1. Туристы были очень удивлены. Никогда раньше они не видели такого количества людей. Но гид объяснил им, что это обычное явление в Гайд-Парке в хорошую погоду. 2. Они надеялись, что если мать поговорит с ним, то он изменит свое решение. 3. Он позвонил на^ и сказал, что всю неделю идет дождь, но синоптики обещают хорошую погоду в начале следующей недели. 4. Отец посмотрел на мои ботинки и сказал, что это просто позор, потому что я не чистил их неделями. 5. Каролина сказала нам, что этот красивый комод был в ее семье более двух веков и что сейчас оц очень ценный. 6. Мальчик сказал, что их путь лежал через лес. Снег перестал идти, сияло солнце. Они надеялись, что вскоре доберутся до станции. 7. Я столкнулся с Анжелой, когда проходил мимо банка. Мы не встречались с тех пор, как закончили университет. Она радостно поздоровалась со мной и сообщила, что только что открыла счет в этом банке. 8. Учительница объяснила шестилеткам, что земля круглая и что она вращается. Одна девочка очень удивилась и сообщила, что она всегда считала, что земля плоская. 9. У стены сто¬ял старомодный шкаф, который видел лучшие времена (дни). Хозяйка объяснила, что он принадлежал ее прабабушке.
Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Tourists were very surprised. Never before have they seen such a large number of people. But the tour guide explained to them that this is a common phenomenon in Hyde Park in good weather. 2. They hoped that if the mother talk to him, then he changed his mind. 3. He called on ^ and said that throughout the week the rain, but weather forecasters promise good weather early next week. 4. The father looked at my shoes and said it was a shame, because I did not clean them for weeks. 5. Carolina told us that this was a beautiful chest of drawers in her family for more than two centuries and is now a very valuable est. 6. The boy said that their way lay through the forest. The snow has stopped, the sun was shining. They hoped that it will soon get to the station. 7. I ran into Angela, he passed the bank. We have not met since, as a graduate. She cheerfully greeted me and said that he had just opened an account in this bank. 8. Six-Year Teacher explained that the earth is round and that it rotates. One girl was very surprised and said that she had always believed that the earth was flat. 9. sto¬yal fashioned wall cabinet that has seen better days (days). The hostess explained that it belonged to her great-grandmother.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. Tourists have been very surprised. Never before they have not seen such a number of people. But the guide had explained to them that it is a normal phenomenon in Hyde Park in good weather. 2. They hoped that if the mother Fralou could with him,He will change his decision. 3. He telephoned the
and said that the entire week it is raining, but it would seem promise good weather in the beginning of the following week. 4. The Father looked at my shoes, and he said that this is just a shame,Because I am not their weeks exposure was identified. 5. Carolina told us, that this beautiful dresser has been in her family for over two centuries, and that it is now Otsu is very valuable. 6. The boy said that their path lies through the forest. Stopped snowing,Into the sun. They had hoped that soon - somewhere to the station. 7. I was faced with provisoire, when he was walking past bank. We had not met since then, as have graduated from university. She Fanny worked in with me, and said,That it is only that opened an account with this bank. 8. A teacher explained шестилеткам that land round and that it rotates. One girl is very surprised and reported that she had always felt that earth is flat. 9.The wall one-hundred-and-¬la carte old fashioned cabinet, which has seen the best of times (days). Hostess explained that he belonged its nostalgia.
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