Слово «полиция» — латинского происхождения и означает «гражданская адм перевод - Слово «полиция» — латинского происхождения и означает «гражданская адм английский как сказать

Слово «полиция» — латинского происх

Слово «полиция» — латинского происхождения и означает «гражданская администрация». Предтечей нынешних полицейских сил считается полиция Лондона, созданная в конце 20-х годов XIX века и своей главной задачей ставившая предотвращение преступлений.

В 6 часов вечера во вторник, 29 сентября 1829 года, первые констебли полиции Лондона заступили на патрульно-постовую службу. В то время, головной офис полиции размещался в доме номер четыре на Уайтхолле, пять местных офисов - в центральной части Лондона. Полицейские носили тёмно-синие куртки и брюки, а также чёрные шляпы с кожаной тульей. Высокий кожаный воротник куртки предназначался для защиты от удушения. Столь характерное обмундирование было разработано для того, чтобы констебли как можно больше отличались от солдат. Каждый полицейский имел трещотку для вызова помощи, а единственным его оружием служила короткая дубинка.

На момент своего появления, полиция Лондона насчитывала 895 констеблей, 88 сержантов, 20 инспекторов и восемь суперинтендантов. При этом, гражданский персонал полиции состоял всего лишь из пяти клерков, а район действия охватывал лишь центр города в радиусе 7 миль.

Первые констебли практически не получали никакого обучения. Им просто предварительно показывали маршрут патрульной службы. Все они были снабжены отпечатанной инструкцией комиссара полиции.

В инструкции отмечалось, что первой обязанностью констебля является предотвращение преступлений. В ней также говорилось, что стражи порядка обязаны быть вежливыми с людьми всех чинов и классов, быть выдержанными и не злоупотреблять своей властью.

Тогдашнему министру внутренних дел Роберту Пилю потребовалось семь лет, чтобы убедить парламент в необходимости такого подразделения. Лондон тех лет был городом Реджина и Оливера Твиста. Однако решение о создании полиции было продиктовано страхом не перед преступностью, а перед гражданскими беспорядками. Правительство Великобритании боялось революции. В начале XIX века восстания в Лондоне и других городах подавлялись войсками. В 1815 году лондонские преступники на три дня установили полный контроль над районом Вест-Энд, грабили и сжигали городские дома дворян, в том числе и дома министров. В 1819 году одиннадцать человек были убиты и сотни ранены, когда кавалерия напала на большой политический митинг в Манчестере. Данное событие вынудило герцога Веллингтона призвать к немедленному созданию гражданских полицейских сил для поддержания общественного порядка.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The word "police" is of Latin origin and means "civil administration". The forerunner of the current police force is considered to be the police in London, established in the late 20-ies of the XIX century and its primary objective of stavivshaja prevention of crimes. In the 6:00 pm on Tuesday, September 29 1829 the year first London police constables on patrol took the patrol service. At the time, police head office was located at number four on Whitehall, five local offices in Central London. Police wearing dark blue jackets and pants, as well as black hat with leather-crowned. High leather collar jacket was intended for protection against suffocation. So typical of uniform has been designed in order to constables as much different from soldiers. Each policeman had treshhotku to summon help, and only his arms served short cudgel. At the time of its introduction, London Police numbered 895 constables, 88 sergeants, 20 inspectors and eight superintendents. At the same time, the civilian staff of the police force consisted of only five clerks and district actions covered only the city center within 7 miles. The first constables practically did not receive any education. Im just previously showed the patrol route. They were all fitted with printed instructions to the Police Commissioner. The statement noted that the first duty of the Constable is to prevent crimes. It also stated that the police are obliged to be polite with people of all ranks and classes to be seasoned and not to abuse their power.The then Interior Minister Roberto Pilju took seven years to convince Parliament of the need for such a unit. London of those years was the city of Regina and Oliver Twist. However, the decision on the establishment of the police was motivated by fear of crime, but not before facing civil strife. The British Government feared the revolution. At the beginning of the 19th century uprising in London and other cities, were suppressed by troops. In the year 1815 London criminals three days have established full control over the area of the West end, looted and burned the houses of the nobility, including the homes of Ministers. In 1819 year eleven persons were killed and hundreds injured when the cavalry attacked a political rally in Manchester. This event forced the Duke of Wellington to call for the immediate establishment of a civilian police force to maintain public order.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The word "police" - of Latin origin and means "civil administration". The forerunner of the current police force is considered to be the police of London, founded in the late 20-ies of the XIX century and its main task is set to prevent crime.

At 6 pm on Tuesday, September 29, 1829, the first constables London Police step up patrol service. At that time, the police head office was located at number four on Whitehall, five local offices - in central London. The police wore dark blue jacket and trousers, and black leather hat with a crown. High leather collar jacket intended for protection against suffocation. Such a characteristic outfit was designed to constables as much different from the soldiers as possible. Every cop has a rattle to call for help, and his only weapon served a short stick.

At the time of its inception, the London police numbered 895 constables, 88 sergeants, 20 inspectors and eight superintendents. At the same time, civilian police personnel consisted of only five clerks and district activities covered only the city center within a radius of 7 miles.

First constables almost did not receive any training. They just showed a pre-route patrol. All of them were provided with printed instruction Police Commissioner.

The instructions stated that the first duty of the constable is to prevent crime. It also said that law enforcement officers are required to be polite with people of all ranks and classes, to be seasoned and not abuse their power.

Then-Interior Minister Robert Peel took seven years to convince Parliament of the need for such a unit. London in those years was the city of Regina and Oliver Twist. However, a decision on the establishment of the police were not dictated by the fear of crime, and to civil unrest. The British government feared revolution. At the beginning of the XIX century uprising in London and other cities suppressed by troops. In 1815, the London criminals for three days full control over the area of the West End, the city looted and burned houses of nobles, including the ministers of the house. In 1819, eleven people were killed and hundreds injured when the cavalry attacked the largest political rally in Manchester.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the word "police" is of latin origin and means "civil administration". the forerunner of present police is the police of london, was created in the late 1920s, the 19th century, and its main task ставившая preventing crimes.at 6 pm on tuesday, september 29, 1829, the first police constables in london probably cut into the patrol постовую service. at the same time, the police office was at number four on the уайтхолле, five local offices in central london. police officers wear a dark blue jacket and trousers, and black hats with a leather тульей. high leather collar jacket designed to protect from strangulation. as the equipment was designed to ensure that officers as much different from the soldiers. every police officer had a rattle to summon help, as his only weapon was a short stick.at the time of its introduction, the police in london had 895 constables and sergeants, eight 20 inspectors and superintendents. at the same time, the civilian police personnel contained only five clerks, and area covered only the city center within 7 miles.the first officers almost did not receive any training. it was previously shown the route of patrol. they were all printed with the instruction of the police commissioner.in the instructions, it was noted that the first duty of the constable is the prevention of crimes. it also stated that the detention order must be polite to the people of all ranks and classes, be want to and don't abuse your power.the then interior minister robert sawing down took seven years to convince parliament to such a unit. london city in those years was regina and oliver twist. however, the decision on the establishment of the police was not fear, not in front of the crime and civil unrest. the british government are afraid of revolution. in the early nineteenth century, riots in london and other cities were stifled by the troops. in 1815 the london criminals for three days, have full control over the area of the west end, plundered and burned the house of nobles, including home ministers. in 1819, eleven people were killed and hundreds injured, when cavalry attacked a political rally in manchester. this event led the duke of wellington to call for the immediate establishment of the civilian police force to maintain public order.
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