1. Небо побледнело и теперь начало темнеть; засветилась горстка звезд. перевод - 1. Небо побледнело и теперь начало темнеть; засветилась горстка звезд. английский как сказать

1. Небо побледнело и теперь начало

1. Небо побледнело и теперь начало темнеть; засветилась горстка звезд.
2. Его жена, которая только что уложила спать их малышку дочь, сидела в гостинной с книгой.
3. Все впорядке, малышка, не плач. Тебе просто что-то снилось.
4. Поезд отправляется без четверти два. Если мы не отправимся на вокзал тотчас же, то мы опоздаем.
5. Мы прожили у Харрисонов два дня и вернулись в Лондон поездом.
6. Когдая встал, я подошел у окну. Хотя дождя уже не было, но везде были большие лужи.
7. Я никогда в жизни не чувствовал себя так хорошо, как сейчас.
8. Завтра я уезжаю в город на две недели.
9. Не успел я дойти до угла, как услышал чьи-то шаги сзади.
10. Я расскажу вам все, что узнаю.
11. Погода в тот день была мрачная. Холодный ветер, дувший с утра, прекратился, но даждь все еще моросил.
12. Едва я успел попрощаться с ними, как поезд тронулся.
13. Он открыл окно и курил, глядя на вечернюю реку.
14. Я велю ему принести ключ, когда он осмотрит дом.
15. Мы ехали около часа и потом остановились у небольшого кафе.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. The sky paled and now beginning to get dark; lit up a handful of stars. 2. his wife, who has just put to sleep their baby daughter, sitting in the living room with the book. 3. all is okay, baby, not crying. Just something you dreamed of. 4. Train leaves without a quarter of two. If we do not go to the station immediately, we'll miss. 5. We spent two days and Lattice have returned to London by train. 6. Kogdaâ stood up, I walked over near the window. Although there was no rain, but everywhere there were big puddles. 7. I have never in my life felt so good as now. 8. Tomorrow I'm leaving town for two weeks. 9. No sooner had I reached up to corner as I heard someone steps behind. 10. I will tell you all that I recognize. 11. Weather on the day was gloomy. The cold wind this elevation, wind in the morning, stalled, but grant still it was drizzling. 12. I Barely had time to say goodbye to them as the train moved on. 13. He opened the window and smoked, looking at the River in the evening. 14. I'll order him to bring the key, where he will examine the House. 15. We drove about an hour and then stopped at a small café.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The sky paled and now beginning to get dark; I lit a handful of stars.
2. His wife, who had just put him to sleep their baby daughter, sitting in the living room with a book.
3. It's okay, baby, do not cry. You just something dreamed.
4. The train leaves at a quarter to two. If we do not go to the station at once, we'll be late.
5. We lived in Harrison for two days and returned to London by train.
6. When it came, I came in the window. Though the rain was not, but everywhere there were large puddles.
7. I had never felt so good as it is now.
8. Tomorrow I'm going to the city for two weeks.
9. Before I get to the corner, he heard footsteps behind.
10. I'll tell you everything I know.
11. The weather that day was gloomy. The cold wind blowing in the morning, stopped, but grant me still drizzling.
12. I barely had time to say goodbye to them, as the train pulled out.
13. He opened the window and smoked, looking for an evening river.
14. I tell him to bring the key, he will inspect the house.
15. We drove for about an hour and then stopped at a small cafe.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. the sky looks pale and now getting dark; it was a handful of stars.2. his wife, who had just put up their baby daughter, sitting in the living room with my book.3. all right, baby, don"t cry. you just had a dream.4. the train leaves at a quarter to two. if we don"t go to the train station immediately, we"ll be late.5. we lived in харрисонов two days and returned to london by train.6. when i got up, i turned from the window. although the rain has been, but there was a big puddle.7. i"ve never in my life felt so good as now.8. tomorrow i"m going to town for two weeks.9. before i come to the corner, i heard somebody walking behind us.10. i"ll tell you everything i know.11. the weather that day was dark. the cold wind, дувший morning stopped, but give it a моросил.12. when i get a chance to say goodbye to them, as the train left.13. he opened the window, and was looking for the river.14. i tell him to bring the key, when he look at the house.15. we drove around for an hour and then stopped at a small cafe.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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