Чехия отправит в Венгрию солдат для охраны границ. В Венгрию для защит перевод - Чехия отправит в Венгрию солдат для охраны границ. В Венгрию для защит английский как сказать

Чехия отправит в Венгрию солдат для

Чехия отправит в Венгрию солдат для охраны границ. В Венгрию для защиты внешних границ Евросоюза прибудут 25 чешских солдат. Главы МВД Чехии, Словакии, Польши и Венгрии встретятся в Люксембурге, чтобы обсудить ситуацию с беженцами.Чехия отправит в Венгрию солдат для обеспечения безопасности внешних границ Евросоюза. Первый отряд из 25 чешских военнослужащих будет отправлен в Венгрию 15 октября, сообщил министр обороны Чехии Мартин Стропницкий в понедельник, 5 октября. По его словам, миссия продлится два месяца, после чего может быть продлена. Стропницкий также заявил, что намерен обсудить с венгерской стороной другие возможности поддержки на встрече 8 октября в Люксембурге.
Вместе с тем чешское правительство в очередной раз высказалось против квот на прием беженцев среди стран Евросоюза. "У Еврокомиссии нет повода опрометчиво вводить долгосрочный механизм квот по распределению", - заявил премьер-министр Чехии Богуслав Соботка.
8 октября в Люксембурге состоится встреча министров внутренних дел Чехии, Словакии, Польши и Венгрии, темой которой станет миграционный кризис. В Венгрию в 2015 году прибыло около 280 тысяч мигрантов, большинство из которых продолжили путь, чтобы добраться до западных стран с более высоким уровнем жизни, указывает Reuters.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Czech Republic will send soldiers to Hungary for border protection. In Hungary to protect the external borders of the EU 25 will arrive Czech troops. Interior Minister of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary will meet in Luxembourg to discuss the refugee situation. The Czech Republic will send soldiers to Hungary to ensure the security of the external borders of the EU. The first detachment of 25 Czech troops will be sent to Hungary in October 15, said Czech Defense Minister Martin Stropnickij on Monday, October 5. According to him, the mission will last two months, after which it can be extended. Stropnickij also said he intends to discuss with Hungarian side of the other support options at a meeting in Luxembourg on October 8.However, the Czech Government has once again expressed its opposition to quotas for the admission of refugees among EU countries. "The European Commission has no reason to enter long-term mechanism of quotas recklessly on the distribution," said Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka.8 October meeting in Luxembourg the Ministers of Interior of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, whose theme will be the migration crisis. In Hungary in the year 2015, about 280 thousand migrants arrived, the majority of whom continued their journey to reach Western countries with higher standards of living, specifies the Reuters.http://www.dw.com/en/Czech Republic-send-in-Hungary-soldiers-for-safety-borders/a-18762933
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Czech soldiers went to Hungary for the protection of borders. In Hungary for the protection of the external borders of the EU will arrive 25 Czech soldiers. Minister of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary will meet in Luxembourg to discuss the situation with bezhentsami.Chehiya send troops into Hungary to secure the external borders of the European Union. The first detachment of 25 Czech soldiers will be sent to Hungary on October 15 the Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic Martin Stropnitsky on Monday, October 5th. According to him, the mission will last two months, after which may be extended. Stropnitsky also said he intends to discuss with the Hungarian side of the other support options at a meeting on October 8 in Luxembourg.
However, the Czech government has once again voted against the quotas for the reception of refugees in the European Union. "In the European Commission there is no reason to introduce a long-term mechanism of rash on the distribution of quotas," - said the Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka.
October 8 in Luxembourg will be a meeting of Ministers of Internal Affairs of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, whose theme will be the migration crisis. In Hungary, in 2015, came about 280 thousand migrants, the majority of whom continued on their way to get to the Western countries with higher standards of living, points

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the czech republic will send soldiers to guard the borders of hungary. in hungary, for the protection of the external borders of the eu will be 25 czech soldiers. the head of the czech republic, slovakia, poland and hungary will meet in luxembourgto discuss the situation with the беженцами.чехия in hungary will send soldiers to ensure the safety of the external borders of the european union. the first group of 25 czech troops will be sent to hungary on 15 october.informed the minister of defence of martin стропницкий on monday, 5 october. according to him, the mission will last two months, after which can be extended. стропницкий also statedto discuss with the hungarian party had other opportunities to support at the meeting on october 8, in luxembourg.however, the czech government once again opted against quotas for the admission of refugees in the countries of the european union. " the european commission has not rashly to impose quotas on distribution, long-term mechanismthe prime minister said the czech republic bohuslav sobotka.
8 october there will be a meeting of interior ministers in luxembourg, the czech republic, slovakia, poland and hungary, the theme of which is the crisis.in hungary in the year 2015 arrived around 280 thousand migrants, most of whom went on to reach the western countries with higher standards of living, said reuters.

http: / / www.dw.com / english / czech republic - send in hungary soldiers to guard the borders / a - 18762933
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