Но Джон пообещал ей, что
найдет врача и привезет его хоть с другой части света, и для этого он готов был сделать всей
Воодушевившись новой целью, все свои грабежи он посвящал своей любимой, и ради нее совершал
самые недостойные поступки ради достойнейшего поступка в мире. Однажды он пропал надолго, но
он вернулся не один, а с именитым доктором, который все-таки сделал ей опаснейшую операцию для
того времени и смог вернуть ей способность снова ходить. Встав впервые после долгого времени на
ноги, она обняла его, и сказала, что ее сердце навеки принадлежит отныне только Джону. Но им не
суждено было жить долго и счастливо, однажды Джон не пришел на место их встречи, через время она
узнала, что его убили. Девушка долго страдала и так больше никого и не смогла полюбить, ведь ее
сердце навеки теперь принадлежало Джону. Она поняла, хотя любовь и оправдывает все самые плохие
поступки, совершенные в ее честь, но, все же, за все нужно в жизни платить. Ценой ее возвращенного
здоровья стала жизнь бескорыстного и доброго Джона. Говорят, что эта история основана на реальных
событиях, люди ее не придумали, ну, может быть, слегка приукрасили.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
But John promised her that find a doctor and bring it even from the other side of the world, and for this he was ready to make the whole Encouraged by the new goal, all their robberies he consecrated his beloved, and for the sake of it committed the most unworthy deeds for the sake of a worthy act in the world. Once he was gone for a long time, but He came back not once, but with the eminent doctor, who still made it a dangerous operation for at that time and was able to regain her ability to walk again. Standing for the first time after a long time legs, she hugged him and said her heart forever belongs to henceforth only John. But im not was destined to live happily ever after, once John came to the place of their meeting through time, it learned that killed him. The girl suffered for a long time and so no one else could not love, because its heart forever now belonged to John. She realized, while love and justifies all the worst acts committed in her honour, but all the same, for all you need in life to pay. Price it returned health is life of selfless and good John. They say that this story is based on real events, people do not come up with, well, maybe slightly intensity.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
but john promised her thatfind a doctor and bring it with any other part of the world, and for that he was willing to do allвоодушевившись new target, all their robberies he devoted his favorite, and for her sake dothe most shameful manoeuvring for достойнейшего deed in the world. one day he disappeared for a long time, buthe is not alone, but with a famous doctor who finally made it very dangerous.at that time, and was able to give her the ability to walk again. having risen for the first time after a long timelegs, she hugged him and said, her heart forever belongs to now only john. but they don'twas destined to live happily ever after, one day, john didn't come to the place of their meetings, through the timefound out that he was killed. the girl has long suffered and that nobody could love herheart forever now belonged to john. she understood, although love and justifies all the badacts committed in her honor, but, all the same, all need in life to pay. price returned to herhealth life is honest and good, john. they say that this story is based on realthe events, people come up with, well, maybe a little improved.
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