Средневековье — это господство религиозного мировоззрения, находящего  перевод - Средневековье — это господство религиозного мировоззрения, находящего  английский как сказать

Средневековье — это господство рели

Средневековье — это господство религиозного мировоззрения, находящего своё отражение в богословии. Философия становится служанкой теологии. Её основная функция — истолкование Священного Писания, формулировка догматов Церкви и доказательство бытия Бога. Попутно развитие получила логика, осуществлялась разработка понятия личности (спор о различии ипостаси и сущности) и спор о приоритете единичного или общего (реалисты и номиналисты).

На Западе, философия XVII века как правило рассматривается начиная с работы Рене Декарта, который оставил огромное наследие для последующих философов. Этот период олицетворяется в Европе великими философами, работавшими с такими понятиями как эпистемология, метафизика, логика, этика, а также часто политика и физические науки.
Иммануил Кант делит своих предшественников на две школы: на рационалистов и эмпириков. К числу трёх основных рационалистов обычно относят Рене Декарта, Бенедикта Спинозу и Готфрида Лейбница. Среди эмпиристов выделяют трёх последователей Френсиса Бэкона: Томас Гоббс, Джон Локк и Джордж Беркли.
Различие этих двух течений заключается в том, что рационалисты верили в познание с помощью силы разума. Эмпирики же опирались на опыт, и считали, что истинное знание получается через ощущения — из опыта. Таким образом, рационалисты выбрали математическую модель знаний, а эмпирики взяли за основу физические науки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The middle ages is the dominance of the religious worldview, which is reflected in theology. Philosophy becomes subservient to theology. Its main function is the interpretation of Scripture, the wording of the tenets of the Church and the proof of existence of God. Along the way, the logic was to develop the concept of identity (a dispute about the difference and essence of hypostasis) and priority dispute a single or General (the realist and nominalist).In the West, 17th century philosophy is generally seen starting from the work of René Descartes, who left a great legacy for subsequent philosophers. This period is typified in Europe by the great philosophers who worked with such concepts as epistemology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, and often politics and the physical sciences.Immanuel Kant divides their predecessors into two schools: the rationalists and èmpirikov. Among the three main rationalists usually include René Descartes, Benedict Spinozu and Leibniz. I guess three allocate among followers of Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and George Berkeley.The difference of these two currents is that rationalists believed in cognition through mind power. Empiricists same relied on experience and believed that true knowledge is obtained through the senses — from experience. Thus, the rationalists have chosen mathematical model of knowledge, and the empiricists took inspiration from the physical sciences.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Middle Ages - it is the rule of the religious world view, finding its reflection in theology. Philosophy becomes the handmaiden of theology. Its main feature - the interpretation of Scripture, the wording of the dogmas of the Church and the proof of the existence of God. Along the way development was the logic, to develop the concept of personality (a dispute about the difference between subsistence and nature) and the dispute about the priority of the unit or the general (realists and nominalists). In the West, the philosophy of the XVII century is generally considered since the work of René Descartes, who left a great legacy for subsequent philosophers. This period is embodied in Europe, the great philosophers who have worked with such concepts as epistemology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, and politics, and often physical sciences. Immanuel Kant divides his predecessors into two schools: the rationalists and empiricists on. Among the three main rationalists usually include Rene Descartes, Benedict Spinoza and Gottfried Leibniz. Among empiricists emit three followers of Francis Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and George Berkeley. The difference between these two trends is that the rationalists believe in knowledge with the power of reason. Empiricism also relied on the experience and felt that true knowledge is obtained through the senses - from the experience. Thus, rationalists have chosen mathematical model of knowledge and empiricists have taken as a basis for the physical sciences.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the middle ages is the dominance of religious ideology, which is reflected in his divinity. philosophy is the handmaiden of theology. its main function is the interpretation of scripture.the doctrines of the church and the proof of the existence of god. in the process the received logicthe concept of personality development work (argument about the difference between the persona and effect) and the priority dispute single or general (realists and номиналисты).

in the west17th century philosophy generally is considered from the work of rene descartes, who left a legacy for subsequent philosophers. this period is personified in europe the great philosophers.working with such concepts as epistemology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, and often the policy and physical science. "immanuel kant divides its predecessors in two schools: рационалистов and эмпириков.
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