1)Славянская письменности пришла на Русь из Болгарии в конце IX века.  перевод - 1)Славянская письменности пришла на Русь из Болгарии в конце IX века.  английский как сказать

1)Славянская письменности пришла на

1)Славянская письменности пришла на Русь из Болгарии в конце IX века. Из за этого начали менять книги с греческого на славянский язык. Русские накопили много знаний за то время, они накопили большое количество книг. Сегодня мы можем сказать, что Древняя русь внесла большой вклад в историю.
2) В Древней Русь были школы, но тем не менее уровень неграмотности среди обычных людей был очень высокий. Существовали отдельные школы только для дворян. В таких школах учились от 30 до 100 человек, только из семей высокого ранга. Целью таких школ, было воспитание умных людей на благо своей родине, чтобы они потом работали на них и реализовали свои возможности
3)Высшее образование в России началось с 1755 года, когда основался первой университет в Москве имени M.V. Lomonosova
4)После революции в 1917 году образование сделали бесплатным. В школы должны были ходить все кому было с 7 до 15 лет. Получив среднее образование и сдав экзамены для поступления в университет студенты получали ежемесячные гранты сдав экзамены в конце сессию
5)В 1991 году 15 республик бывшего советского союза стали независимыми государствами Российской Федерации. The latest changes in political, economic and social conditions required changes in the system of education. Цель этих изменений - подготовить подрастающее поколение к взрослой жизни. Для школьников ввели такие программы как " The World Arround Us" для старших "Fundamentals of Information Science and Computer Engineering". Так же появилось много частных школ для изучения других видов деятельности.
6)В некоторых школах учеников отправляли за границу для обучения в университетах других стран, после их окончания они приезжали обратно в Россию для работы в различных областях народного хозяйства. Один из учеников, который вернулся из за границы был очень удивлен, как много общего между студентам из за границы и из России. И он считает, что такие обмены студентами приведут к понимаю среди людей и пойдет только всем на пользу
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) Slavic writing system came to Russia from Bulgaria in the late 9th century. Because of this began to change books from Greek into Slavonic. The Russians have gained a lot of knowledge for that time, they have accumulated a large number of books. Today we can say that the ancient RUS has made a significant contribution to history.2) in ancient Rus were schools, but nevertheless, the illiteracy rate among ordinary people was very high. There were separate schools only to nobles. In such schools studied from 30 up to 100 people, only from families of high rank. The purpose of these schools was the upbringing of intelligent people for the benefit of their homeland, that they then worked for them and their capabilities3) higher education in Russia began with 1755 onwards, when it was established the first University in Moscow named M.V. Lomonosova4) after the revolution of 1917 year education were made free. The school must have been walking all those with 7 up to 15 years. Having received secondary education and passed exams for university students receive monthly grants passed exams at the end of the session5) in 1991 year 15 republics of the former Soviet Union became independent States in the Russian Federation. The latest changes in the political, economic and social conditions required changes in the system of education. The purpose of these changes is to prepare the younger generation for adulthood. For schoolchildren entered such programs as "The World Arround Us" senior "Fundamentals of Information Science and Computer Engineering". Just as there are many private schools for study of other activities.6) in some schools, students were sent abroad to study at universities in other countries, after they came back to Russia to work in various fields of national economy. One of the students who returned from abroad was very surprised how much in common among students from abroad and from Russia. And he believed that such student exchanges will lead to understanding among people and will only benefit
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) Slavic writing came to Russia from Bulgaria at the end of the IX century. Because of this began to change books from Greek into Slavic language. Russian accumulated a lot of knowledge of the time, they have accumulated a large number of books. Today we can say that the Ancient Rus has made a great contribution to the history.
2) In the Ancient Rus were schools, yet the rate of illiteracy among ordinary people was very high. There were separate schools only for the nobility. In such schools, attended by 30 to 100 people, only families of high rank. The purpose of these schools was the education of intelligent people for the benefit of their homeland, so they then work on them and realize their potential
3) Higher education in Russia started since 1755, when he founded the first university in Moscow named after MV Lomonosova
4) After the revolution in 1917 make a free education. The school had to walk all of whom were from 7 to 15 years. Having secondary education and passing exams for university students received monthly grants passing exams at the end of the session
5) In 1991, 15 former Soviet republics became independent states of the Russian Federation. The latest changes in political, economic and social conditions required changes in the system of education. The purpose of these changes - to prepare the younger generation to adulthood. For high school students entered the program such as "The World Arround Us" for seniors "Fundamentals of Information Science and Computer Engineering ". Also there are many private schools for the study of other activities.
6) In some schools, students were sent abroad to study in universities in other countries, after their completion, they came back to Russia to work in various fields of national economy. One of the students who returned from abroad was very surprised at how many similarities between the students from abroad and from Russia. And he believes that such exchanges will lead students to understand among the people and will only benefit all
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1) slavic writing came to russia from bulgaria at the end of the 9th century. because of this began to change with the greek book on slavic language. the russians have gained a lot of knowledge in the time they have accumulated a large number of books. today we can say that ancient russia has made a great contribution in history.2) in ancient rus were schools, but nevertheless, the illiteracy rate among ordinary people was very high. there were separate schools for the nobles. these schools were from 30 to 100 people, only from the families of high rank. the purpose of these schools was the smart people for the benefit of their own country, so they can work on them, and realize their potential3) higher education in russia started in 1755, when основался first university in moscow on behalf of Lomonosova m.4) after the revolution of 1917 made education free of charge. in the school must have been walking all who was from 7 to 15 years. with secondary education and passing exams for university students receive monthly grants by taking exams at the end of the session5) in 1991, the 15 republics of the former soviet union became independent states, the russian federation. the latest changes in political, economic and social conditions required changes in the system of education. the purpose of these changes is to prepare the younger generation to adult life. student led programs such as "the world Arround us" senior "Fundamentals of information science and computer engineering. as there are many private schools for the study of other types of activities.6) in some schools, students are sent abroad to study in universities in other countries, after they came back to russia to work in the various fields of the national economy. one of the students who returned from abroad was very surprised, how much in common between the students from abroad and from russia. and he believes that such exchanges of students will lead to the understanding of people and only goes for everyone"s benefit
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