1. Когда он позвонил мне домой, мои родители сказали, что я уже ушел.  перевод - 1. Когда он позвонил мне домой, мои родители сказали, что я уже ушел.  английский как сказать

1. Когда он позвонил мне домой, мои

1. Когда он позвонил мне домой, мои родители сказали, что я уже ушел.
2. Она хотела побывать в городе, где она провела свое детство.
3. Когда начался урок, я повторял стихотворение в течение 15 минут.
4. К 10 часам вечера я съела все печенья.
5. Она добралась до своего дома очень поздно, потому что она заблудилась в темноте.
6. Моя подруга чувствовала себя плохо, потому что получила солнечный удар.
7. Она пожаловалась, что никто не помог ей выполнить это задание.
8. Когда я пришла домой, я увидела, что моя дочка читает книгу, которую я принесла ей из библиотеки.
9. Пока я делала уроки, моя сестра слушала музыку.
10. Мой учитель вошел в класс и увидел, что я читаю.
Перевести на английский язык (Past):
1. Когда он позвонил мне домой, мои родители сказали, что я уже ушел.
2. Она хотела побывать в городе, где она провела свое детство.
3. Когда начался урок, я повторял стихотворение в течение 15 минут.
4. К 10 часам вечера я съела все печенья.
5. Она добралась до своего дома очень поздно, потому что она заблудилась в темноте.
6. Моя подруга чувствовала себя плохо, потому что получила солнечный урок.
7. Она пожаловалась, что никто не помог ей выполнить это задание.
8. Когда я пришла домой, я увидела, что моя дочка читает книгу, которую я принесла ей из библиотеки.
9. Пока я делала уроки, моя сестра слушала музыку.
10. Мой учитель вошел в класс и увидел, что я читаю.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. When he called me home, my parents said I was already gone. 2. She wanted to visit the city where she spent her childhood. 3. When started lesson, I repeated the poem within 15 minutes. 4.10:00 pm I ate all the cookies. 5. She reached his home very late, because she wandered about in the dark. 6. My girlfriend felt bad because got sunstroke.7. She complained that nobody helped her to accomplish this task. 8. When I came home, I saw that my daughter is reading the book which I brought it from the library. 9. While I was doing the lessons, my sister listened to music. 10. My teacher walked into class and saw that I read. Translate into English (Past): 1. When he called me home, my parents said I was already gone. 2. She wanted to visit the city where she spent her childhood. 3. When started lesson, I repeated the poem within 15 minutes. 4.10:00 pm I ate all the cookies. 5. She reached his home very late, because she wandered about in the dark. 6. My girlfriend felt bad because got sunny lesson. 7. She complained that nobody helped her to accomplish this task. 8. When I came home, I saw that my daughter is reading the book which I brought it from the library. 9. While I was doing the lessons, my sister listened to music. 10. My teacher walked into class and saw that I read.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. When he called me at home, my parents said that I was gone.
2. She wanted to go to the city where she spent her childhood.
3. When did the lesson, I repeated a poem for 15 minutes.
4. By 10 o'clock in the evening I ate all the cookies.
5. She got to her house very late because she got lost in the dark.
6. My friend felt bad because it had a sunstroke.
7. She complained that no one helped her to perform the job.
8. When I came home, I saw that my daughter read the book I brought her out of the library.
9. While I did my homework, my sister, listening to music.
10. My teacher entered the classroom and saw that I read.
Translate to English (Past):
1. When he called me at home, my parents said that I was gone.
2. She wanted to go to the city where she spent her childhood.
3. When did the lesson, I repeated a poem for 15 minutes.
4. By 10 o'clock in the evening I ate all the cookies.
5. She got to her house very late because she got lost in the dark.
6. My friend felt bad because it got sunny lesson.
7. She complained that no one helped her to perform the job.
8. When I came home, I saw that my daughter read the book I brought her out of the library.
9. While I did my homework, my sister, listening to music.
10. My teacher entered the classroom and saw that I read.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. when he called me at home, my parents said that i'd already left.
2. she wanted to go to the city, where she spent her childhood.
3. when the lesson, i repeated the poem within 15 minutes.
4.by 10 o'clock tonight, i ate all the cookies.
5. she got to his home very late because she got lost in the dark.
6. my friend felt bad because i got sunstroke.
7. she complained,no one helped her to accomplish this task.
8. when i came home, i saw my daughter reading a book, which i brought her from the library.
9. while i was doing homework, my sister was listening to music.
10.my teacher entered the classroom and saw that i read.
translated into english (past):
1. when he called me at home, my parents said that i'd already left.
2. she wanted to go to the city, where she spent her childhood.
3.when the lesson, i repeated the poem within 15 minutes.
4. by 10 o'clock tonight, i ate all the cookies.
5. she got to his home very late because she got lost in the dark.
6.my friend felt bad because he got a lesson.
7. she complained that nobody helped her to accomplish this task.
8. when i came home, i saw my daughter reading booki brought her from the library.
9. while i was doing homework, my sister was listening to music.
10. my teacher entered the classroom and saw that i read.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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