Сохраняя национальные традиции, передавая их из поколения в поколение, перевод - Сохраняя национальные традиции, передавая их из поколения в поколение, английский как сказать

Сохраняя национальные традиции, пер

Сохраняя национальные традиции, передавая их из поколения в поколение, любой народ сохраняет себя как этнос.
Наши предки – казахи – были кочевниками и жили в гармонии с природой. Они почитали и бережно относились к родной земле, воспевали бескрайние степи, голубые горы, прозрачные озера и реки, давая им поэтические имена.
Уважение к старшим, помощь младшим, гостеприимство, умение справедливо решать споры свидетельствуют о том, что взаимоотношения казахов были основаны на гуманном отношении друг другу.
У казахов существуют много обрядов. При рождении организуется празднование в честь появления на свет малыша – «шiлдехана», в котором участвуют только женщины. Опытная гостья, воспитавшая несколько детей и внуков, укладывает ребенка в колыбель – «бесiк». При этом обязательно проводятся ритуалы очищения колыбели «аластау» – очищение от злых духов, девочкам под подушку кладут расческу и зеркальце, чтобы росла красавицей. Бесик изготавливается из дерева, т.е. материал всегда натуральный и гигиеничный. На уровне гениталий предусмотрено специальное отверстие для баночки «түбек», куда стекает моча и из кости выпиливается «шүмек» – приспособление для стекания мочи. Если ребенок лежит в бесике, он всегда сухой, лежит в тепле и колыбель очень удобна для транспортировка малыша – что было очень актуально для кочевников.
Через сорок дней после рождения традиционно проводится “кыркынан шыгару”, это обряд, свидетельствующий о том, что ребенок окреп, держит головку. В этот день впервые стригут ногти, сбривают волосы на голове.
Первые шаги ребенка сопровождаются специальным ритуалом перерезания пут – «тусау кесер». Обычно путы перерезает очень энергичный, деятельный человек, чтобы ребенок вырос человеком активным и трудолюбивым.
В возрасте от 5 до 7 лет у казахов принято проводить обряд обрезания у мальчиков – «сундет той». Позднее эту традицию, существующую и у некоторых других народов мира, признала и медицина, как гигиеничную, полезную и лечебную процедуру.
Перечисленные традиции – это только небольшая часть казахских обрядов, сопровождающих рождение и развитие ребенка.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Preserving national traditions, passing them on from generation to generation, any nation maintains itself as an ethnic group.Our ancestors-the Kazakhs were nomadic and lived in harmony with nature. They revered and treasured treat mother earth, chanted boundless steppes, blue mountains, clear lakes and rivers, giving them poetic names.Respect your elders, helping junior, hospitality, ability to fairly settle disputes indicate that the relationship of the Kazakhs were based on humane to each other.There are many rites of the Kazakhs. At birth, organized a celebration in honor of the birth of the baby is "Unfortunately", involving only women. Experienced guest, who brought several children and grandchildren, puts the baby in the cradle-"besik. While necessarily conducted purification rituals crib alastau»-purification from evil spirits, girls under the pillow, put the comb and mirror grew to beauty. Besik is made from wood, i.e. material is always natural and hygienic. At the level of genitalia provides a special hole for jars of "tүbek", which drains urine and bone cut "shүmek"-a device for draining urine. If the child lies in besike, it is always dry, lies in the warmth and the cradle is very convenient for transportation of kid-that was very important for nomads.After forty days after birth is traditionally held "kyrkynan shygaru", this rite, indicating that a child is fully grown, keeps the head. On this day the first cut nails, shaved off the hair on the head.The first baby steps are accompanied by a special ritual cutting Poot-«Papilio» Keser convicts. Usually tie-up cuts very energetic, active man, the child grew up person active and hard-working.Aged 5 to 7 years of Kazakhs accepted to carry out circumcision in boys-"the sundet. Later this tradition that exists and some of the other peoples of the world, recognized and medicine, as a hygienic, useful and curative treatment.Listed tradition is only a small part of the Kazakh rituals that accompany the birth and development of the child.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Keeping national traditions, passing them from generation to generation, each nation maintains itself as an ethnic group.
Our ancestors - Kazakhs - were nomads and lived in harmony with nature. They are revered and take care of the native land, they sang endless steppes, blue mountains, clear lakes and rivers, giving them poetic names.
Respect for the elderly, help the younger, hospitality, ability to fairly resolve disputes suggest that the relationship between the Kazakhs were based on the humane treatment to each other.
The Kazakhs, there are many rites. At birth, organized a celebration in honor of the appearance of light on the baby - "shildehana", in which only women participate. An experienced guest, brought up several children and grandchildren, puts a child in the cradle - "besik". This necessarily performed rites of purification cradle "Alastan" - cleansed of evil spirits, put a pillow under the girls comb and a mirror to grow beautiful. Besik manufactured from wood, i.e. material is always natural and hygienic. At the level of the genitals has a special opening for cans "tүbek", which drains urine from the bone is sawed "shүmek" - a device for draining urine. If the child is in the Besik, it is always dry, it lies in the cradle of warmth and is very convenient to transport the baby - that was very important for the nomads.
Forty days after the birth is traditionally held "kyrkynan shygaru", this rite, indicating that the child is fully grown, it holds the head. On this day, the first shear nails, shave hair on his head.
The first steps of the child accompanied by a special ritual of cutting a put - "Tus keser". Usually shackles cuts very energetic, active man, the child has grown man active and industrious.
At the age of 5 to 7 years Kazakhs decided to carry out the rite of circumcision in boys - "sundet that." Later this tradition that exists in some other peoples of the world, recognized and medicine as hygienic, useful and therapeutic procedures.
These traditions - this is only a small part of the Kazakh rites that accompany the birth and development of the child.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
while preserving the national traditions, transferring them from one generation to the next, any people remains as ethnic group.our ancestors are kazakhs - were nomadic and lived in harmony with nature. they read and carefully treated to native land, have praised the boundless steppes, blue mountains, crystal clear lakes and rivers, giving them a poetry name.respect to the senior, junior, hospitality, the ability to correctly decide disputes shows that relationship between the kazakhs were based on humane against each other.there are a lot of kazakh's rituals. a celebration of the birth of the baby, "шiлдехана», which involved only women. an experienced guest воспитавшая several children and grandchildren, puts the baby in the cradle, "бесiк». this necessarily carried out purification rituals "аластау» cradle is purification from evil spirits, girls under the pillow, put a comb and mirror, that was beautiful. бесик made of wood). the material always natural and and hygienic. at the level of the genitals is a special hole for a "түбек» where drains urine and bone выпиливается" шүмек» is used to drain urine. if the baby is in бесике, he always dry, is safe and convenient to transport the baby cradle, which was very important for travellers.in forty days after birth are traditionally "кыркынан шыгару", this rite, which indicated that the baby is strong enough, the holding head. on this day, for the first time, shear nails, сбривают hair on his head.the first steps of a child are accompanied by special ritual перерезания poot "тусау кесер». usually the chains to cut very energetic, driven person to baby man active and hard-working.in the age group of 5 to 7 years, kazakhs accepted conduct circumcision boys - "сундет той». later this tradition, and some of the other peoples of the world, recognized, and medicine, as гигиеничную, useful and therapeutic intervention.the tradition is only a small part of the kazakh ceremonies accompanying the birth and development of the child.
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