (happen) to me before. What …………… (you/do)
~ I ………………….. (call) the locksmith.
5. I …………… (already/make) the beds and I ……… (just/sweep) the floor, but I …… (not/start) the ironing yet, ~ Don’t worry, I ………… (do) it yesterday.
6. How long ago …………………. (you/begin) painting? ~
Ten years ago. I ………… (recently/complete) a painting that the National Gallery ………. (ask) me to do a year ago.
7. Why are you so happy? ~
I ……………………….. (just/ pass) my driving test!
8. …………………….. (you/always/have) long hair, Julie? ~
No, when I was young, my hair …………………… (be) very short.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
28) Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.Mr. Briggs is away on business and he is phoning his wife to see how she isMr. Briggs: Hello, darling. How are you? Is everything okay?Mrs. Briggs: I’m fine. I … …… (be) very busy since you ………… (leave).Mr. Briggs: What …………………… (you/do) so far?Mrs. Briggs: I ……………… (do) the painting, I ……………..(mend) the bookshelf and I …………… (build) a cupboard. I …………… (have) my hair cut and I …………………… (go) to the dentist’s. Oh, and yesterday I ……………… (speak) to a builder about the garage. 12. Mr. Briggs: A builder? The garage? What ……………… (happen) to the garage?Mrs. Briggs: Well, the garage wall ……………… (fall down) two days ago.Mr. Briggs: WHAT?????Mrs. Briggs: I …………………… (not/finish) yet. We, well, the neighbor ….(have) a little accident. He ……………… (drive) into the garage wall.Mr. Briggs: OH no! He …………………… (not/crash) into my new car, did he?Mrs. Briggs: No! Your car ……………… (be) fine. Don’t worry!29) Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect.Last night I … … (see) “The Bodyguard” at the cinema. Oh, I ……… (already/ see) it twice.Do you know that Mrs Jones ………………… (work) here for sixteen years? I thought she ………………………. (start) working here ten years ago.……………….. (you/ever/meet) anyone famous? Well, I ……………………… (see) Jane Fonda. ~ Really? I …………………….. (meet) her father, Henry Fonda, once. But he is dead now. 4. Yesterday I …………… (leave) the house and ………… (catch) the train. Then I ……….. (realize) that my keys ………… (be) in the house. ~ Oh no! That …………………….. (happen) to me before. What …………… (you/do) ~ I ………………….. (call) the locksmith.5. I …………… (already/make) the beds and I ……… (just/sweep) the floor, but I …… (not/start) the ironing yet, ~ Don’t worry, I ………… (do) it yesterday.6. How long ago …………………. (you/begin) painting? ~ Ten years ago. I ………… (recently/complete) a painting that the National Gallery ………. (ask) me to do a year ago.7. Why are you so happy? ~ I ……………………….. (just/ pass) my driving test!8. …………………….. (you/always/have) long hair, Julie? ~ No, when I was young, my hair …………………… (be) very short.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
28) Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Past Simple.
Mr. Away the is on the Briggs business and he is Phoning a His wife to see how of she is
Mr. Briggs: Hello, darling. How are you? Is everything okay?
Mrs. Briggs: I'm fine. I ... ...... (be) very busy since you ............ (leave).
Mr. Briggs: What ........................ (you / do ) so far?
Mrs. Briggs: I .................. (do) the painting, I ............... .. (mend) the bookshelf and I ............... (build) a cupboard. I ............... (have) my hair cut and I ........................ (go) to the dentist's. Oh, and yesterday I .................. (speak ) to a builder about the garage.
12. Mr. Briggs: A builder? The garage? What .................. (happen) to the garage ?
Mrs. Briggs: Well, the garage wall .................. (fall down) two days ago.
Mr. Briggs: WHAT ?????
Mrs. Briggs: I ........................ (not / finish ) yet. We, well, the neighbor .... (Have) a little accident. He .................. (drive) into the garage wall.
Mr. Briggs: OH no! He ........................ (not / crash) into my new car, did he?
Mrs. Briggs: No! Your car .................. (be) fine. Do not worry!
29) Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect.
Last night I ... ... (see) "The Bodyguard" at the cinema.
Oh, I ......... (already / see ) it twice.
Do you know that Mrs Jones ..................... ( work) here for sixteen years?
I thought she ............................ (start) working here ten years ago .
.................. .. (You / ever / meet ) anyone famous?
Well, I ........................... (see) Jane Fonda. ~
For Really? I ........................ .. (meet) her father , Henry Fonda, once. But he is dead now.

4. Yesterday I ............... (leave) the house and ............ (catch) the train. Then I ......... .. (realize) that my keys ............ (be) in the house. ~
Of Oh the no! That ........................ .. (happen) to me before. ............... For What (you / do)
~ I of ..................... .. (call) the a locksmith.
5. I ............... (already / make) the beds and I ......... (just / sweep) the floor, but I ...... (not / start) the ironing yet, ~ Do not worry, I ...... ...... (do) it yesterday.
6. How long ago ...................... (you / begin) painting? ~
Ten years ago The. I ............ (recently / complete) a painting that the National Gallery .......... (ask) me to do a year ago.
7. Why are you so happy? ~
I of ........................... .. (just / pass) up my driving test!
8. ........................ .. (you / always / have) long hair, Julie? ~
No, I of the when WAS young, up my hair ........................ (the BE) very short.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
28) states should put the students in the present perfect or simple past).mr. briggs is away on business and he is phoning for to see how she ismr. briggs: hello, darling. how are you? is everything okay?mrs. briggs: i 'm fine. i...... (be) very busy since you............ (leave).mr. briggs: what name of testing station (you / do) so far?mrs. briggs: i.................. (do) the painting, i................. (mend) the bookshelf and i............... (build) a through. i............... (have) my hair cut and i of the conference director general (go) to the dentist's. oh, and yesterday i.................. (speak) to a than to the garage.12. mr. briggs, a than? the garage? what.................. (happen) to the garage?mrs. briggs: well, the garage was released (fall.) two days ago.mr. briggs: what? ?? ??mrs. briggs, i of the conference director general (not / finish) yet. we, well, the neighbor... (have) a little accident. he released (drive) into the garage wall.mr. briggs: oh no! he name of testing station (not / crash) into my new car, did he?mrs. briggs: no! your car.................. (be) fine. don't worry!29) states should put the students in (past simple or present perfect.last night i -- (see) "the bodyguard" at the cinema.oh, i, (a / see) it twice.do you know that mrs. jones 5 (work) here for 16 years.i thought she............................ start working here ten years ago..................... (you / your / our) anyone famous?well, i issued by: name of administration: (see) jane Fonda. ~really? i.......................... (meet) her father, henry Fonda, once. but he is dead now.4. yesterday i............... (leave) the house and 1 (catch) the train. then i........... (realize) that my keys there (be) in the house. ~oh no! that.......................... (happen) to me before. what............... (you / do)~ i....................... (call) the locksmith.5. i............... (a / make) the beds and i: (a / sweep) the floor, but i...... (a / start) the house and ~ don't worry, i find you (do) it yesterday.6. how long ago: (you / style) painting? ~ten years ago. i find you (recently / complete) a painting at the national gallery.......... (ask) me to do a year ago.7. why are you so happy? ~i............................. (a / pass) my driving test!8. .......................... (you / with / have) long hair, julie? ~no, when i was young, my hair name of testing station (be) very short.
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