. Неприятно гулять, когда небо покрыто тучами идет дождь, а автобусы и перевод - . Неприятно гулять, когда небо покрыто тучами идет дождь, а автобусы и английский как сказать

. Неприятно гулять, когда небо покр

. Неприятно гулять, когда небо покрыто тучами идет дождь, а автобусы и машины забрызгивают прохожих водой и грязью. 3. Какая сегодня скверная погода! Моросит дождь, и улицы такие грязные. 4. Небо потемнело, и с моря начал дуть холодный ветер. Но сегодня ветер не такой сильный, как вчера. Вчера он был гораздо сильнее. 5. Сильно подмораживает. Скоро пруд замерзнет, и мы сможем кататься на коньках. 6. Парк выглядит так прекрасно, когда земля покрыта снегом, а на деревьях сверкает иней. 7. Я не слышала прогноза погоды сегодня и не знаю, будет ли сегодня дождь. Если дождя не будет, я обязательно поеду за город. 8. Погода становится теплее, я думаю, что скоро зацветут ( будут цвести) фруктовые деревья. 9. Зерно начинает созревать. Скоро начнется уборка. Некоторые студенты нашего факультета поедут помогать убирать урожай. 10. Возьми плащ или зонт. Погода может измениться. 11. Сегодня очень холодно. Тебе придется остаться дома. Если ты выйдешь, ты опять простудишься и не сможешь посещать школу. 12. Я думаю, что он вам не позвонит до того, как вернется в Москву. 13. Завтра утром приезжает мой брат. Я не знаю, получу ли от него телеграмму, но даже если не получу, я поеду на вокзал встречать его. 14. Мы сможем обсудить наши планы в понедельник. 15. Вы не должны учить это стихотворение наизусть, пока не отработаете его в лаборатории. 16. Она не знает, закончит ли свою статью сегодня. Если закончит и сегодня не будет дождя, мы пойдем в театр. 17. Я буду рада, если дождь прекратится. Мне надо торопиться на вокзал. 18. Через час начнут пребывать первые делегаты. 19. В Англии поля и парки остаются зелеными даже зимой. 20. Посмотри! Выпало много снега. Завтра дети будут кататься на санках и лепить снеговика. 21. Как красиво! Капельки дождя и росы сверкают на листьях и на траве. 22. Я думаю, что дождь не будет продолжаться очень долго и мы сможем пойти в лес собирать грибы и ягоды.

В. 1. Сегодня очень душно. Боюсь, что скоро будет гроза. 2. Эти ужасные раскаты грома разбудили меня ночью. Дождь лил как из ведра всю ночь. 3. Посмотри! Дождь перестал. Облака рассеялись. На небе красивая радуга. Надеюсь, будет хорошая погода. 4. Согласно прогнозу на этой неделе изредка будут выпадать дожди. 5. Идет сильный дождь, раскрой зонтик, а то ты совершенно промокнешь.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. Unpleasant to walk, when the sky is covered with clouds, the rain, and buses and cars zabryzgivaût passers-by with water and mud. 3. What is the bad weather today! Drizzles, and streets are dirty. 4. the sky went black, and from the sea started blowing cold wind. But today the wind is not as strong as yesterday. Yesterday, he was much stronger. 5. Strongly podmoraživaet. Soon the pond will freeze, and we will be able to skate. 6. Park looks so beautiful When the ground is covered with snow, and on trees glittering frost. 7. I heard the weather forecast today and do not know if the rain today. If the rain will not, I will go outside the city. 8. the weather is getting warmer, I think that soon will bloom (bloom) fruit trees. 9. Corn begins to mature. Soon will begin cleaning. Some students of our faculty will help clean up the harvest. 10. Take a raincoat or an umbrella. Weather can change. 11. today is very cold. You have to stay at home. If you leave, you can not prostudiš′sâ again to attend school. 12. I think you did not do so before coming back to Moscow. 13. My brother is coming tomorrow morning. I do not know, will I receive a telegram from him, but even if you do not get, I will go to the station to meet him. 14. we can discuss our plans on Monday. 15. You don't have to learn this poem by heart until his work in the laboratory. 16. She did not know whether your article will end today. When finished and there will be no rain today, we'll go to the theater. 17. I'll be glad If the rain will stop. I need to hurry to the station. 18. after an hour, will be the first delegates. 19. in England the fields and parks remain green even in winter. 20. see! Had a lot of snow. Tomorrow children sledding and snowman sculpting. 21. how beautiful! Droplets of rain and dew sparkling on the leaves and grass. 22. I think that the rain will not be very long and we will be able to go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

B. 1. Today is a very stuffy. I am afraid that there will soon be a thunderstorm. 2. these horrible peals of Thunder woke me in the night. The rain came down in buckets all night. 3. look! The rain had stopped. Clouds dissipated. Beautiful Rainbow in the sky. I hope the weather is good. 4. According to the forecast for this week will occasionally fall rains. 5. It is raining, umbrella and cutting you totally promokneš′.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. Unpleasant to walk, when the sky is covered with clouds rain, and buses and cars splashed passers water and mud. 3. Which nasty weather today! Drizzling rain, and the streets are dirty. 4. The sky darkened, and the sea began to blow cold wind. But today the wind is not as strong as yesterday. Yesterday, he was much stronger. 5. Strongly freezing. Soon the pond freezes over, and we will be able to skate. 6. Park looks so beautiful when the ground is covered with snow and frost on the trees sparkle. 7. I have not heard the weather forecast today and do not know if it will rain today. If the rain will not, I will certainly go out of town. 8. Weather gets warmer, I think that will soon bloom (will bloom) fruit trees. 9. Grain begins to ripen. Soon begin cleaning. Some students of our faculty will go to help harvest. 10. Take a raincoat or an umbrella. The weather can change. 11. Today it's very cold. You'll have to stay home. If you go, you'll catch cold again and can not attend school. 12. I think he will not call you before coming to Moscow. 13. Tomorrow morning comes my brother. I do not know whether to get a telegram from him, but even if you do not get it, I'll go to the station to meet him. 14. We can discuss our plans on Monday. 15. You do not have to learn this poem by heart, yet it is not fulfilled in the laboratory. 16. She does not know whether to finish my article today. If finished and now it will not rain, we'll go to the theater. 17. I'll be glad if the rain stops. I have to hurry to the station. 18. An hour will remain the first delegates. 19. In England fields and parks remain green even in winter. 20. Look! A lot of snow. Tomorrow the children will sledding and making snowmen. 21. How beautiful! Droplets of rain and dew sparkle on the leaves and grass. 22. I think the rain will not last very long and we can go into the woods to pick mushrooms and berries. V. 1. Today very stuffy. I'm afraid that will soon be a thunderstorm. 2. These terrible thunder woke me up at night. Rain fell in torrents all night. 3. Look! The rain had stopped. Scattered clouds. Beautiful rainbow in the sky. I hope the weather is good. 4. According to the forecast this week will drop occasionally rains. 5. Heavy rain, his umbrella, and then you get soaked completely.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. unpleasantly walk, when the sky is covered with "Mara" hotel it is raining, and buses, and machine the passers with water and dirt. 3. What is the winter air temperature weather! It is drizzling rain, and the streets are dirty. 4. The sky was dizzy,And the sea began to blow cold wind. But today is not such a strong wind, as we did yesterday. Yesterday he was much stronger. 5. Much подмораживает. Soon pond water freezes, and we will be able ride the skating rink. 6. Park looks so great,Where the land is covered in snow, and the trees frost sparkles. 7. I have not heard weather forecast today and I don't know, will be whether or not it is raining. If rain is not will, I am sure you will go to the city. 8. The weather is getting warmer, i thinkThat will soon invented ( will be opportune) fruit trees. 9. Grain begins to maximally. Will soon begin harvesting. Some of the students of our faculty travel to help harvest crops. 10. And thou shalt take raincoat or an umbrella.Weather can change. 11. Today it is very cold. You're going to have to stay at home. If thou wilt, thou простудишься again and not be able to attend school. 12. I think that he would tell you not to call up to the fact, as well as to return to Moscow. 13.Tomorrow morning arrives at my brother. I don't know, will I receive from the telegram, but even if you do not receive, I'd like to go to the railway station waiting for it. 14. We will be able to discuss our plans on Monday. 15.You do not have to learn this poem by heart, as long as it is not отработаете in the laboratory. 16. She didn't know, finish whether his article today. If you finish and today will not be rain, we go to the theater. 17. I would be happy,If the rain stops. I need to rush to the train station. 18. After one hour the first delegates will begin to languish. 19. In England the fields and parks remain green even in winter. 20. Look! Lots of snow fell.Tomorrow children will ride the sleigh ride and include dogsledding snowmen. 21. How beautiful! Droplets rain and dew sparkling on the leaves and the grass. 22. I thinkThat rain will not continue to be a very long time and we will be able to go to the forest to collect mushrooms and berries. In the Lord. 1. Today it is very stuffy. I am afraid that soon there will be a storm. 2. These horrible tumultuous rumble of thunder were awakened me at night.Very exciting as the buckets all night. 3. Look! Rain has stopped. Clouds have vanished. The sky a beautiful rainbow. I hope that will be good weather. 4. Forecast for the week occasionally will fall rains. 5.It's raining hard, cutting-umbrella, and you are totally промокнешь.
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