когда говорят об успешной компании, я сразу вспоминаю компанию Apple.  перевод - когда говорят об успешной компании, я сразу вспоминаю компанию Apple.  английский как сказать

когда говорят об успешной компании,

когда говорят об успешной компании, я сразу вспоминаю компанию Apple. Я считаю, что данная компания действительно успешна, так как продукцией Apple пользуется весь мир и всегда она находится на первом месте. Я не скажу что я поклонница всех продуктов компании Apple, но я точно могу сказать, что основатель компании, Стив Джобс, сделал очень много и добился огромных успехов. За это я уважаю и его и его компанию. Я абсолютно уверена, что успех любой компании или дела в первую очередь зависит от руководителя, а уже потом от всех остальных работников Потому что руководитель решает как надо сделать, что надо сделать, для чего и для кого надо сделать, и тут очень важно чтобы в руководстве оказался человек знающий, умеющий вести дела, должен быть лидер, который сможет вести других людей за собой.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When people talk about successful company, I immediately think back to Apple. I believe that this company really is successful, because Apple has the entire world and is always on the first place. I won't say that I'm a fan of Apple products, but I can say that the company's founder, Steve jobs, has done a lot and has made huge strides. For that I respect, and him and his company. I am absolutely convinced that the success of any company or business depends primarily on the head, and then from all other workers because the Manager decides how to do what needs to be done, why and for whom it is necessary to make, and it is very important that the guide was knowledgeable, discerning person to do business must be a leader who will be able to lead other people.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
when people talk about the success of the company, I immediately think of the company Apple. I believe that this company is really successful, because Apple products used by the whole world and it is always the first place. I will not say that I'm a fan of all the company's products Apple, but I can say that the company's founder, Steve Jobs, has done a lot and has made tremendous progress. For that I respect him and his company. I am absolutely convinced that the success of any company or business in the first place depends on the head, and only then by all other workers because the leader decides how to do what needs to be done, why and for whom it is necessary to do, and it is very important to a guide was a man who knows, who knows how to do business, to be a leader who can lead others along.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
When it is said that the successful company, i immediately recall apple. I believe that this company is really successful, as Apple products enjoys the entire world and it is located on the first place.When it is said that the successful company, i immediately recall apple. I believe that this company is really successful, as Apple products enjoys the entire world and it is located on the first place.I am not saying that I have two minivans all products from Apple, but I just can't say that company founder, Steve Jobs, has done a great deal and has made tremendous strides. For this I respect and his and his company.I am absolutely confident that the success of any company or case depends, in the first instance from the head of the, and then from all the other workers because the leader decides how it is to do that, we must do so,For what and for whom you want to do, and here it is very important to ensure that the guide has proved to be people who knows, himself a case, should be the leader, who will be able to carry other people for a long time.
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